You pre-ordered their game right?

You pre-ordered their game right?

Other urls found in this thread:

what game?

Yes I have, going with gold yo

I'm not a fucking idiot.

I almost feel bad for the flat chested girl. People are only going to pay attention to the titty monster.

Is it import friendly or what

Pokemon Snap with anime girls

Seems like a real new idea for a game to be honest: shitty excuse gameplay and tons of cute girls.

Don't see why a person WOULDN'T get such an original game.

I want to suck her tits

Damn, those are some killer chins

Cannot unseen. Fuck you

What was this game even called? I remember seeing it when it was coming out in Japan and thought it looked good. Is it being localized?

I think the blonde is the better choice.


All jap girls sound boring as fuck.

Why would I? My VAifu isn't in it

but porn is free????

"RecoLoveā„¢ Gold Beach" and "RecoLoveā„¢ Blue Ocean".

Of course
I'm going to patiently wait until they come out

What can you even do in this game H wise?

So is it a visual novel where you can record your waifu? Is it being localized?

Not with these shitty conversion rates

Is it coming out in the West?

I'm not desperate enough for anime tits that I'll deal with importing.

Sonico's game is coming out soon. It's the same thing mechanically, getting English subtitles, dual audio, on PC (and thus easy to pirate), and on top of all that, it comes with a better girl, so I'll need some convincing to drop a single cent on this.

2nd from the left looks cute, post more of her.

im not a boobsfag

I just wanna lick her armpits

She's in 5th grade man

Shes the worst girl though

How does this work? Do you get a certain group of girls per version? Can you trade?

Its not being localized

One, does Sonicomi have a release date yet? Two, Pochaco game when?



why are their armpits too clean?

Yeah, you do activities to win them over and shit. No word on localization.

>there are people who'd go blue version


Thus far it's just
>This is a pre-order scheduled to be released in Summer 2016.

Where are her tits?

>Is it being localized?

That's a great choice and you gentlemen have great taste.

This looks more fun than Sun and Moon tbqh


So nothing has changed then. Sad.

which girls can you waifu? is this a dating sim or really jist pokemon snap?

Any chance of an English asia version? Or at least English menus?

The HUD is mostly English.

Dating sime. You can waifu anyone I think. Blond finn girl and jap in OP are main chars though

I wish, but I doubt any of those happen



From left to right, numbered as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 respectively

8 > > 6 > > 4 > 3 > 5 > 7 > > > literal shit > 1 > 2

Onee-san types are best. All who disagree are wrong.

Can you pull off her headphones or would she die?

are there version exclusives??????



They are just as much a part of her as your arm is to you. The arm could be cut away from the body, but the whole will never be truly complete again.

I don't support samefacership

>you cant fuck them

I'll pass

looks like some artist has a thing for legs

Different socks for everyone but no pantyhose. What a blunder.

Both are fucking disgusting. Get the average of the two and then we're talking.

Pantyhose are a poorman's legwear fetish.

Thigh-highs for patricians
Spats for tomboy fetishists
Loose knee-highs are just barely acceptable
All others are shit.

5th grader is best


I'm very tempted to just for the blonde.


fuck i thought it was going to be on pc

>those socks
Yup, checks out.

What's so special about the socks?

Gold has top tier titty shape

dat pattern mayne.

That diamond pattern is a staple in traditional Finnish clothing. Granted, it's a dead simple pattern you'll probably find in other countries too, but still...

this picture gives me Lili X Asuka vibes, but the right side is too flat. Still would fap/10.