30 fps for $60

>30 fps for $60

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shh delete this

shop out the pc version


What the fuck is wrong with bethesda?
More importantly, What is wrong with the retards who are actually going to go out and buy this?

what's the launch price gonna be? how can it be over $20 when there's an abundance of skyrim legendary edition at wal-mart for $20, which gets you the new game for free?

Gotta get the normies with the power of next gen and "mods" bruh.

I bought this on a steam sale for 7 bucks

tfw beth wont make it that low of a price any time soon

Worth $10 just to save money on DLC packs considering it isn't 60fps.

Is it really 30fps on ps4 and xbone? This 2011 game with 2006 graphics and a piss filter?

The current state of the vidya industry is abysmal. Millions of retards with no standards who will buy anything. They are the true reason why games keep getting worse and worse.


Just buy two copies and it will make them 60 ;)

It isn't really surprising considering it's Bethsoft. They rely on its community to fix their games and will throw their hands up and leave crippling problems in a console release whenever they feel like it.

im a bethesdrone, i loved fallout 4, but this price is ridiculous

like someone said earlier, you can get the legendary edition for $20 or less right now

what makes todd think we'll pay $60?

All these shitposters. The Special Edition is free on PC for existing owners of Skyrim + dlcs.

The game is being released on ps4/xbone, the next-gen consoels for the first time, why won't they charge for it?

The game is 5 years old. It should be 15-$20 at launch not $60.

I'll pay 60 for it....I won't like paying 60 but I'll do it.....

Yeah I am baffled as to why Todd is giving me the full game I already have, for free.

Anyone know why Betheshit is doing that for PCucks?

It would make sense to give it to X1 & PS4 owners who had the 360 & PS3 versions with all the DLC.

It's free if you own Skyrim + all expansions.

Why the fuck are people complaining about this, you can get Legendary on kinguin or somewhere for like twelve dollars, jesus christ

The deal is only for PC, console users still have to pay for the new version regardless.

>It's free if you own Skyrim + all expansions

Only on PC m8.

Because for PC it doesn't make any difference, there are mods to make the game look better already, why would anybody buy the Special Edition on PC? It's stupid.

>The game is 5 years old
so is console tech.

>tfw broken Skyrim on PS3
>tfw $60 instead of free

Who buys Bethesda games for consoles in the first place, YOU must be stupid

does it do ANYTHING else other than throw some paint on it? rebalanced magic? non-shit NPCs? Not garbage UI? fuck sake the current state of TES is depressing

Literally JUST the graphics are improved.


Are you aware that about 80% of the Bethesda fanbase is on consoles? I'm not even joking, Skyrim sold like 10 times more on consoles than it did on PC.

They do it because they know you retards will keep paying for it.

I'll wait for it to drop to $20 before I get it.

Am I the only console player that would totally prefer if I could download a mod to increase performance at the cost of graphical fidelity? I'd much prefer to have a game that runs well than a game that looks good.

Cause console fags went rampant over the original launch in 2011. Its one of those games people still have/play while owning current gen consoles. Shit I still have it but fuck those load times and setting up the 360.

It'll be cheaper during the holidays. If you spend more than $20 kys.

is this confirmed? surely theres some AI rework at least

I'm buying the ps4 version just to burn it and send the video to Bethesda. Going to wear all black and Guy Fawkes for maximum edge.

Does this include all the DLC?

Free upgrade for PC, so Bethesda is actually the least offender of this.

Every company makes you re-buy it, and offer you a shitty discount for owning the original.

Too bad elder scrolls and fallout are shit games for non-gamers

you're in luck, they exist




modding can be toaster friendly too

>What is wrong with the retards who are actually going to go out and buy this?
Im going to buy it since I never bought Skyrim on PS3.

>AI rework

kekus maximus, get a load of Dreamboy everyone

They might change their minds until the game is released though, after all they never officially promised there would be a free upgrade.

Fucking kek absolutely not user. If anything they "attempted" fixing some of the story breaking glitches that plagued everyone.

Yeah but the question is, are any of these going to be console compatible?

I'm not too savvy with mods but I've been told certain kinds of mods won't really be able to work on consoles.

Would be cool if they made Skyrim BC on xb1, and give you a free version of the remaster if you pop in your old skyrim disc.

>PC cucks have to always have their fps bullshit

Come on we know you don't have any games so have to grab on to your fps to talk about something

Guessing they're doing the free on PC thing so people will actually make mods for it so the consoles will have more than 5 mods to use.

>they never officially promised
They fucking said it. How much more official can it get?

Yes, because they said PC users who own all the DLC or Legendary Edition will get a free upgrade

depends on the mod author. tectures should just slot right in, no scripts required

all the really good mods however... SKSE for special edition and SkyUI likely never, CBBE and all the sexlab depravity 100% never ever


What does the "special edition" even do?

99% chance current mods will be incompatible with it
What a stupid move

that's some scummy marketing language implying for the uninformed that the SE is free only when you upgrade to legendary via this special offer

Well that's good then. All I want is skyrim at 60fps :, (

Probably so modders will update their mods to support that version. The SE PC version is going to be 64bit and will have a separate creation kit.

Thank you for answering

Its 30fps on console, not pc.

Will my porn mods be affected?

I'm going to buy it just to make you all mad :)


The same retards that bought it for console

>yfw they remove the original and you can only play the remaster

but then again isn't the framerate hardcapped @ 30 on console? I think even running it like this wouldn't make it exceed that

This desu.
I live and breathe to piss off Sup Forums. That is why Skyward Sword is my favorite Zelda, why Last of Us is in my top 9, why I constantly censorship shitpost every chance I get. Because fuck you.

You ungrateful shit. You'll take what we give you.

I dunno, we'll have to see.

If it weren't for console owners buying games, the developers that make the games that you pirate wouldn't exist and you'd have nogames.

Post that pasta please

slow down son, let me tell you how wrong is to spread FAKE rumours around here.


Surefire way to know when someone is underage either mentally or physically.


Thanks brother

>only 1 toddpost in a bethesda thread

damn people, you're really letting me down today

Yeah, I remember how broken everyone said the PS3 version was because Bethesda couldn't be bothered to account for the PS3's hardware architecture.


noone should do this.

It might be better to just wait for it to go on sale. It's not like you're missing out on a new experience.

>See this
>Maybe I will. I just pirated the DLCs. I've seen LE on sale for like $10 before and I already have base game

>See pic related
>"Legendary Edition" no longer an individual item on the store
>DLC prices jacked up like crazy because of hype

Yeah fuck you Todd. I'll just pirate the remastered shit.

>""remaster"" announced
>legendary edition removed and is instead now a bundle package
>all dlc prices increased

its only a free upgrade if you got skyrim before e3

Better graphics and mods for console.

If you already have a console as a gift from your girlfriend or whatever, why would you bother buying and potentially building an expensive gaming computer when you could spend that $500+ on like 8 brand new games?

I was gonna help a brother out but sheeeeeet

try g2A or GMG

I saw a lot of comments on the reveal video saying the textures and meshes haven't improved at all - it seems to be only lighting improvements.

what the fuck is the solar plexus

G2A sellers jacked up prices too. $20.

It's 64bit, at least

It could have been a typo, you condescending motherfucker.

They've already confirmed that you will have both in your steam library

I don't think they'll care since they get your money in the end.

Stomach you imbecile.

Sure it was little buddy, sure it was.

I just want a big reply telling me why does it hurt so much to get hit there.
Come on Sup Forums, it's story time.

I approve of this.

I think it's just a large bundle of nerves above the stomach.

Nerves are what make you hurt. Therefore, getting punched in a large bundle of nerves gives you a large bundle of pain.

Organz n shiet

it doesn't really hurt though, it just knocks the wind out of you.

Some fag kid did this to me in 3rd or 4th grade for no reason. Didn't even know him. Probably jealousy.

>it just knocks the wind out of you
That's a lot, niggas can get killed by a well placed punch.

its how Houdini died

I don't get this game. Isn't all the new content available right now with PC mods?

30fps is a lot more cinematic, I'm glad Bethesda was nice enough to give us a truly immersive experience.