What's your main? Who do you hate to fight against the most? How are you liking S3 so far? Are Rash/Shago genuinely OP?

Jago/Hisako. Shadow Jago/Riptor. Only started with S3, but looking forward to Eyedol. Rash aint OP, Shago maybe?

>he doesn't main ARIA
It's like you don't even want the world to rely on you.

I like her but I just can't git gud at her. Don't know, she's too gimmicky for my tastes.

Sad how dead this thread is when KI is actually fun.

I wonder who's the last character that's gonna be announced for Season 3. Eyedol, hopefully?

I'm pretty sure someone leaked that IG won't make Eyedol because everyone there hated how cheesy he was.

>not maining RAAM with his 95% combo

My hurdle is getting my friends playing it and learning the expert mechanics. We can quarter circle button mash but it's not drawing.

Riptor main reporting in.

Trying to fucking redownload it again cause it wouldn't update properly.

I wish Microsoft shit wouldn't download so slowly.

Yeah, MS really shot themselves on the foot for not putting KI on Steam. A niche game like KI shouldn't be put on an even nich-er platform like MS Store.

Nah, it's Eyedol. You're just gonna have to take my word for it.

Just got an xbone.
Anyone interested in playing sometime?

My GT is Sjeme
Not that good at the game, but I really like sabrewolf

I'd play you but i'm in Africa so the ping might be shit. Are you in Europe?

I fuckin love Mira
but i dont have any friends who play fightan so i dont know what to do
its been this way since tekken fucking 5
i want to get into fighting, but i just cant improve past ai
i dont have the confidence to just hop online
fuck my stupid brain

Nah, NA here.
I don't really care, just looking for some friends on xbone

Aight, i'll add you then. I'm talented af tho, so don't be discouraged.

Add SpaceBanditoo I'll play you sometime.

There are a good amount of newbies online dude, even some level 50s are easy.

I'll have to add you a bit later, not on my bone atm, unless there's like a mobile app to add people.

Riptor is ____cute.

Get online, there are things you will only learn from playing other players.

I just bought the game this week, after getting thrown into a bracket for it, having never picked it up before. I got to round 2 in the bracket, just by mashing with Spinal

I bought the game pretty much for hisako, love her character design, and her mixup game is really fun, but none of my friends play fightan outside of smash and blazblue, so I'm hardpressed for people to play with.

Hey, i'd be down to play.
I'm new myself so it'd be nice to have like a sparring partner

I play on PC, but since there's crossplay, I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. My tag is TheCritDoctor, add me whenever, I'd love to play and get better

how is the skillmatching?
will i just fight anyone or will it adjust to noobieness?

You should be able to via the Xbox app.

Add me as well Inriri I got season 1 and 2, but outside of half of the tutorial I never got around to actually playing. Maybe peer pressure will help with that.

In order
> General RAAM
> Rash
> Same as the first
> No just well rounded.

It's evened out since S3. Though I personally just play any level i match with. I'd recommend you try and find someone to train with via matchmaking, or even here and you'll improve alot quicker.