>game that protects trolls and retards and everyone that actively does the opposite of trying to win
>i call them out
>im the one punished
what the fuck is this shite
>game that protects trolls and retards and everyone that actively does the opposite of trying to win
>i call them out
>im the one punished
what the fuck is this shite
Other urls found in this thread:
Go play Paragon. It's better than league in almost every single way.
post the chat logs.
It's pointless man.
After the match is over they are gone from your life.
Where's the proof :^)
>you will never ridicule these people into suicide
>Be a manchild who can't control his temper and throws tantrums constantly
>Other people find you annoying
>Cry on Sup Forums about it
Even lolbabs are more mature than you, let that sink in.
>people literally sabotage my every attempt at trying to win the game since the lobby by picking retarded shit
>if i dodge because i dont wanna waste 20 minutes of my life IM THE ONE PUNISHED
>call out people deliberately trolling
nice fucking system
so you can sabotage your team as much as you want as long as you dont say a single word
quality game by a quality company with a quality community
Post the logs or fuck off.
imagine for a second, doing something with someone who has THOUSANDS of hours doing that one very thing
and that person is still fucking terrible at it
>playing league of retards
serves you right for playing the inferior MOBA. literally anything else is in the genre is better than it.
>tfw I would get chat muted for weeks in dota 2 for calling out shitters
>mfw this only made me hop on my smurf accounts and be super toxic
holy shit, i thought i was the only guy here who played that
implying that's what he did
>Here are your chat logs that fellow players found offensive:
You absolutely must show us the logs, or we're just going to assume that you threw an autistic fit of some sort.
Show the logs you dumb fucking nigger.
>playing LOL, the worst ASSFAGGOTS of all
for what purpose
>playing babby game and complaining about being treated like a babby
What's wrong with you?
Show me your juicy fat logs, nigga.
Babbys first video game
Hell, any of them are better than LoL, even Dota 2.
Awesomenauts master race. I'd say Deadgate but yeah.
Fuck, I miss Dawngate, and I'm a Dotard.
That was such a comfy moba
>Getting chat restricted
You can flame people in out of game lobby and Riot doesn't track that.
Also you can flame in game, as long as you aren't autistic and go on for the entire game or tell them to kys
well, time to play some nice 10 games of JUNGLE AND TOPLANE AD JANNA
you chat restricted me you fucking faggots because you are so fucking fragile crybabies that sperg out the moment they say something to you???
well now enjoy your JUNGLE JANNA
at least you will have a good reason to be sore after
>cheap savage 2 rip off
nah j/k I can't wait for savage ressurection. I'll give paragon a try someday too
Literally not playing vidya is better than LoL.
Stop being so toxic ;)
>playing LOL
Go move to Overwatch already. The only time you have to be toxic is during deaths and after the game ends
Why are spergs like you so hypocritical? Of course you'll get restricted if you talk like that.
Why the fuck is Olaf so fun to play? All that lifesteal, all that chasing power. All that anti-disable. Feels good mang.
reminder that "why" is considered toxic and bannable by riot
>he plays mobas
>muh safespace
if you dont want to be criticised
dont put yourself in a position to be
Are you saying that Paragon is leagues better?
>playing eSports shit
Allahu Akbar
this or OP is a faggot
>Faggot too scared to post username
>Cuts it off above the most-likey toxic reported chat
wew lad. You act like being cancerous as fuck in chat has zero correlation to being a teamplayer. You probably think you hyper-carry teams and throw when you get upset.
Posting your username would prove against that, but since you're hiding it, we can only assume you are, in fact, a troll. Stay mad and stay fucked.
what are the chances OP won't post the logs because he got banned for saying Sup Forums memes or something equally embarrassing
I got banned for saying "Nigger Tits". Fucking fascists.
Almost 100%
People don't get punished for giving criticism. They get punished for being tantrum throwing manchildren with no self control that froth at the mouth and spend 20 minutes telling people to kill themselves because they lost to a better player in a PvP game.
Go back to fucking reddit
>playing LoL, a game for literal faggots
You have to be 18+ to post here.
Can you beat 100%?
You know how whenever LoL gets brought up, a bunch of people always say that it and the community surrounding it is disgustingly -and I hate to use this word but sadly it is incredibly apt- toxic?
Yeah, that's not us being shitty. Usually Sup Forums is just being a bunch of assholes but in this case it's deserved. League of Legends is cancerous. You getting punished for calling out shitstains is not only unsurprising, but it kinda makes you look like a tool for getting upset about something you should have known would happen.
I usually don't talk about it on here because MOBAs get trashed by Sup Forums and the thread dies instantly.
Wait until the free beta. The meta is in a really weird place right now since they are changing so quickly. Still fun though.
what did you call them OP?
>tfw you're such a rad dude that you got a ribbon
>tfw have had the Teamwork and Honorable Opponent ribbons since when Azir released
>tfw people add you to their friend's list after every game because you're so much fun to play with
Wah, being nice is so hard, woe is me. It's so much fun to pick on people! The community's better off without ya mate. Feel free to be jealous while we get to play on the new Siegeā¢ game mode for League of LegendsĀ©.
>level 11
oh my sweet summer child
>Sperging out after losing a game
>Probably calling them niggers, cucks and telling them to kill themselves
>Gets hammered with a chat ban
Justice served
>You getting punished for calling out shitstains is not only unsurprising, but it kinda makes you look like a tool for getting upset about something you should have known would happen.
This. One hundred times this. Who gives a shit if the person is bad or not - being equally obnoxious in chat is just as shit. The community as a whole, for the most part, is garbage. People should learn to play with mute on and savor the games that actually go decently.
is this a game for babies?
>you dont get punished for criticism
you don't play any mobas i take it
You sound like literally every forum topic complaining about being banned from something.
>I-I-I wasn't doing anything wrong! I was just giving my teammates constructive feedback! These devs are just FASCIST, M I RITE GUYS? MUH FREEDOMS! It's the players' faults for having thin skin!
>Meanwhile, your chatlog reads like an anthology of every thread that's been on the front page of Sup Forums in the last 3 months
Every time.
Azir was released two years ago, bub.
>muh safespace
I quit over 3 years ago because the game is way more strenuous and aggravating than any game has the right to be, so I have no idea what the champions are nowadays.
Interesting how OP hasn't posted logs yet.
It's almost as if he knows he deserved it.
Ah. Good on you for being able to escape it. Its only gotten more silly over the years, I tell you what. help
fuck off overshill faggot
Safespace has nothing to do with it, you're just an asshole and nobody wants to talk to you or listen to you speak.
You should be used to this by now. This is your life.
Usually when people post these LoL punishment messages it always says it like "You are the among 0.01% of the playerbase who got punished"
It's up to 5% now? That's insane and speaks volumes about the LoL community nowadays. Seriously, 1 in 20 players is toxic according to that. You'll statistically encounter a toxic player every other game (since games consist of 10 players, 5v5.)
>guy says one bad thing
>other guy flips and rants about how hes going to report the other guy
>"I'm not helping him! He's toxic!"
>"I dont care if we lose! That guy is toxic so he deserves it!"
>sperg gets mass reported and muted
>People don't get punished for giving criticism
But yes you do, it's called, under riot's report system "being passive aggressive" and is bannable
>Sup Forums is bad
and as if your post wasn't shit enough
>Literally never happened, the post
Nah, senpai. Stop trying to defend yourself by pretending to be someone else, OP.
HotS is better anyhow.
Post the chatlogs so we know whether or not you're just a huge sperg. I see that you cut them out intentionally.
>all these people defending riot's banning system
>on my Sup Forums
what has this board become
i honestly think most people here missed 9/11, there's no way there can be this many crybaby cucks in this thread if that wasn't the case
Whats Sup Forums's obsession with hating Sup Forums? I hate saying it, but it feels so Reddit-like. Is it because they praise that commie sanders lost? Please tell me.
Never played a Moba before?
The ratio doesn't seem far off. Keep in mind that you'll only really communicate with your own team during a game, and there's a good chance that the "toxic" one is going to be on the enemy team.
Every other game seems about right when I play dota. Either the autist is on my team or I can hear the other team complain about them in all chat.
Just post the fucking logs OP
>LoL player
why should I be surprised
I mean dota is full of foreign fuckwits but at least they arent league players LMAO
>playing MOBAs
That was your first mistake, retard
Show me some chat logs of people being banned for 'criticism' and not "stop dying you boosted fucking retards"
I don't think anyone hates Sup Forums as much as they just kinda laugh at it. You can't really hate something so ineffectual.
>stop dying you boosted fucking retards
that's criticism though
fuck off reddit
because apathy and videogames go together so well
You guys are literally MLP
Is the irony that you're being a jerk now, and not a nice person?
I never said Sup Forums was bad. I was implying that spouting Sup Forums memes in public is a sign of social retardation.
Have you ever been around someone who just recites internet memes all the time? It's cringey as fuck. Doubly so when said memes are intentionally offensive.
this desu
>Sup Forums cracks jokes about niggers being dindus
>literally go "I DINDU NUFFIN!" themselves frequently
This. OP didn't "call them out".. he just called everybody a faggot and bitched for the entire game. His team probably sucked, but instead of trying to help them he just dropped to their level.
A lot of boards have hated Sup Forums for years because it's worse than /r9k/ when it comes to containing retards. All the shitposting from that board constantly spills out to the rest of the website and if you try to tell them to fuck off you'll just get spammed with racism and anti-semitism like a broken record.
Basically, because it's political Sup Forums.
>so ineffectual
>playing an ASSFAGGOTS
>"call out people"
I don't think sperging out and calling people nigger faggot asshole bitch fuckers over a video game qualifies as calling people out.
I just hate hypocrites.
Both Riot and OP can fall under this banner. They can both be retarded.
Both are.
Did I make you get flustered? :^)
i really feel like bans should be reserved for actual hatespeech not just common flaming
if someone is just going in and i start raging back he invited it and i reciprocated. why does anyone need to be banned in that situation? the team should just deal with having obnoxious teammates or mute us. that's how its always been in like every game ever
but here's riot. such a progressive developer. they just care SO MUCH about your feelings
its a condition for being banned in pretty much every online game. so please continue using it