Why are bethesda games so expensive this year?

Why are bethesda games so expensive this year?
50% is the lowest price wasn't like 66% last year?
Also generally this sale is just a shitfest with the only real discounts being on games from 2013 or older

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because they are jews they are doing the same shit with skyrim

Yeah, the steam sales the past years have been terrible. In the beginning it was great, getting great discounts left and right. Now devs wont let their 6 year old game lower than 19.99$ for the normal non sale version. put a 50-75% on for a steam sale which is what the price of the game should be for a game that old to begin with to make it seem like a good deal.

Bethesda games are always expensive.
I've never seen Morrowind go under 10€.

Because they realized cucks would buy their garbage anyway.

>Oblivion is 40% off
>a 10 year old game is 40% off

Yeah Holy fuck. I regret not getting Skyrim earlier and now its $11 CAD and the Legendary Edition is $30 CAD

Fucking hell

same but what i dont get is why skyrim legendary edition is a bundle meanwhile fallout 3 an nv each have its goty editions as separate games

>Fallout 4 has a better discount that the old games

Not like i care.
I own every game but Fallout 4 and won't get Fallout 4 till its inevitable Complete Edition gets released and a sale.

They are both only $12, do you have to complain about everything?

Also FO4 just came out so they are going to milk anyone who wants to play the prequels

>be me
>loved to play fallout 4 and new vegas
>so i bought fallout 3
>on windows 10
>i was super exited to play it
>game don't stop to crash
>now this game is always here on my steam library
>he is always here when i launch steam to laught at me and my stupidity
>kill me already

Can you just help me Sup Forums please for the sake of god

It makes me wonder though is this bethestads doing or did valve raise his fees for games on steam? because the entire sale seems watered down

NV and 3 are on discount every other week so there's really no excuse to not already have them.

I think I bought NV ultimate for 6 dollars or something.

if steam sales go south then everyone will just go back to piracy

I could never play it on windows 8, if you want to just switch to Windows 7 it's the superios OS anyway

Skyrim Legendary is literally cheaper retail at Walmart than on Steam.

>cutting off the actual price

Fallout 3 breaks on every OS above Vista.

Even with all kinds of fixes it still crashes regulary on 7 and even more on anything above.

>can't even mod it because some mods make it crash even harder

>Playing Blunder 3 on a modern OS

Update Windows Live, fuck about with config..
here you go: steamcommunity.com/app/22370/discussions/0/828937546147175081/

Bought FO3 GOTY for like $7 a few years ago, it's $12 this year.

they want to charge you money for mods (which are needed to fix their shitty games)
what does that tell you about their priorities

>tfw they jacked up Dishonored's price too

>bought dishonored for 10 bucks 1-2 years ago
>didn't get any of the DLCs
>DLCs are never more than 25% off

Bethesda are scum.
They do this with all their games. Loyal customers get forced to pay more than new ones.

Because they're fucking greedy.

First time for everything.

I'm playing it fine, modded on 7

because Paid Mods, Fallout 4 and TESO all bombed and now you nerds are getting all uppity claiming you aren't going to buy Skyrim HD Remastered for XBOX SCORPIO/PS NEO