50% off on Steam

>50% off on Steam

What's your excuse, Sup Forums? Why aren't you literally playing Battleborn RIGHT this second?

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>50% off 59.99
You know you can get it for $15 right?
I mean hell even on there site it's not 59.99

Its not even worth the download waiting time.

>inb4 a gorrilion OW shills

That looks so bad I'm inclined to think it was done on purpose. No way people consider that design to be appealing, I refuse to believe it.

looks like that nigga on the far cry 3 box

I don't like mobas

I wouldn't play this turd if it was free. Not freemium, free.

If they PAID ME right fucking now 10 dollars to get to play their game i would say no thank you. What does that tell you about battleborn?

OP here, it tells me that you're an Overwatch player who no regard for a game that takes skills and complex game mechanics.

This game is literally Vampire the bloodlines masquerade of shooters. Overwatch is a bland no skill huge hitbox shooter with a forgettable and boring cast of characters.

Why are all characters in this game so fucking ugly?

Because it's shit.

Damn bro, you are trying really hard at this baiting thing.

Take a break.

tell me why I should

Lmfao can you Gearbox shills speak in anything but fucking memes and namedrops.

im not an overwatch play though. I dont care for either game

Overwatch wishes its characters were this hot

If they paid me $30 I may sit in que and make it look like other players are playing this abortion.

How am I baiting in something I know that's a fact?
Battleborn takes skills and isn't as casual as Overawtch, hence why it has lower amount of players. The learning curve is much steeper with much more intricate gameplay mechanics - it's much more fun, too.

People are shitting on Gearbox because of slanderous bullshit rumors going on about Aliens Colonial Marines and Duke Nukem Forever.

Already have the game and enjoying it. On PS4, the game has much more players than Overwatch.

Why is Overwatch being brought into this I thought Battleborn devs tried to make it clear they are completely different games?

It's 30 bucks now? Why wasn't it 30 or 40 dollars to begin with?

Woah, you've convinced me.

I am now #BornForBattle.

I got a superior game off of steam from this sale

jesus christ everything about that character seems obnoxious

>How am I baiting in something I know that's a fact?

Damn son, is this your first day on the job? You gotta step up your baiting game.

Go to bed Randy

my standards are low but not that low

xcom 2?


Jesus Christ.

I bought Senran instead
Don't regret it

because they have to compare Overwatch to something.

Like when people were shtting on DmC being a bad game, the shills would call them MGR fanboys

why do you keep comparing it to overwatch? It's like you can't keep the two out of the same sentence. They're two different games, you know.


Great game. Current Battleborn players should go easy on newer players to foster more players in the community instead of driving them out.

Guys please get this game, it's really good.

no, I got X-Com 2 on launch

cropped out the taskbar

jet set radio?

>Guys please get this game, it's really good.

no thanks

Overwatch isn't the one that needs shills right now ;)

>jet set radio?

got that when Sup Forums announced that it was free.

The E.Y.E. looking motherfucker and the Voodoo thing with the awful voice acting are literally the only decent designs in the whole fucking game, it's incredible.

everything about this is just so awful.
The humor is terrible, just pop-culture refence and gearbox's weird irony; all the characters other than the fancy robot, generic masked soldier, and mushroom mage look terrible; but above all else the gameplay looks so painfully slow.

It seems interesting but only a few characters appeal to me and the moba mechanics might put me off. I don't think ill pay more than 10 or 15 for this game.Also the low population and HUD would drive me nuts.

Overwatch is jump in and jump out gameplay and most matches last around 8-10 minutes. So its scratching my fps itch without too much commitment.

Noire godwhatever?

It almost looks sort of fun; unfortunately the lack of a player base, the fact that everyone everywhere is making fun of it, and the fact that the current player base is cringy as fuck and HAS to compare it to overwatch every second when the completely different games is just going to make it fall more an more into obscurity

this sickens me

I'm not enough of a badass to play this badassery right here, cupcake.

I really hope gearbox dug their own grave with this game.

>Noire godwhatever?

Nope. Got that on Launch
>mfw playing it

I got it. L4D2

that was also free