>95% of friends from high school have "grown out" of video games
>in reality they just replace it with watching shit on Netflix for 20 hours a week
Its like they force themselves to not do something they enjoy because its "for kids"
95% of friends from high school have "grown out" of video games
Other urls found in this thread:
thanks for the blog post but tumblr is that way ->
have you ever met a baby boomer/generation x play video games?
my friend's grandma plays Final Fantasy all the time
Great movie or greatest movie
Dude, gen x'ers loved video games.
>Its like they force themselves to not do something they enjoy because its "for kids"
Or maybe they replaced dumb video toys with more sophisticated and ultimately fulfilling artistic mediums such as film and literature while your underdeveloped brain still gets its endorphin boost from pressing buttons
Old dude and his wife was a warrior tank shamen healer combo in a guild a few years back.
top kek, this is what normies actually believe
Not greatest but damn near top 5 best Netflix pick.
>unsourced opinion
Video games actually improve mental faculties like tracking, 3D imagery rotational abilities, visual acuity, etc. Movies aren't all fantastic, and none of them do any of that.
Its okay, keep turning away from reality in comfy Sup Forums safe space, just REEE regularly and call everyone who disagrees a normie.
And don't get me wrong, I still love vidya, but at least I'm honest with myself that its a dumb manchild hobby
>friends grew out of video games
>all they do now is just visit 9gag and facebook all day
These twins I used to date have a dad that plays WoW / FFXI / FFXIV.
>netflix tv shows
>flim and literature
fuck off normie
Can't blame them. Vidya gets boring after 2 decades of mashing buttons brainlessly. On the other hand, some movies/series make you think and they aren't a hassle, you can just sit back and enjoy the show.
The fact that it is flawed and full of contradictions just make me love it more
Yeah, if only Einstein played Quake instead of studying useless retarded shit like physics, he could do so much more...
>some movies/series make you think
Did you unironically use that phrase?
Hello Quentin. How is jail?
My mom plays mario,kirby and crash like crazy.
Exactly. This is why I got bored of gameplay plebs and play only sophisticated story based games.
You'd have a case if they watched something that wasn't shitty TV serials or superhero movies.
Mine started playing phone games. Clicker games. Hearthstone.
have 2 uncles who used to play, alone in the dark doom and more cool stuff, they got me into vydia actually
>These twins I used to date
You dated both of them?
Yeah, if only Einstein watched Storage Wars instead of studying useless retarded shit like physics, he could do so much more...
>appeal to extremes
>not even addressing the point about vidya being actually helpful in contrast with movies
>log on xbox
>check freinds list to see if anyone wants to play
FUUCK i just wanna play with people i know instead of strangers
I don't play a lick of games, and try to fill my time with pastimes that are more engaging. It's working well, but I still post here. Books, video, cinema are all shit tier hobbies.
I guess they weren't wrong
You must have only played casual games.
>tfw the only connection I have to my last two friends is video games
>one is pretty much gone now, he has a job that consumes his life
>haven't spoken to him in over a year
>the other became a redditor and the only time I can talk to him is when a new 3DS game we both like has something worth talking about
end me
>"Loser" dropout friends grow out of vidya
>They get into sports, camping and generally fucking around in nature instead
>Always make sure to give me a call whenever they're leaving and don't mind me missing on a couple of days due to a game release
>Laid back, healthy and relaxed fun
>"Successful" college friends keep growing more and more bitter every day
>Would rather smoke pot, party from saturday to sunday non-stop and whine about their relationships as the only way to avoid their tedious routines
>Laugh at me for playing videogames even though all of us were in the same guild five years back
>They constantly mock me for keeping in touch with the uneducated swines
Higher education turns people into unbearable, petulant assholes I swear.
I know I know, Sup Forums doesn't play video games etc etc, but really why do you come here then?
they may as well be strangers now user ;_;
>log onto my ps3
>just a bunch of Netflix
>a few amazon video
>watching a movie
>A single person playing some obscure japanese game
Thats a good thing you fucking manbaby. Do you honestly think you're going to be playing video games in your 30's? I hope to god you don't plan to.
I'm not sure if it counts, but my dad is 66 and he plays most Action-RPGs and action-adventures like Dark Souls, Assassin's Creed and recently I got him into Dragon's Dogma for the PC.
videogames get boring as you get older
i'm 21 and the only videogame I've played in forever is civ 5
Why is binge watching Netflix better than video games?
Please do tell. I can wait.
>be kid
>play video games for 3 hours straight
>mom tells me to stop
>meanwhile she has been watching tv all day
So you can talk to your normie friends about Orange is the New Black kill me kill me kill me end it end it stop telling me to watch it kill me kill me
This old guy I work with plays hearthstone
>Stop playing your games alone and come do stuff with the rest of us
>Everyone just sits on the couch and watches TV
A few times i even tried to start a conversation with them because i was so fucking bored. They never lasted more than a minute or two.
I don't think so. I only get tired for a while if I play too much, especially if I play just one game.
Video game target market is males aged 25 to 35. They make up the majority of their sales and ads are targeted at them.
They convince themselves it is more valuable because they are watching the news. Even though the news is just the same mindless shit over and over again. They repeat the same stories constantly because not enough interesting things happen for news to be on 24 hours.
It's simple user. Netflix isn't designed to trigger addictive-like behaviors. Most video games nowadays are designed to cause addictions much like casinos, while netflix doesn't.
Also movies have a lot more intellectual value than video games. I'm not sure what they have on Netflix but movies are a significantly more stimulating medium than video games.
Yep, I'll be playing until I can no longer see.
Because its so much more worse than sitting on my ass watching tv or movies.
I'm happy my partner also enjoys video games, along with no one in my family giving a shit.
In fact, my mother plays mystery games on 3ds, such as zero escape 999, phoenix wright, hotel dusk etc.
My Partner's family hates vidya though, they only put up with it because he started buying them with his own money when he had a job.
you need to be 18 or older to post here.
I'm going to keep playing video games until I don't have fun with them. I'm still having fun so I'll still play. I don't give a fuck if someone thinks it's childish or whatever. People are stupid and their opinions are worse.
I do things for myself and really don't care about others judgement. It's sad some of you think so much about others perception of you.
Good shit user
>Netflix isn't designed to trigger addictive-like behaviors.
Oh you poor, poor, poor uneducated kid.
Netflix is streamlined so much around the consumer binge watching and never stopping.
thats why local news only runs for a few hours, cnn was on at the dentist last time i was there and i heard the same stories 3 times in 20 minutes
But user, you need to see the new show about the edgy sociopaths doing bad things while remaining interesting and magnetic. It's so mature and shocking!
After that we can watch the new sitcom about the young urban middle-class people with all the funny energy having relationships
After that we can saw our hands off and weep
video game are no more refined that shit television
if you think watching tv is any better than you're a moron
ultimately most of us are on the same level
>gets bored of shitting on other people online
fucking stable boy detected, fetch my mare
If we're strictly talking freemium trash and games with high RNG I agree with you but you and me both know games exist without cheap addictive draws like that. At the risk of sounding like a tit games with high reaction time requirements do kind of make you think more on your feet outside of games.
And it's mentality like this why most first world countries wont survive the next 50 years. Degeneracy at it's pure finest.
"Why should I heighten my standards as a person? I'm not harming anyone :^)"
Your greentext sounds just like my friend. In addition, he gets paid to do it at work 'cause he literally does nothing else.
Aside from on a plane i've watched 3 movies this year. I watch so few that i can remember all the movies i've watched in the past 6 months. I don't see why it matters what shit you do in your free time. The real problem is my Sup Forums and Sup Forums addiction.
Yes. Mad Men is a good example. The only videogame that really made me think about what was going on was MGS2.
Nah, I've played vidya of all kinds. It's not a terribly "deep" hobby to be honest, be it casual or "hardcore", whatever you name them.
This is what all isolated neckbeards say. The fact that you think video games and watching movies are the only two activities you can participate in just shows me how fucking clueless you are.
When I see all these stories about grandpas and grandmas offing themselves because they have literally nothing to do in their debilitated states makes me wonder whether they would've done the same if they knew about vidya. My grandma learned about the internet a few years back and I noticed a substantial jump in her quality of life.
I hope videogames keep bringing me joy when I'm an old fart.
Old habits die hard. Dumping videogames was easy... Bit leaving this shithole is hard. I guess it's like keeping up with an MMO or online game after you've quit (if you've ever done that).
>Netflix isn't designed to trigger addictive-like behaviors.
Know what's even worse? One of them is way, way into ancient aliens documentaries. He likes to make his own theories. Did you know that the mermaids were at war with the aliens?
Except it does? The next episode/season starts up before the credits roll and each movie recommends similar movies you just watch.
Youtube tries the same shit and it works.
>Video Games are addicting.
Fun and mental activity is addicting? Well I guess that's just going to have to be my fucking poison then.
Everything's fucking addicting, by that logic.
are you the one newfag who keeps doing this in every thread? It's been this way for the last decade and it will never change
>It's not a terribly "deep" hobby to be honest
I doubt you have actually played many video games then. There is a lot going on in many video games. You are also actively engaged while you play.
Honestly it's hard to come home from a 12 hour shift and still have the energy to play a video game - especially if it has any kind of challenge to it. I play video games on the weekend but during the week I would rather watch a movie or tv show.
My experience has been the opposite actually. Most of my friends that never went to college just became boring cunts with shitty routines and zero direction in their lives. They're not unpleasant or anything, but everytime I'm with them it's like their lives never change. Can you imagine how boring it is to catch up with someone after a year without seeing them and them having absolutely nothing new to say to you?
I'm getting to this point at 26 because I enjoy reading, rock climbing, lifting shit up and down and hanging with the grill more nowadays.
Games got boring. It's honestly all the same shit. At times I'll just play Civ and Smash.
yeah man
if its not deep go enter esports as a single person team
if its not deep you'll be fine dude
>"no addictive-like behaviours"
Every US TV show's basically the same set of setups and payoffs. Like 20 goddamn hours a season of shenanigan bullshit, nothing that couldn't fit into a 2 hour film.
>oh but this season's totally different this season walter white's a cyborg
Was it that easy though? Sounds like you still kind of miss something about video games a bit if you're checking up on it (granted via through Sup Forums but still). I mean, if you're way happier now more power too you but might wanna pay attention to that little detail, could be bad sign.
my big sister plays Pokemon like no other
>Most video games nowadays are designed to cause addictions much like casinos
Then why the fuck do so many new games nowadays barely give you an incentive to replay them. No unlockables, extra difficulties, modes, nothing, just a shitty tacked-on multiplayer if you're lucky and lmao achievements dude.
Not him, but even the most competent and challenging games can be utterly defeated in months or even weeks. Most other hobbies are lifelong pursuits...
>Pastimes more engaging than video games.
Can I see the wormhole you used to travel here from your alternate dimension?
>Netflix isn't designed to trigger addictive-like behaviors.
needs to be greentexted more
>Netflix isn't designed to trigger addictive-like behaviors.
Playing games is degenerate? Okay user.
But watching inception, or reading the newest ice and fire book is for high brow people that are bettering themselves through mediums of sophistication?
You can fuck off
That's a good thing though, less normies in the industry means less oversimplified casual garbage because they dont have to cater to a wider audience.
If these companies pull out of gaming because they cant cater to enough normies to pull a profit that appeases their shareholders then GOOD, it's filtering the cancer. Quality over stale quantity.
Movies get boring too you dumb nigger. That's why people who watch so many movies end up getting shit tastes and they end up calling garbage like Pulp Fiction a masterpiece, when it's at best a mediocre movie.
This is also true with vidya
>play SMW
>boomer parents who don't give two shits about vidya stop what they're doing and start watching for the first time ever
I think it was at that point I realized vidya reached a zenith of playability and basic appeal a long, long time ago.
What are you babbling about?
Netflix is shit, television is shit, and video games are shit.
Jesus Christ, remember when people actually used to go outside? Remember when men actually knew how to chop down a tree? Remember when adults actually knew how to parent their kids instead of letting technology raise them?
Fuck it, ban it all. I just want men to start acting like men again.
>tfw as everyone in my family got older they actually started to watch less TV and talk more
>tfw as you also got older dinner table conversations got more bearable
It's quite ok actually
>more intellectual value than video games
Maybe some but the most popular shows include Duck Dynasty and The Big Bang Theory
Casual shit like Dr. Mario, yes.
>watching a movie is a lifelong pursuit
You can't be serious. If you were talking about something engaging then you would have a point but watching a movie is less engaging than a video game.
Why are you here?
My grandma keeps playing Bejeweled clones. Candy crush and such. But hey, she's not bad at it.
Or maybe you know they just don't like playing video games anymore?.
I'm not going outside in summer in florida
fuck off faggot
>le marks
>not the patch of hair on right forearm from rubbing on edge of desk
t. Gavin McInnes
You're quite fond of men aren't you?