Is there a game with PvP balance this horrible?
Is there a game with PvP balance this horrible?
Any Smash game
League of Legends was popular for years.
>was popular
$1 billion in revenue last year...
Most heroes are played and there really isn't one that sticks out above all the rest except maybe Zarya. It is not greatly balanced but it's not horribly balanced.
I was under the assumption that they are losing fans rapidly, or is that just conjecture?
Despite countless retarded decisions that make LoL unfun, current LoL meta is probably one of the most balanced ones, comparatively speaking. In fact such strong handholding by Riot is what made game unfun.
It's honestly fine the way it is. Nothing is really truly OP but there are like 3 characters that are underpowered.
ProjectM is pretty decent.
mei and bastion are fucking broken
nerf when?
>nerf mccree
>tracer is now unstoppable
>Using a Ult to kill a Healer and heavily damage his teammates
>"lol dude gj wasting ur ult on a single dude not even mad faggot ;)"
There's no greater feeling.
>public shitters
t. Eternal shitters
>ProjectM is pretty decent.
The Mccree nerf has no effect on his ability to put down Tracers. Do you mean that Tracer is now more viable since there are jobs she can do that Mccree no longer can?
>there are only public games as of now
>What is grouping
>How do I into friends
t. people who have never played against high level tracers
What use is there to McCree? I barely even see him getting picked and I always feel I could be performing better if I had picked Reaper or 76 instead.
>never see double mccree any more (thank god)
>now I see double soldier 76 constantly instead
how do you counter this shit jfc, his ult pops up constantly and kills in 2 seconds
Probably should have said friendless then instead of public.
Amazing McCree player with godly aim>Soldier76>>mediocre McCree
Is the game already dying?
The game got Zero content and the ONLY thing you can do in this game is playing quick matches(And soon "competitive") quick matches, the game offers nothing more.
The only way this game could keep itself alive is if Blizzard would actually release content frequently...something that will never happen.
>McCree nerf was supposed to stop him from killing tanks while retaining his ability to murder tracer and genji
>They lazily nerfed it to the point where he can still murder tanks easily but now can't kill Genji's easily and him killing Tracers relies on if he can headshot or not(so shitters dont' pick him to counter anymore)
They fucked up, they fucked up really badly with the Mcree nerf.
He's still great if you can left-click, but there is no point to fan anymore except to kill tanks, and he no longer easily counters those he's supposed to.
Yeah they probably should. The general public (plebs) are playing one game whilst people who like multiplayer games are playing another though, so it's no surprise that the plebs have all these weird ideas about balance.
It's stupid that Genji is basically a McCree counter now but his original design was lazy too.
Genji already has a few counters, who counters him HARD, so I feel like it's a good tradeoff since he can't instagib tanks anymore.
Same goes for desu
Remember that time when she was a terminator?
He's the anti flanker.
Flash into a headshot instantly kills tracer. Zenyatta too I guess.
Flash into a fan forces reaper to fuck off in wraith form or else he dies.
Flash makes Genji stop fucking moving.
You are a shitter who has no concept of what a headshot is.
Winston is the only person I'd tap to counter a genji and even then good genji's just disengage while pegging someone else. He's too strong now this patch.
Its why she shouldn't be buffed in any real way, she was a turbo tracer-winston combo that shit all over both of them.
yes flash is still very valuable but you need help to quarantee the kills now unless you are right at their face and can can their face for 400 dmg
love the guy and would love to see a small buff, either up his close range or long range, atm he is medicore at all ranges and doesnt succeed in anything, 76 and reaper is always a better pick
Mcree's M2 actually has a lot of bullet spread, so naturally not every bullet is going to hit someone small like Tracer. It only killed her before because the bullets were really powerful.
Somoene huge like Reinhardt is going to take every bullet. Even with the nerfed damage, its still totals to about 540 damage, which will destroy most tanks.
The nerf did the exact opposite as intended.
TF2's pretty bad.
That shit is like 75% curb stomps.
its not the worst, but its bad, the bigger problems are the 20 tick rate and the "press q to win!" gameplay
not to mention no content and shit map design
winston, zarya, roadhog, symmetra
genji is extremely good but gets shut down harder than most other characters if the enemy team counters right
P:M and 64 both have amazing balance, Smash 4 has fairly decent balance (despite lackluster gameplay), Melee has great gameplay and acceptable balance (10/26 completely viable characters is actually really good for a 10+ year old game), Brawl's balance and gameplay are both dogshit.
The 20 tick myth was disproven.
Roadhog counters all sub 250 hp people because hook but otherwise I say nah. If anything he gives Genji free swords with his non-dropoff shurikens.
Zarya is annoying, that's it. Shields done you can plink away until sub 200 hp and then burst her.
Really? You playing against wood league players or something that just stand there in the beam? In no world would a good genji ever lose to a sym.
No way Genji gets countered by Zarya unless they're retarded, just wait till her shield falls and she's an easy kill with how little damage her gun does without charges and unless the Zarya is amazing, following a Genji can be hard as fuck with them zipping through you. Plus if Zarya does have a charge Genji can just disengage easily.
I personally think Genji/Tracer are the two heroes who if played well are totally broken since anything that counters can just be avoided, if the player is good on those two they can just dominate so fucking hard compared to anyone, but at the same time a mediocre player on those two are completely useless free kills.
>every time my friend plays roadhog he bitches the entire round about roadhog's hook being bugged
What has to happen for a hooked Pharah to survive hook/shoot/melee? I've seen my friend hook 200 hp heroes like Pharah and just not kill them.
I genuinely do not believe that, especially if Blizzard said it
They'll be releasing content for free, albiet slowly.
The thing that needs to be added is servers. I wanna play with people that actually communicate.
The game has 12 fairly good maps, with 21 heroes. It might not be worth $60 or $40 but that isn't bad
Sometimes the hook pulls the hero through you or off to the side and you can't turn and land all the projectiles from your shotgun into them and they can use their jumps/counters.
Also if he straight up just doesn't aim center mass and land all the projectiles they'll usually survive.
You have to miss with your shotgun. After a hook, you do have to aim because it doesn't just pull characters directly in front of you. I think this is a bug but there are times when you hook someone but then get pulled behind you
>nerf mcree
>genji is now unstoppable
You are now hard countered by genji as mcree.
I want blizzard to stop
So how do I get good at the game? Does it just take time or is there more to it
What is Monkey Man?
Just play the game, takes time to learn maps, how heroes are going to react to situations, and just generally aiming better.
Know when to switch character and who to switch to
I've played every char, and can say without a doubt most chars are balanced fairly well. The only imbalances occur typically with multiples of certain heroes, but even then its easy to handle.
So what do I do if my teammates are completely retarded? I wanna work as a team, but if they're doing something else I don't wanna go in alone.
What the fuck, I didn't post this image. This board has been fucking up for me HARD lately.
So does the eye just memorize what was in the blind spot and keep that consistant in the brain or something?
It happens, even if they're retarded sticking near them can be useful just so they're targets, and don't go into objectives solo, if you see only 1 person on your team alive dont just go charging in, wait till they respawn. Game sense is actually pretty big even if you're not mechanically that good at aiming, you can make a pretty big difference.
More like
>Nerf Widow
>Tracer can now bully your team
McCree was never the best answer to Tracer since any half-decent Tracer can bait out flashbang. Since Widow now does 120 damage bodyshots, there is no easymodo hero that can reliably one-shot her.\
Also, stop playing KOTH exclusively or trying to chase down Tracers like a bot.
Often times switching or following someone else can be handy for that. Other times you just need to man up and go out yourself.
>Quickly take A
>Fail to take B
Every single game
Everytime we barely get A, we get B easily
>quickly take A
>kill those people that came to defend point A
>kill those 3 people on point B
>win the game
Every single game
When I saw that thread pop up I expected better results, this is shit.
Probably the worst mosaic I have ever witnessed.
You're not supposed to be able to guarantee a kill by just hitting E. That's the whole point.
Because Roadhog is bugged.
Sometimes enemies get pulled behind you.
Also using the ultimate makes him jerk upwards for some weird reason. Not sure if they fixed it yet