Riddle me this Sup Forums,
Why are there so few suburban themed levels?
Riddle me this Sup Forums,
Why are there so few suburban themed levels?
Because its boring as fuck, why would you want to wander around looking in windows to see white kids playing games where they explore suburbs
A New Life is probably one of the greatest vidya levels ever.
>people willingly live in the suburbs
>some make it one of their life goals
Defend this.
Fuck this is so good.
Meh gameplaywise though.
Because video games are escapist
>run down a suburb street
>break into someone's house for healing itmes
>married couple screwing on the couch
LITERALLY my fetish
Because there's fucking nothing in the burbs
Safe, affordable, good place for a average, midddle class family to bring up children in without too many outside influences swaying their opinions and actions at a young age.
Someone like you clearly wouldn't have much use for the suburbs though
How's this one for you OP?
>some make it one of their life goals
It's a status thing. I guess there's also more safety in the burbs, and you have more space than a city apartment and a yard.
Because the best one has already been made.
Are there any games where I can play as a white mom in a suburban neighborhood taking my sons Josh and Nick out to my husband's barbecue party and talking to my other friends who are also moms gossiping about the latest supernatural events
Something about that pictures makes me feel very alone. I wonder why.
The lawn in the OP's image is smaller than the average garage around here.
Someone who doesn't have to raise their wife's son in a sterile environment?
Tranquility Lane in FO3, Paper Boy, that one DOOM 2 level was supposed to be a suburb, The Sims
I can't think of any more
MW2 had a pretty good one
POSTAL has a lot of them
Right, but it's all a matter of perspective. A small square of grass to let your dog shit in the city is way smaller than a burb yard
This was a pretty enjoyable level but also one that highlighted the weakness of a suburban level. Plain grid-layout streets. Samey buildings you can walk into and feel like you were just in it. Same basic environment and theme for long stretches.
Honestly MW2 handled it pretty well all things considered. They gave you the basic road, let you go into a couple houses and then moved you on and out to a more commercial area.
there's a hole fucking game user
Those are front lawns. Front lawns tend to be a lot smaller than yards. Yards tend to be triple the size.
Other Mike was such a broken character.
Bro, unincorporated suburbs were the best thing ever. I had 4 neo mastiffs and me and my family would have a campfire and bbq out in the backyard 3 times a month.
Sadly can't do it anymore due to moving out and into a corporated suburb.
Why does it exist? You can't even do anything with a front lawn that size. May as well put the house right on the curb desu.
>Other Mike
>Broken character
Are you stupid? He was one of the better skaters, sure, but Daniel's older brother was the best, that's why they called him Daniel+, EVERY stat he had was higher than every other skater, so why is Other Mike broken?
It looks good, when taken care of. Different people like different aesthetics.
>boss character has better stats than every other character
No shit. I specifically didn't call out DoB for this reason. Other Mike is the girlfriend character who's unlocked from the start to let new players have fun.
every setting is bad if you have no creativity. anyway, i remember modern warfare 2 having a suburban invasion level that was pretty neat
theres literally no reason to not live in the middle of a metropolitan city unless you dont want to experience pussy, culture and food
>tfw always forget how to do the skinny man mission or whatever its called
>not living the master race country life
Enjoy your higher cost of living and paying 10x more for 1% of the property.
I'll be honest, I've done both. I like them for different reasons. Living in Manhattan was phenomenal, I'm married now and kids are a possibility. I'd prefer to live somewhere quieter and less busy for that.
>their wife's son
Is this related to that "hip meme" or are you really that far away from women ?
County life is only worth it if you can afford people to take care of your big as fields et al.
how old are you
Those all look like section 8 houses.
Why bother posting if you're not familiar with board culture?
Going to be 35 next month.
>tfw north american plazas all look the same
muh my house is so unique
The difference between a suburb and section 8 housing is black people.
White people make anything liveable.
Living the Jewmerican dream.
>The suburbs are so boring, man! They're just pods for mindless drones! I live in a free-thinking studio apartment in a crime-filled big city because I'm so much more forward thinking and special!
>*grows dreadlocks and goes on a soul-searching trip to amsterdam*
>that guy from your small town who's moving to New York to chase his faggy "creative" dream
Is it possible to die from secondhand embarrassment?
why would you want to go to africa and see mudhuttoilet looking houses with nigglets playing with eachother where they explore toilets ?
because it takes to much to create a dissimilar environment, to much work wich does not pay of when 90% of the people that play games just run from objective to objectiv.e
Mad for no reason.
I really want suburb levels too
It's that idea of it being clean, safe and sterile but something dangerous now happening juxtaposed together.
Most games now take place in some kind of warzone, so when something dangerous happens it's just more of the same
Best Cod map.
Sadly this. Living in the suburbs is terrible for NEETs or people who wish to make something of themselves.
You don't need 40 acres of country property just because you can
You can get by with one or a half acre just fine
not an argument
That's not Terminal.
I really wish there were more horror games set in american suburbs, there has yet to be a genuine good one. (silent hill doesn't count)
And yet I dont know if youre talking about the meme (which I just acknowledged) or the fact that noone here has seen a woman from 30 feet away ?
Also depends on the region.
Neither are greentext projections and assumptions, big guy.
Because the 90's are over.
>people willingly live in a city full of non-white humans
>some make it one of their non-life goals
no niggers
Left 4 Dead 2
Good joke.
Different user, but urban areas are where 20-something girls live. I'm a NEET in my parents house in a rich typical suburb and there is a giant void of people 18 to 35(married)
Considering that looks like the US desert southwest, the people there are likely chicanos and it would be a big step up in quality of life from growing up in Guatemala.
>Why are there so few epic battles on parking lots
>Why are there so few traffic jams in video games
>Why are there so few Wal Mart free for alls
Hard hitting questions, my American friend. These fascinating environments have certainly be under-utilized so far.
Wally World FFAs are top tier.
They're the only reason to participate in Black Friday.
>Shitting on parking lot fights
Ya gettin' your jollies?
Funny, because while I was trying to ridicule the concept, I adore what Suda did with Santa Destroy. But I think most of it was inadvertent because he couldn't put many objects (cars, pedestrians) outside so you got this simmering concrete wasteland, sprawled and lazy to traverse in an empty summer afternoon.
Actually my Albanian friend, a huge store would make a fun level because it adds a fantasy element to something people use daily. Sure is more creative and relateable than another middle east level.
>Battling some special forces guys, mercs, aliens in a huge Tesco's
>Why are there so few epic battles on parking lots
Max Payne had a great level of this though
Dunno, I thought both represented American way of life. Go to the middle east in order to be able to wander the aisles back home. From hangar to hangar, sort to speak.
Remember me, Sup Forums?
>that sound when smashing those sphere things on the pedestals
because video games are a form of escapism
>The only good American suburban levels were done by Japanese
fuck western video games
why wouldnt you want to live in an old bohemian bungalow in the city?
>70s porn music
what game is that
anyway, it can't be good judging from that screenshot. However now I remembered SWAT 4 and VtmB.
We need more commie blocks
whats wrong with that?
what is even rarer is rural towns in the middle of nowhere.
pic sorta related: view from my front door.
nice exif data bro pizzas inc
good luck
Payday: The Heist
Grove Street.
There are plenty I think
Deadly Premonition, tons of point and click adventures, Banished...
Or at least it was til' I fucked errythang up
they never get it right though, always put the wrong kind of buildings in them that would normally not be there.
Fact: bedroom levels are best
Does this one count?