tell your stories
Second Life
i went in and like flew around for abit
some guy sent me a massage
he was like i want to nosh on ur baby nozzles
i said fuk u you dont know me
he gave me some of the in game currency in a trade window and told me to clean myself up
this is dangerous game
Can you help me build a boat?
>trade window
dun goofed
no such thing exists
Does this game allow you to have intercourse?
you can do whatever you want in this game, baby
>try it
>play around in the character editor as some people are yelling at each other since someone was bringing the bantz and he couldn't handle it
>Fly around with a guy on a flying chair
>Pretend to ERP with him, no homo
>Have two hour conversation following
>He fucks off and I never check back in
It's like the sims only you are the sim
Sup Forums meet up!
This tbqh
You can do all of the following and then some in sl
You can be eaten, anal sex , gay sex, animal sex, sex with food, sex with food fucking food
be realistic horse family
be gay ass bronies and have sex
any form of bdsm
Some futuristic shit called goreans which is basically about if humans went to another planet on a ship and went back to caveman times.
Shit is all over here
>Pretend to be a gurl
>Tall, white pale skin, bleach blonde hair, wore pretty dresses and earings
>Had lesbo sex
>Had a partner, roleplayed
>She had short colored hair, piercings
>Talked to each other, remained lesbo friends
>She wanted women to dominate the world
>Said Bill Clinton was merely preparing his wife for the Presidency (2008)
>Had male sex slaves we used to torture at our house
>Gave me money sometimes, bought upgrades
Was either a fat tumblr landwhale, or a hairy middle aged male no doubt. Find it funny how the game appealed to degenerates and porn addicts and barely made money while Minecraft made money off kiddies and autists.
>At friends house
>Both think it would be funny to piss around on second life and make fun of them because I showed him youtubers doing jt
>Join some queer furry server
>One of thems afk for 5 minutes
>Comes back and asks what we're doing
>Tell them we're fucking about
>He tells us an entire story on how he came from Sup Forums or something after seeing esteban winsmore troll
>He decides to stay because he thinks everyones really welcoming and he eventually turned in to a gay furry
I think furrys are a dangerous cult now
>start playing with some people
>we're all very clear that we're there to see weird shit and fuck around for fun
>people start getting really invested in it
>furries start hanging around us for some reason doing a bunch of weird erp shit
>people join super serious roleplaying groups
>one guy tries to run it in the ground by bothering everyone trying to get footage for his failed youtube channel since this was back in the esteban days
>whole thing collapses and nobody talks to anyone else ever again
i got banned for heading into an "orphanage" in a vegeta skin while challenging "children" in my quest to find kakarot. I eventually got banned from that lot for making a lot of explosions and using a bunch of troll items I had.
>installed it when it first was released
>runs like total shit
>uninstalled it
people other than furries play this game?
HEY.... that's pretty cancer.
Not Second Life but I visited and ended up in a modded area of the spawn with a statue of Nexialist (pic related)
do it at SL
>install SL to try it out
>no idea how to create avatar so i just pick a random default vampire avatar
>old guy on mic invites me to his house
>says he wants to eat me out and have sex
>he has orange stereotypical muscle avatar with weird face and limbs
>uninstall SL
Pic related. It was my literal face when it happened
All the 'girls' in game are either fat tumblr whales or men IRL. 90% of the time they're men IRL. Majority of the games player base is autistic as fuck
>a tattoo of fuckin teeth
wow that's sexy wfie material right ther
Last quarter I had a university class that was on Second Life. It was really weird
>download SL to troll with Sup Forums
>meet up with a bunch of them and 90% of them have accounts older than 5 years old with realistic avatars and some were even in ingame families.
>got called a faggot for wanting to go around and troll and ruin peoples experience
I walked around as the Chosen Undead in Elite Knight Set telling everyone to fuck off or 1v1 me
It was still fun doing that even though I had a 5% chance to be there for more than five minutes after I had made my presence konwn
lol what a faggot you are
Every woman is 40+ years old and a hoarse-voiced chain smoker.
Every man is either a fat redneck grandpa or a literal edgy fuckboi.
T-t-those aren't noodles
have you never heard one use a mic? it's all Deep South stereotypical women.
the fuck is this
ironic secondlife becomes sincere secondlife becomes being a god damn furry
I joined the Sup Forums group on /vg/ and they had furries everywhere and cute aname girls sitting around drinking tea and flying in cars and there was a haunted town with cars flying. And they gave me a package of items from old school Sup Forums. One of the items was a nigger rocket launcher, and if you shot it niggers would fly out and rape you.
>Some futuristic shit called goreans which is basically about if humans went to another planet on a ship and went back to caveman times.
HOLY FUCK are you serious?!?! Goreans are still a thing in 2016?!?!?
I haven't heard about them, fuck, since I was on Usenet newsgroups back in the late 90s/early 2000s.
I made fun of some woman at a baby clinic and she threw bees on me
I would but I deleted SL a while back after one too many all-nighters of ERPing
That shit's unhealthy.
I went there once late at night about a year ago. That place is fucking eerie.
>install game
>start it up
>hear girls laughing in the starting area
Not even kidding
>it's all Deep South stereotypical women.
>4th grade
>start playing second life
>spend at least a month figuring out how to teleport, am in the starting area this entire time
>do nothing but go to random places and explore, picking up as much free shit as I could
>mostly stay around "hobo city" and star wars themed places
>tfw storm trooper outfits were too overpriced
>try to get some guy with a rat body to let my fly a tie fighter he made
>try to package free shit and sell it to a guy in a domo outfit, his friend gets angry at me
>join a gang, shoot fake guns at each other for a few minutes, then I "earned my colors" (they gave me a bandanna) and never see them again.
>eventually the hobo city sandbox becomes membership only so I can't hang out there anymore, become sad.
>oh no this animation block makes me have sex with the air
>oh no this painting in a boat says fuck
>(was incredibly sheltered)
>just thought the anthro bodies looked neat, may have had one at one time
>probably millions of things went over my 4th grade head
>dad uninstalls it and mabinogi because I made him mad for an unrelated reason
Good times, typing this out kind of makes me want to see if the places I went to are still around.
>dad uninstalls it and mabinogi
probably the best decision in his life, i still remember the garbage that was mabinogi.
I thought that was Chinese food
what the fuck
Sometimes people take it too seriously and try to get too much out of it
It's just a 3D chatroom, you fucks. Stop trying to make games work. It's fucking awful.
I've been on it off and on for like 5 years now? I actually joined because of a Sup Forums thread. I show up from time to time. Getting compliments about my avatar is a good ego boost
but I haven't fucked anyone in it in months
>what is this, some kind of macar-OH FUCK
Goreans all moved to SL
What the shit is this
It's very boring.
>sign in
>try to have fun
>there is no fun
>everything is terrible
>everyone is terrible
>the end
>Stop trying to make SL less shitty
Second Life is so weird senpai
this game already looked awful in 1994
how can people still play this?!
>not listening to this while attending a virtual meeting and dining on the finest Californian sushi rolls