Do you want the next Metroid game to be 3d or 2D?
Do you want the next Metroid game to be 3d or 2D?
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2D. I like 3D and all, but with experimenting with the formula with Other M and Federation Force, I think they need to try to capture the original spirit of the games with a more traditional 2D game.
Assuming you mean 2D sidescroller versus first person 3D, 2D.
The camera just doesn't work in 3D metroids. Limiting your field of view so much is awful in an exploration based game.
Especially when jumping.
3D obviously.
I want a Metroid game built off of the Tomb Raider/Uncharted formula.
2D, and it's already happening. AM2R is gonna be pretty good, especially from what I've played.
>implying that there will ever be another metroid game
Beggars can't be choosers.
2D or 3D is fine. Just as long as the game ends up being good.
Neck yourself.
I want it to be good. 2D or 3D is fine by me, just make it good. Series had a virtually perfect streak until Other M.
>VR game with Samus
>Latex fleshlight attachment for maximum immersion
No joke, I'd buy VR for this
I could never figure out what's going on in this image.
To answer you question, I couldn't stomach the gameplay of the Primes so I'd say 2D. We need a RoS remake with Super's color scheme and grimdarkness no AM2R pls
>put cock here
I don't really care. They're both good. Even Other M style gameplay would be good if they didn't intentionally fuck it up again.
>We need a RoS remake with Super's color scheme and grimdarkness
This, plus its field of view. Voila, possibly one of the best Metroid games ever made.
I want to lick Samus' sweaty armpit!
I know it's probably a meme at this point, but I really liked the prime trilogy on Wii, up to that point I never really tried metroid and I felt like it filled that missing spot in the nintendo repertoire of games that was about first person shooting except it wasn't JUST about that, the exploration was neat, the main heroine was cool, it was like discovering a whole new realm of possibilities, something I hadn't felt since playing half life 2.
With that said I feel like the role of a bounty hunter for samus has been a bit underplayed so I would like them to make a game similar to how Prey 2 was originally announced, with you roaming around the galaxy hunting bitches and having lots of cool sidequests about clients and shit.
I'd personally prefer the next Metroid to be 3D. I'd also like a return to the first person perspective. I think it's a good fit for Metroid's long-ranged combat, exploration and atmosphere. However, I'd see a point in making a 2D Metroid if the developers intended to focus more on the platforming aspects of the game.
I don't care, as long as its not uninspired plastic spinoff garbage.
This desu senpai
No thankyou. We had those because of technical restraints that are no longer in place. A game can be based around challenging movement without so rigidly defined.
Are you replying to a specific post and simply forgot to quote it or do you refer to the Metroid franchise in general when you speak about platformers? Because Metroid games usually are so much more than just a mere platformer.
I don't think we will ever see a metroid game ever again.
The last time the series was brought back up was thanks to retro studios, now the main people who worked on the prime series left nintendo and are working on ReCore and the last "proper" metroid game was that team ninja turd other M, so now Nintendo is scared shitless and probably doesn't know where to bang their head next.
>ZeroSuit fags
>homosexual armorfags
>not wanting to embrace samus's sweaty and muscled firm body after a day adventuring in the suit
>not understanding Samus's lack of charcter
>you will never lick the sweat off Samus' body
>Samus will never rub your dick with her feet while you sniff her butt
2D with 3d graphics with no change of perspective. Remake of 1, 2, and Super but all with new stuff like a real remake, just following the same kinda story.
that's a little far, sweat is one thing, literal shit and feet is not my jam.
Wwhichever one is better at facilitating shithole remodeling.
I fucking love the Prime games but I want a 2D one because I recently played Super for the first time and loved it. I want more of that shit although I found the Prime games better than Super.
I want to wring out her zero suit onto my face
There will, it will just be retarded shit that no-one asked for like a vehicle shooter.
The entire fucking point of Samus' design is contrast.
So long as the game is good, either is fine.
Ideally, I'd like both (like when Fusion & Prime released on the same day) but that will never happen again.
I don't want a new Metroid game at all until Nintendo gets their shit together.
Other M and Fed Force are cool ideas for games that were fucked up on nearly every possibly level.
Why is it that zerosuit fags are almost never actually fans of metroid? They're usually just smashfags.
Anyways I think a new 2D game should be made before a new 3D one. Nintendo is less likely to fuck up a 2D game.
I want the next Metroid game to be GOOD. Let's start with that
What if metroid was a third person shooter sort of like dead space?
What if metroid could crawl?
I want a GOOD 3D Metroid. With shine sparking and free wall jumping. FPS, TPS, doesn't matter. Metroid Prime was fast enough.
they could turn it into New Super Metroid
*Metroid Prime was not fast enough
They should put the speed booster in a prime game. Make it so that using it makes you run as fast as the run in the original doom and let you shinspark.
VR where I get to be a sexy samus and look at my butt in the mirror and put on my armor piece by piece and use weapons and stuff
How come you fags always show up in almost any thread Zero suit is posted in, does it trigger you that much?
What are you smoking? Only shine sparking on dev-placed speed boosters? That's not what makes the mechanic so great. Go back to Metroid Fusion you fraud.
>qt gynoid Mother Brain will never be in another Metroid game
Wasted character concept to be honest. Fuck you Sack-a-shit-moto
these two along with this one are the best art of samus in existance
Old Bird wont be coming back, will he?
Shit is disgusting. Just imagine her musk though.
forgot pic
No, it would work like a regular upgrade like in the 2D games. I don't know where you got that idea from my post. All I said was that the movement speed would be as fast as doom.
Oh I read "speed booster" as in like the ones in the Sonic games. I forgot that's what the item's called. My bad. Yes, Doom speed would be good, maybe a little faster.
>not this one
"around here"
"around this"
"this here"
>implying I don't already have that one along with it's variants
Agreed, m'gentlesir. Us true gentlemen are attracted to the armor!
You'll never see this design for Samus again either.
Why did her best outfit have to be in her worst game?
This. Also her young GF soldier uniform and hair
I play the games because the armor is fucking cool, not because of the bitch inside you fucking waifufag
You know a typical fedora whiteknight stereotype would be the one being a waifu fag right?
A new Metroid Prime on the NX, set after Metroid Fusion pls
There's nothing wrong with liking Samus you fucking MRA faggot
correct, the real Samus
b-but Prime games only take place between NEStroid and RoS
>that FUCKHUGE Kraid
>that sleek and slender Sammy
Everything about that image is godtier
2D pixel graphics eroge.
>The next metroid game will be set before Samus became a Space bounty hunter
>It'll be about her life as a half chozo and her obtaining her abilities.
>It will literally be 13 years old Samus with a story as shitty and moe pandering as Rabi-Ribi with aesthetics just as bad.
Will you play it? I'd fucking love it.
Is this even a damn question, 2D.
A new 2D game on the 3DS would be pretty neat.
/ss/ samus is best samus
Kind of ironic to have Samus hug Mega Man of all characters isn't it? Considering their franchises.
They have a similar aesthetic and their franchises are both in the shitter right now
If Starfox Zero is anything to go by just leave the franchise dead.
2D now that you mention it. It's been so long since one was made, it would be a great choice.
Also how many are willing to bet that all of the ZSSfags haven't even played a Metroid game and only like her from smash and fap material.
Varia Suit Samus is the real true Samus.
>varia suit Samus is the one true Samus
You got that right, baby.
>go through the effort of justifying the plot with the game lore
>get the lore completely wrong anyway
I don't understand.
>Varia Suit Samus is the real true Samus.
>not RoS power suit Samus
baka famalams
The Prime games are the only good Metroid games.
go fuck a rusty shovel
>I'm a Primefag
I want Retro studios to make a 2d game.
2D Metroids belong to Sakamoto and EPD.
Will the "Varia Suit" ever be properly localized as the "Barrier Suit"?
It's been so long since we last got a Metroid game that I'd really hope they'd take the opportunity to properly name the damn suit.
I want more armpits.
Is Samus a bounty hunter or part of the federation? It seems to change every game.
Every single Zero Suit Samus thread just proves what a mistake the Zero Suit was to Samus design.
It's fine as a spin off suit but now it has become its own thing, almost turning into a character itself. The final nail was when it got adopted by 14 year olds with literal shit fetishes.