Trip is cute! CUTE!
Trip is cute! CUTE!
somebody tell me where this cute cute meme originated
Why is Enslaved so underrated?
Monkey is cute! CUTE!
Awkward sounding translation from jap leads to that sort of thing.
Reminds me of
What game?
Enslaved is a really bad game.
>big teeth
>chink eyes
>oversized ears
>wide neck
>wide chin
>broad jaw
At least her teeth are on point.
description sounds more like an East Slav woman
a pussies a pussy
Senua gonna be cute, too, I hope
She's ugly in a cute way. for real.
She's cute in down syndrome way
I want to lick her tummy
Post her feet! FEET
she's going to fall into obscurity like Nariko and the rest of Ninja Theory's second rate crap.
here's a link to the part where Oolong gets a pig boner from being so close to Trip
Well, never been a fan of any Ninja Theory game, but I like what I saw for Hellblade for now. I'll definitely watch for this release
either trip has so much space between each of her teeth that you can see the blackness of her mouth in the gaps between them, or trip spends every second off screen smoking cigs
>your hand is right on my...
I can't believe this cutscene. I thought the link would be liek a har har he got aroused in a cartoonishly innocent way, but this is literally a pig boner
are there nude mode for Enslaved?
>No sfm porn of Trip
Feels bad desu
The closest would be her robot skin.
I have her model, but I'm not able to animate anything right now.
share the model, Ill do something with it
Its for Blender and xnalara instead of SFM, but you're free to try it.
Cam you extract Monkey too? I need some sweet vanilla porn between the two of them.
I didn't personally rip them. I just have access to them.
Super Mario Bros/Metroid
Probably Sup Forums