
>no morrowind thread
Come on Sup Forums

Also what are some recommended mods? Any must-haves?

Please don't fall for the Morromeme.

but what else can i play that will give me as much diversity in how to play?

But it's only $8 user, why not give it a shot?

wow you suck

git gud

Woah, is the OP picture vanilla Skyrim? It looks better than I remember!

Hey, you're above the speed limit. I'll forgive you if you promise you are rushing to get Fallout 4 and pre-order the DLC.

>Playing Bethshit games in 2016 when Witcher 3 exists

Fuck off back to stone-age faggot.

>witcher 3

Is Morrowind worth playing these days?

I've played Oblivion and Skyrim and fucking hated them.

I can't understand how people even defend this shit.

Yeah for sure, about to start my own playthrough here in a bit. Just need to see what mods I should grab

user pls, this is fake.

>how can people defend this game that is the best in its series arguably Daggerfall is bettter

I know what you mean, you can tell it's just one guy spamming those webms by the filenames

It is just Bethesdrones eating shit. They defend their shit, live in the their shit games.

If they are shit then why do millions of people buy them?

Not that user, but come on, popularity isn't a sign of quality, just look at minions.

>inb4 le million flies poop analogy

It was 5 burgers last sale.

Come on senpai, get one just to help me out!

Anyone here anything about that skywind Mod? Morrowind redone in the skyrim engine?

>Why do millions of people watch Pewdiepie on Youtube

>Why does Justin Beiber has millions of fans

Shit attracts the most flies. Bethesda is literal shit and their games are magnets for flies. Stop eating and shit and play good quality games. If you think Morrowshit, Oblishit, Shitrim is good then you are literally retarded.

>stop eating and shit and play
>is good

Like I would listen to the opinions of a faggot


B-But Todd, 3 dollars are a big deal in the third world due to regional pricing, a game on sale at 5 USD only costs 2-3 dollars here.

>Morrowind gameplay
>Skyrim engine
I honestly don't know what they could do to make it worse. Maybe do it in Oblivion's art style?

>Oblivion's art style
>Unironically wanting Oblivion's art style back

You cAnt be fucking serious

Fuck you OP