Daily reminder that the greatest video game of the decade was 100% created by white people...

Daily reminder that the greatest video game of the decade was 100% created by white people, featuring only white people (at least in the main game)

SJW's can moan all they like, but when it comes to raw talent and getting things done, white people are objectively the best at making video games.


This is very insulting to my people. Please refrain from saying this again.

Have 25 dollars to spend for the rest of the sale, Witcher 3 is 24.99. Convince me to buy plz.

I know you're shitposting ale wypierdalaj szmato, mam nadzieje że zdechniesz na raka.


like action RPG's?

Don't. At this point wait until they release the version that comes with all the DLC. You'll get everything for that price.

lotr only had white people as well

I didn't say I was Polish; I just said it was insulting to my people: the Slavic ethnic group. I don't want to be considered white in the current world. Maybe back in the 60s it would have been a boon, but right now it's not something I would wish on anyone.

I don't know what you said because I'm not Polish.

what race would you prefer to be?

This is true, being white puts you at a disadvantage in society today. Less likely to get scholarships, jobs, and general support because people think we have "too much privilege."


If you are white you'll get compared to murricans,if you are slavic you'll get compared to russians.

i just want my comfy world where no country but poland,slovakia and czech republic exists

Noone ever, ever, ever complained about this. Fuck off back to Sup Forums or Sup Forums.

But slavs are white you goddamn fucking retard.
You've only got 3 ethnic groups, white, nigger and asian.
Everything else is purely based on culture.

>being white puts you at a disadvantage in society today
Is this your excuse?

but witcher 3 isn't the greatest vidya of the decade user

>greatest video game of decade

Gówniane sidequesty, gówniany combat i gówniane dialogi.

I don't give a fuck about your Sup Forums agenda, but The Witcher 3 isn't even close to being the best game of the decade.

>t. Germanic whitey
Please don't tell me about my people.

so what is?

aside from Dark Souls of course, I don't see anything that came close

as a proudu japanese manu, It's not understandu to rump us with sneaky chinks, filthy koreans and other assortments of mongorians

Powieś się ty szmato, idz obciągaj ahmeda.

Dragon"s Dogma.

Nice b8
Don't you mean honorary whites :^)

There's a shit ton of good games.

>nie lubi mojej ukochanej gry więc na pewno jest za wpuszczeniem afrykańskiego ścierwa do polski!

uduś się kretynie, przez takich jak ty nie ma nadziei dla tego państwa. wpychacie tą pierdoloną politykę nawet w jebane gry komputerowe. idź obciągać swoim pseudopatriotycznym kolegom-kibolom.

>Slavs aren't "white"
Some of you guys are so fucking dumb it's fucking astounding. "White" and "black" are colloquial terms from North America that very, very poorly describe actual groups of people and ethnicities. In Africa everyone who's ethnically African is a dark shade of skin colour but sub-saharans are pretty much all black. But they have different ethnicities changing the texture of their hare, facial features et cetera, just like how a Slav, who is white, WILL look different from an Italian, who is white, who will look different from a Brit, who is fucking white. Meanwhile the Greeks are too white but look similar to their Anatolian neighbors, and their ethnicity gets darker and more varied the further south you go.

It's not fucking hard but it's not three groups of fucking people in the entire world. If you can't tell a Swede apart from someone from fucking France you're a retard, or a North American - and North Americans have very mixed lineage due to the entire country consisting of migrants from the Old World.

Not played it,but fair enough,it looked interesting
Not baiting,seriously can't think of any
Name some

>aside from dark souls

kill. your. self.

I posted this just so dasbabbies won't jump on me.

Do you have to play the first two games to understand what's going on in the third one?

Dishonored, Metro 2033 Redux, Dark Souls, RDR, Fallout: New Vegas, Bloodborne

>dark souls is bad

shit meme

Now you're just making up races

I recently finished the first game and begun on 2. Planning on play 3 after that.

I actually really miss The Witcher 1 now. Witcher 2 is so ... different. I really fell in love with it. I highly recommend you play them chronologically.

no, first two hours are so filled with expositional dialogue that it feels completely unnatural

I'd rather have blacks than trannies in my games, fucktard


Das isn't bad, but it is not close to the best game ever