


Hating on destiny is a meme. An old one at that .

what the fuck happened?

I put in 50 hours on it when it first came out, had a blast but there was nothing to do when you finished the campaign.

Why do you want it so bad, OP? do you have any idea how terrible the endgame is?

cmon shill keep track of what game you're payed to protect



He is not saying its 15% off, he is saying it has a 15% rating.

fucking retard

I got played like a damned fiddle and i have noone else to blame but myself.

Everybody else pushed this idea that it was going to be a third person shooting mmo set in a post apocalypse-ish setting, with raids and pvp and and everything else an MMO released past 2010 has to offer, that was never really promised.

Got to 30, tried the first raid and then i stopped playing, looked good though.

Pretty sure he's joking retards

Smart enough to know Ubisoft business formula doesn't include making games I'd enjoy beyond a few hours.

Hope some of you have begun to pick up on that.

The sad thing is even after this, Watchdogs, and the two or three AssCreed games everyone is still gonna fall for Ubisoft's shit with Watchdogs 2 repeating the cycle.

Seen any for honor threads recently? I hope these are just summerfags, because noone else has an excuse for it.

Fuck Ubisoft

>this slog of shit came with my GPU

it's a joke genius, he's saying they're the same game

You're not even shilling for the right game.

It doesn't matter. They already got their money.

When did your love for vidya die, Sup Forums?

Vivendi takeover when

I can't even begin to describe what it was like being a teenager in the 90s. Games were increasing in quality at an unbelievable rate. There was so much optimism.

I no longer believe that games get better. Only more polished and covered in more baubles.

I think >pic related was the last of many nails in the coffin for me

just this week actually

The PC version is completely broken.
Almost everything is done and trusted client-side, so anybody can give themselves infinite HP, or even kill everyone close to them instantly.
Ubisoft has said they have no plans to fix this.

what happened?

Why would they make a multiplayer game so easily hackable?

So they can buy cheap servers
Just buy it on consoles, it works there :^)

It wasn't intentional, it's just a good old case of developer incompetence

Seems like somewhere in the thousand man team that made the game there would be someone experienced enough with MP to know how they were doing it was a bad idea

Never underestimate how deep the retardation rabbit hole goes within the Ubisoft staff.

Because it's a console port. it always was a console port.