Just finished the original MML

>Just finished the original MML
>It was amazing

What the fuck, this game was full of love and ambition to be a great game and did well at it. Hurts seeing 3 was cancelled so many years ago

How does 2 compare to 1? Is it as clunky?

Other urls found in this thread:


It's smoother and the action is improved in general, strafing works and you can move and shoot.

It's a little looser, you explore multiple islands but none of them are as detailed as MML's was. There's still a ton to do and it's got some of the best scenes, though, as it really went deeper into the world and the characters and their relationships.

That sounds like a really good sequel then. Did these games sell well or no?

The thing is, legends is a good game, but it wasnt a good megaman game. Also the PS version sucks compared to megaman 64.

Megaman fans dont want openworld exploratory titles or infinite amounts of dialogue. We just want to kill bad dudes and pick stages from stage select.

Battle Network and Megaman Zero are frustrating in the same way: because it's a good game series trapped behind mountains upon mountains of cinematic experience, dialogues and basically not megaman gameplay.

Why is the n64 version better?


of course not. otherwise we would have had legends 3 ages ago.

MML 2 was good, and if you're still yearning for more of the universe, The misadventures of Tron Bonne will satisfy a bit more.

I actually just replayed 2 myself not so long ago. It is decidedly less clunky, but you also have to deal with the Nino Island Ruins, which depending on your tolerance may make your want to kill yourself.

Is that it...?

I guess I see your point with all that

And draw distance
And framerate
And less lag
And motion of the models

Hopefully it's relatively easy for a small studio to create something similar to Megaman Legends 3. I would dump so much money on a shitty Kickstarter.

...Should we tell him?

user, i got a sad truth to tell you: 3D tools for content creation are just a little better than they was in the N64 days...

>legends is a good game, but it wasnt a good megaman game.
Once people learn to accept every sub-series isn't about fighting ____ man, they'll enjoy themselves a lot more. Was I disappointed "Megaman 64" wasn't based around going from stage to stage beating robot masters? Sure, but I wasn't let down once I discarded my expectations of what Megaman was.

Volnutt is still very much a Megaman. At least in my mind.


I remember some time ago there was this group making a legends fangame. it was more focused on the exploring ruins aspect and had use of a flashlight, and stuff like that, and enemies were more deadly.

It was called ASH (spooky coincidence) 'Another Story in Halcyon'


but the devs disappeared and stopped updating

In MML2 you can grab roll's ass in the earlier snow area

Not him but
>And framerate
>And less lag
huh? But theyre fine either way, especially with emulation. Draw distance should be irrelevant as well, you're not going to die seeing foggy trees

W-What.. Was that fan project cancelled?

>Mario fans dont want RPG mechanics or infinite amounts of dialogue. We just want to stomp turtles and go right.

Megaman Legends 1 was a greatest hit title, meaning it sold at least 250k copies. That's not terrible. It was mostly Capcom's complete lack of marketing and completely underproducing copies that fucked over the Legends series.

Emulation don't change framerate. Ironically enough, its even a plus for N64 since it removes a lot of frame lag, making it even smoother.

The N64 version is a mixed bag. Less polygon tearing, but shorter view distances. No FMV's or music clips in the music store, but no long load times. Take whichever sounds more important to you.

>Megaman fans dont want openworld exploratory titles or infinite amounts of dialogue. We just want to kill bad dudes and pick stages from stage select.
While I wished there were quicker skip methods for some dialogue scenes, fuck you the ZX series was great.

>grab roll's ass
Thanks for the heads up

Don't expect much. She slaps you.

You're better than most. At this point the controls are enough to turn someone away, but if you stick it out theres a modest little game under there. Glad you enjoyed it.

Feast your eyes on Keiji "Con Man" Inafune's Mighty Number Legends, designed to be the Mighty Number 9 for Mega Man Legends.

The kickstarter was a miserable failure because they kept changing what the hell the kickstarter was even for (first it was just for a "prologue", then it was for the addition chapters after the prologue, then they got publishing money from a nothing Chinese investor so the kickstarter was for ???). Then about halfway through they released a "prototype demo" that was effectively the Apple Market from MML1 because of complaints that they had nothing but concept art to show, and it was horrifically bad.

To cap it all off, they launched and concluded the kickstarter right before MN9's original release date, and despite the fact that retailers had begun changing the release date of MN9, Comcept didn't tell backers that MN9 was delayed until AFTER the campaign for this was over. And of course, even if the game was a smashing success, Mega Man is still on the moon.

tl;dr If Legends had a chance of ever coming back, Red Ash effectively killed it by being a horribly run kickstarter that generated negative hype.

>BN and Zero
>cinematic gameplay
>We want
You should learn not to speak for the entire Internet

Mega Man Legends is a pre-Ocarina of Time game and it shows in terms of controls, but the amount of options with special weapons, the cutscenes, and the overall game are surprisingly really damn impressive and tend to get glossed over as "that zelda ripoff mega man game". Legends 2 refined the gameplay significantly to the point that shooting and moving was mostly possible besides with specific circumstances, and the dungeons were more refined trials and puzzles compared to the weird interlocked and semi-open horror-ambient dungeons of the first. The game lost the sheer scope but gained a better sense of direction, of sorts.

I can always recommend The Misadventures of Tron Bonne on PSN, though, if you really like Tron and minigame collections with some action here and there.

Mr. Con Man really knows how to light up my night.

also everything is blurry

Mr con man is really on a streak what the fuck

>Megaman Legends 3 will never be real.

Forever m/sad

red ash failed because they decided to kickstart the game AND an anime for it at the same time, thus splitting the backers.

also MN9 wasnt even out yet and the drama over it was in full swing, so people felt it extremely cheap that he was ALREADY kickstarting another game before releasing the first one

going into ML2 was jarring because I couldnt understand why he sounded like one of the Sailor Scouts suddenly.

I've been hearing MML get a ton of shit lately but I remember loving the fuck out of it back in the day.

Fun fact, his new voice actor in MML2 was the mayor from MML1

I'd pay the 7k

>No FMV's
This is... a bad thing?

I would a brown Roll.

>Also the PS version sucks compared to megaman 64.

The only Megaman games were Classic and X.
All the other series are just misusing Megaman's name.

Oh yeah, X. You know, the series in which half the games aren't even good.

But spin offs have always been a thing. Legends kept some good elements from the actual series as well

Y'know I'm reminded how much I fucking hated that the premise of this character was to produce a Roll Casket, for whom Tron's character assassination was accurate.

Ashy Call is a nice design, but that's because she's an even more blatant knock off of Ai-chan of Yatterman than Legends Roll was.

and the half that are good are widely considered the best in the series, if not some of the best platformers of all time


>half aren't good
X1 is good and that's it, X2 is decent I guess.

What the hell happened after x4?

I don't think you understand what spin-offs are.

What the hell happened before it?
X3 was undercooked even more than MM3 was back in its time - terrible boss AI, questionable soundtrack, drawn-out uninspired levels with constant pacebreakers
X4 is great, fantastic even until you realize it's essentially Zero's game
X5 is a hodgepodge of gimmicks that are at odds with one another at all times, and a bit of a schizophrenic difficulty as well
X6 is bad, so bad
Mighty Number X7 is a joke
Only by X8 they kinda returned to form, but that was too little too late.

I need to play legends,I really dig the artstyle and the gameplay looks good,it's actually on my phone right now but I've been busy with other titles as well.

please dont play it on your phone

But literally get an upgrade discount if you peek on her taking a bath

Doesn't grabbing Roll fill up the evil meter so you have to donate to a church in order for Roll to take that bath?

>options with special weapons
This has always been my biggest point of spite with the first game.

It sure feels like there's only 4 special weapons.
Cannons, In the Powered/Active/Spread buster
Grenades, in the Splash Mine, Grenade Arm, and Grand Grenade
The Machine Buster,
The Shining Laser.

Try as I might, I can't get the Laser Arm or Drill Arm to work as weapons. Though the Drill arm does open up walls.
The vacuum arm isn't a weapon
The Shield Arm didn't actually work from all indications I can find.

yeah but not as much as using piggies as football balls


>but it wasnt a good megaman game
I don't think this argument works when a game is explicitly marketed as a totally different spin-off.
Especially considering the Legends games were coming out during a period where both traditional Mega Man and Mega Man X games were still being released.

So what you're saying they rolled Tron and Roll into one character? I mean... That's a dumb move, but I guess we can take solace that it's unlikely it will actually be made.

>needs to make copy cat character
>makes her black

every time

at least in legends 2 i use a lot of weapons
for example i use the vaccum to farm in the giant room of the 4th dungeon (the one with the 2 running keys)
i use the drill to kill most of the bosses of the 1st and 2nd dungeon
the homing missile for general purposes
the shining laser when i wanna kill the last boss fast to unlock hard mode
the machine gun to get through the birds fortress
the only weapons i never really use are the laser blade and the one that throws bowling ball like granades
hell i even use the cannon to kill the birds' ships in the defense section of the game

>X4 is great, fantastic even until you realize it's essentially Zero's game

X's gameplay was just as strong and had some of the better weapons in the series. They're twoo very different playstyles, and Zero's melee focus is a welcomed addition, especially since his Z-Saber was lackluster as fuck in the previous games.

I'm not sure what argument your argument is here at all.

Christ, I must have had a stroke or something while typing that

Drill arm when fully upgraded, which costs practically nothing, can kill most bosses in under 5seconds.

It's ridiculous how good it is.

you're not going maverick, are you, user...?


No. That's just Tron's accusation of Roll on Pokte Island being a moneygrubber.

Tron herself was fiscally conservative, she generally makes things cheaply and wants to take the family's ill gotten gains retire to run a legitimate business. But she can't retire as a pirate because everyone around her, particularly Teisel is terrible with their treasures or money and loses their fortunes after they get them.


Is this still alive?

Is it about the controls? Because if so I can easily get a Bluetooth controller.
I would emulate it on pc but I'm kinda lazy since I already have it on the go,plus most of the time when I play nowadays it seems to be in short bursts so my phone has been the best tool for this.
I'll admit though that sometimes the dps drops sub 60 frames(when I use 2xrendering options),but otherwise I'm able to play a lot of ps1 and psp titles accurately.

Oh, well if thats the case with a controller, i guess you're fine

I played the game on my vita

>How does 2 compare to 1? Is it as clunky?
Controls are much smoother due to the ability to move around while locking. Then you realize that every time tou get hit the lock gets off and go to another enemy, then you realize the level design goes full retard with turret shots and the lock becomes a fucking disaster much worse than MML.

Sounds like you didnt like 2


Don't forget that the audio on the voices is compressed as hell and barely comprehensible.

N64's audio compressing was worse than ps1?


Battle Network reused the robot masters and basic robots in interesting ways. Just because you're a stick in the mud doesn't make them invalid.

Nah, X1-4, X8 and Command Mission are all good games.

Just play the PC version.

It makes sense. Cartridges are not made for storing high-quality audio.

Why would that be surprising.

Better in every way and it feels much more fluid because you can use analog sticks to actually control yourself.

2 had some awfuly broken moments.

>And draw distance
>And framerate
I haven't bothered to check, but I dobut it
>And less lag
Read above
>And motion of the models
What the fuck does that even mean?

And here's another with actual hardware

Left is Playstation, right?

This is cool,I like the way the as looks on the right (N64?) and the draw distance gives this mist like effect and conveys a greater distance, but I don't know how I feel about the bottom pic when it's in the town,I feel that the town looks better on the left somehow.
Also the right version had some gaps in textures.

Reading through an old /vr/ thread

Lag and frame rate are worse on the N64 version.

>I feel that the town looks better on the left somehow.
Because you can actually fucking see it.

>This is cool,I like the way the as looks on the right (N64?) and the draw distance gives this mist like effect and conveys a greater distance

That's complete horse shit, especially when you take a single step and start seeing everything pop up. It's not a cool effect at all when you're actually playing the game instead of judging screenshots.

Left is Playstation
Right is N64
First picture is emulated
Second picture is hardware

the N64 version is complete shit. It was the only version i had for a while but when I bought the PS1 version and could see things that are more than 10 feet away at a consistent fps higher than 15 I realized how amazing, colorful, and charming this game is.

I don't really remember any framerate issues in the N64 version.

>football balls

How is the PC version? More importantly, how are the controls?

Ignore any of those people who say Legends 2 is worse. 2 is fucking great and it's only drawback is a loss of interconnected world and the gotta go slow 2nd dungeon.

I can only speak to my experience with the game as a kid. I liked the Megaman X series a lot and got Legends because I thought it was going to be a 3D Megaman X. Instead it was a really confusing, very japanese kind of game with awkward controls. I liked aspects of it but I had no idea what I was supposed to be doing or how to do it. Maybe I wasn't the only one that this happened to.

Pretty much. I liked 2 a whole lot. I'd recommend Misadventures of Tron Bonne too, despite the minigame feel.

1 is the better game but 2 plays better.