Musou games : Plague or cancer?

Musou games : Plague or cancer?

Are generally really fun especially if they implement coop, otherwise they're pretty much all the same.

There's also Musou games that are even more retarded like Dragon Quest Heroes that have the perfect potential to have coop but don't.

Best genre.

They're constantly made
They constantly sell
They're consistently mediocre
They're constantly gaining more and more IP's to adapt

They won't ever go away

Musous are as brain dead as its fan base.

There is just too many of them

>Its the "STOP HAVING FUN" Episode #245

Fun sure is a luxury around here

Musou games are made for having a break from other harder games
i don't see a problem

they are this

>buy random musou on ps3 flash sale
>pop in out the ass

without violence, story, coop and decent ai i just dont see whats fun in there. Only game i liked was Warriors: Legends of Troy and it was guilty pleasure because blood and compering it to actual story.

Cancer, basically call of duty tier at this point

Sengoku basara 4: sumeragi is great too

Musou games are for people who doesn't have much time for playing vidya and want to relax.

>pop in out the ass


What do you expect from Japanese games that aren't made on a huge budget?

The pirate warrior games are God tier.

The Gundam ones were pretty dope. None of the others are very good in my opinion though. Having the characters be robots that can boost and fly and shoot and transform into planes and shit does wonders for play-ability in that series. In general the controls generally felt more polished. Also the level of fanservice in the Gundam Musou games was far beyond that of other Musou IPs.

>MFW I turned Heero into a Cyber-Newtype so that he could use funnels and joined the Titans

If only they were able to licence the Japanese soundtracks for the western releases they'd be perfect.

>>pop in out the ass
You must be talking about Basara, it's a yaoi series from Capcom, not musou.

Pirate Warriors 2 has great enemy count

But this Warriors Orochi shit has low texture stupidly humongous maps with empty spaces until mooks pop up in front of you

I liked both Hokuto Musous. They're the only ones I've ever been able to fully complete.

A well known franchise getting a musou -game usually means a missed opportunity.

Never played one in my life, the little of I saw of berserk was sick though

What Musou game has the best strategy elements? I loved being able to control squads in one of the PS2 Dynasty Warriors games but I'd still like to see more RTS elements in future Musou games.

I just started Warriors 3 and im enjoying myself.
I have the feeling that it'll get boring very fast though.

these are just the LEGO games of the west, no?

I don't think there is a genre more shit than Musou
It just feels like a sub-genre designed for low budget crap, like:
>So let's try to make a great beat em ups guys
>Huh it's actually hard to make great fighting system...
>We ran out of time and budget and all we got is a bare bones fighting system with a grand total of 5 different combos.. literally no level design.. puke inducing graphics.. No physics engine... Greg over there managed to model one enemy... fuck...
>Guys I got an idea
>Keep the shitty fighting system as our core gameplay,
>But it's shi...
>WAIT! Mike can you make a plane and color it green? That'll be our level. Greg, that enemy, how many time can you duplicate it?
>"I don't know, if we keep these puke-inducing graphics, I would say.. a fuckton of times sir"
>alright do it but then take the texture of the model and slide the HUE bar left and right a bunch of times, then duplicate these again and give more health to these recolored enemies, scale up one of them we'll call it a boss.
>But sir, how do we make money?
>That technique I gave you to create new enemies, we'll use it on the main character and sell the recolered ones as DLCs

I played 2 & 3 and they were shite.

Hyrule Warriors: Legends is the only one that's somewhat enjoyable and even that becomes repetitive really fast.

>without violence, story, coop and decent ai
Musous have all three do you just shit post or actually play video games?

LEGO games are actually really good.

>Plague or cancer?
both. literally always the same fucking game with different art assets. so fucking boring. none of them feel satisfying to play either.

I don't think I've ever seen a good musou.
Musou = kuso

I can only enjoy the if they are existing series.

I can't enjoy mainline musou outside of 6 and maybe 8.
Thanks like hyrule warriors, pirate warriors, ken's rage, stuff like them.

>smash this thing
>rebuild it
>smash these armies
>capture their fort
both sound pretty monotonous to me.

>none of them feel satisfying to play either.
>He doesn't get off on slaughtering armies solo
Musos aren't for faggots witch you seem to be.

Absolute cancer. It's absolutely fucking maddening that Tecmo Koei both have the best and worst battle systems ever made in videogames AND THEY DECIDE TO MILK THE WORST ONE

>None of them feel satisfying to play either.
This is the worst. It plays like shit, everything is weightless.
Which is really sad because the premise of fighting hordes of enemies could be interesting.

>3d ninja gaiden
>good battle system


You can't argue against this fact, idiot, don't even try again.

Quit playing on easy or normal faggot. On the harder difficults even the normal army men can destroy you quick if you aren't quick and get surrendered.

>He doesn't get off on slaughtering armies solo
i would if it actually felt that way though. they never do. i mean you already have tons of people complaining about the new berserk musou that doesn't even have dismemberment. i tried playing the hokuto no ken ones because i wanted to ATATATA and those games felt the slowest to me out of ALL of them, when it should've been the fastest. absolute dogshit.

Plagues can be cured and culled.

>Inb4 the cure for cancer actually exists but only the 1% has access to it because reasons

I was disappointed when they revived the Ninja Gaiden series only to turn it into that trash.

>3d ninja gaiden
>good battle system


Musou isn't great and is milked, but 3d ninja gaiden isn't either

nah outside of the fan wank cutscenes like char manhandling Heero in a Zaku II I get nearly no joy out of them.

Hokuto no ken ones were shit but Musou in general can be good and fun when played on hard. I will admit easy and normal is just like playing a rpg in god mode though.

I pity your shit tastes, but maybe the games was too hard for your casual self.

You can dumb down any genre to this you know?

>aim on this guy

>hit this guy
>hit him until you win


You obviously haven't played LEGO games to say this, or maybe you just dislike adventure games revolving around puzzles and simplistic combats.
LEGO games have pretty good writing despite being low budget. And they have all kinds of puzzles and interactions, there is also some variety in the levels and you can feel like the people who made this actually cared, unlike Musous. They even feel like retro adventure games sometimes.

I love Musou because beat-em-ups are all but dead, and I'll never stop playing Musou games.
Go back to your SJW shootan gaems.

Only good Musou is this one.

That's a cute boy

Yeah, I don't understand why they reused the name of a mediocre old and generic 2D BTA for the masterpiece that is NG Black on Xbox.

If they innovated the formula a bit, it could be pretty fun. More depth to things, better combat system, more content variety. But it's always the same thing.

What would you rather have for some of the franchises they turn into musou games, a bunch of rhythm games instead?

The genre has it's place and purpose. You people baffle me with your rectal rustling over these games.

>guy disagrees with you about the control scheme being good
>you have nothing to refute with and just instead call him a casual who can't handle the game's difficulty
>nothing to do with the control scheme

dumb born after 98 secondary

I'll keep playing the source material while you play your vastly inferior "reboot".

she's gonna appear in a later arc, i bet

Because making games like Ninja Gaiden actually require some work and talent so you can fuck it up easily, you need great game designers great level designers and even better AI programmers.

Musou games are hard to fail (No Level design, limited AI). And they're low budget as fuck so there is barely any risk, combine that with the fact that they can make Musou for beloved anime franchises that will sell a lot even if the game is mediocre and you got the recipe for the cancer of Japanese video games.


How do I in to musou on PC? Is it even possible?

>best musou had their worst pc port yet.

I'm still mad.

Which curse is better?
Low budget musou game or low budget Platinum game?

I enjoy them. I also enjoyed the first Drakengard.

Name 2 musou games that do not do this. IE: Exactly the same.
You can't. They all change shit around a bit with every different game. It's a different experience each time, even if the gameplay distills to PUSH-BUTTON-GUY-DOES-THING.

>best musou had a pc port that actually ran on my toaster

Loving every kek

they're 3d beat em ups, i don't see the big deal

Popeye Musou when?

How is that related to the feel of the game?
It feels like I'm cutting through grass because enemies are like one huge compact mass.
The feedbacks and the sound design are also often cheap as fuck and that doesn't help either.

Which is why he said "IF they innovated".

The port is good though, it even has a modding community.

I heard Dragon Quest Heroes was good...

Finally a wise person.

>literally always the same fucking game with different art assets

Except they're not. Every game does SOMETHING new.

>so fucking boring. none of them feel satisfying to play either.

Well then they aren't for you.


After dynasty warriors 7 Musou games changed for the worse. The found a way to copy and past the game code and only change the sprites. That why they are making musou everything now.

The xbox Kingdom Under Fire games are the most strategic but you might find the musou part lacking, it only triggers when your unit clashes with another and won't have you single-handedly winning a battle like in DW

There's also the DW: Empires series but they've been stripping down the kingdom management every entry since it left the PS2, and that was never deep to start with

Ninety Nine Nights has squads you can command to follow and lead into battle, but from what I remember they're meatshields more than anything


And I'm saying they do, and the faggot is either running the goalposts or has not played more than one Musou game (if even one).

If you want to translate what happens in your image into a video game, you're thinking beat em ups, not Musou.

If your webm was Popeye hitting back a big swamp composed of the same animal, then yes, you want a Musou.

I used to like the genre as a youngling, but the games never evolved since then so I cant be arsed to play them. They all feel the same they felt nearly 10 years ago. Its a stale genre thats afraid of innovation.

She literally fell and broke her neck and was cremated.

Not likely.

Goddamn Olive is a tough bitch.

The port is literally PS3 graphics with fucked up lighting. The most modding did was fix the lighting, it still looks horrible.


you wa shock

that North Star game was so bad. Goddamn.

Dynasty Warriors 8 was neat though, I played a good chunk of that before getting burned out.

Really? I feel the opposite where I hated them when young and now I love them. There's just something satisfying about always having a safe purchase and knowing that you're going to get exactly what you want when you buy it.

You heard wrong.

But it isn't. Modding fixed the draw distance, shadows, saturation, and limited character roster. And you can further tweak visuals/textures if you want.

The lighting is the same as PS4.

the mcdonald of video game
the call of duty of beat em up game
the japanese call of duty
the chinese product made by japanese
the league of legend of japanese game
the muslim of video game

Still waiting on anyone to name two Musou games that are exactly the same.


>the japanese call of duty

But that's literally Call of Duty. They love it in Japan.

>draw distance, shadows, saturation
Oh joy, I can look at the godawful textures better now.

>you can further tweak visuals/textures if you want
[citation needed]

>The lighting is the same as PS4.

>the japanese call of duty
I would actually attribute that to Super Robot Wars. Or maybe that's the japanese Madden.

Both. Literal garbage that people with the shittiest taste imaginable just gobble up.

>word: musou

Where the fuck did this word come from and why are people suddenly calling these shit games that. I've literally never heard of it before in my life until this new Berserk game came to light.

>the muslim of video game

it ruins every franchise it touches?

I like them, fuck you ;)

it's 'failed potential, the video game'. It's the one time they decided to do something different with the formula and it ruins the game.

Instead of running around large battlegrounds to take out bases and eventually defeating the commander it's either a 'PROTECT THIS NPC/INSTALLATION' or 'WAIT OUT THIS TIMER'.

Doesn't help that the majority of movesets were rather boring compared to modern musou games as well.

nah, it is like by many people, it exist since ps1 and it will never go away

>Where the fuck did this word come from

It means Unrivalled and it's the name of the franchise in Japan.