Don't mind me, just posting best vidya girl of the last 10 years
Don't mind me, just posting best vidya girl of the last 10 years
Larry is a shit tier waifu.
Oops wrong pic sorry
>of all time
Fixed that for you.
Every time these threads pop up I'm always scared there are people on Sup Forums who actually think Yukiko is in any way an interesting character, or has any semblance of personality
She has as much personality as the others.
I have seen you do better Sup Forums come on
Risefag detected
Woah hey sorry guys, I accidentally posted the wrong picture. Whoops!
Most of the characters in P4 are garbage, but they're all leagues above Yukiko
All she does is snort and wear epic meme glasses. That's her entire personality.
Her social links are the worst too, holy fuck.
>I don't want this silver platter handed to me by my parents, I want to explore and do stuff by myself
>actually nevermind I do want it but how do I cook snort
I acknowledge Rise's attraction why don't you
>any p4 girl being good
Grow up
The only decent p4 characters are Kanji, Adachi and Dojima
>I don't want to be an idol
>actually nevermind I want to stay one
>implying Kanji, Rise and Adachi aren't the best characters in the game because their social links actually deal with genuine problems instead of asinine bullshit
>Adachi was a good character
Kill yourself immediately, senpai
OP here, why the fuck are you talking about Persona ?
All I wanted is a thread about Rin.
>not based qt blind girl
Just why
dojima, not adachi oops xd
I remember going through her route and not understanding a single thing
Niggers, the lot of you.
And nanako!!!!
How could you not like her social link? It's about a little girl who lost her mother and is suffering from loneliness, it's so sad how she asks about death and bad people
That's the spirit.
>not liking super generic sob storeies
Gee i wonder why
You should try to do it in one go to be honest. You'll understand better.
I want to _be_ Yukiko!
How can one girl be so based?
Lilly is okay but she's one of the flattest characters in the game
Wouldn't say it's generic. It's kinda nice if you don't have a little sister, to be called "Big bro!"
But her story is the most pure
Burn chick you literally rape
No arms is annoying and weird
No legs is second best
Deaf girl is a bitch
Aura tried very hard to be deep. Quite frankly, it's just confusing in parts.
>It's kinda nice ... to be called "Big bro!"
That's the worst part of the game, followed closely by the honorifics that were left in
Because she doesn't take shit from anyone.
I admit the honorifics were bad, but it's not like there's a lot of big brother simulators out there. I for one enjoyed it. And I like Yukiko mostly because she's a pure maiden. Who's you're fav girl? In any game
No Emi is the flattest.
I was going to say Aigis, but P3 is 10 years old.
I don't understand why people have an issue with honorifics. If that brings you out of it, the fact that the characters are speaking English when they are clearly Japanese people living in Japan should bring you out of it just as hard.
>No arms is annoying and weird
It's okay, one day you will understand.
What exactly was difficult to understand about Aura's writing ? It's the better of the five writers.
>Deaf girl is a bitch
True but drill girl a cute
Stupid drill lesbian made deaf girl's story all about her.
The only reason I want Persona 5 to come out faster is so we can get P5 Arena and I can see a ~25 year old Yukiko.
I respect your choice, but Ai is best girl.
Drill girl is the best thing about deaf girl's route
Deaf girl is just not very good at being your waifu
I want more romance from p5
step aside new best girl coming through
It helps me hold my head up high
In my heart I'm with youuuuuu
Best P5 girl? Almost certainly.
Best Persona girl over all? Not a chance.
They all will be better then the P4 girls becuase damn those S-links sucked.
I would be shocked if the Futaba S.Link was better than any of the main P4 girls.
Can't imagine hers being any worst then the P4 S-links from the P4 girls.
That's not even the best JRPG girl of the last 10 years.
>I'm awl-ways red-dee!
If you've got giant titty veins, don't wear an outfit that shows them off.
The problem with the P4 waifu links was that they were all mostly unromantic until level 10, at which point they suddenly go "WTF! I love Protag now?" That's why Ais link is cited as one of the better ones because you actually start going out with her around level 6 or so. P3's links also became intimate earlier on and you could fuck them up by two-timing and such. If P5's links are more like that they will be better.
I really hope they are more like that because I found them sort of boring and unromantic really. I liked the way they were handled in P3 a lot better for most of the girls.
Even with Ai though, you weren't really going out with her. You were just a boytoy until level 10.
Any lewds in this style?
She's still the best girl of all time.
My only problem with P3's links was that they were ONLY written in a romantic way, so it doesn't really feel like you've picked out your own personal waifu among the crowd if you're forced to go out with all of them if you want those sweet-sweet s-link levels.
That's probably why most of P4's "romantic" s-links were done the way they were because they gave you the option to turn them down. If you did them all like Ai's you would have to write two separate routes for each waifuable character with a platonic and a romantic one like hers was, which is more work.
Every girl I want to name came out before 06. I'll throw up a charitable Naoto.
Ya I really wish you didn't have to date every single girl to get those S-link levels in P3 and I think they change it is P3P maybe, but I can't remember if that was only for the girls side.
I really liked Aigis's S-link the most in FES though and I felt more I guess close to the girl in P3 through their S-links I guess, so I hope they do a romantic and a platonic route.
P4's friendship option was a good start, but I really hope that P5 has a public relationship option, so that whenever your love life gets brought up in the main story (which it's bound to), the characters will just go, "Oh Protag's going out with X" or if you're already in a public relationship, the other girls won't try to romance you in their S.Links, or maybe only certain sluts who don't care about stealing someone else's man would try to romance you.
Even better would be if the characters personalities in the main story reflected the growth they've gone through in their S.Links, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
>>Even better would be if the characters personalities in the main story reflected the growth they've gone through in their S.Links, but I'm not holding my breath on that one.
That's probably why P3 didn't have s-links with the male party members and the female ones were restricted until after certain story events so that they wouldn't have s-links conflicting with the pacing of the story.
Maybe me blogging. I think the best friendships start off as romantic. I didn't care for that option because if you like a person you want them to be happy. And they can be happy with you or another person.
This did help a lot really and made them better, but made you wait really long for some of them like Aigis. I loved Aigis's S-link and she was super cute in it, but you don't get it till the very end of the game and that sort of sucked.
This makes sense to do this, but you know people will get upset about not being able to do the girl they want right away. I am all for it though.
I love Reisen!