I got this game as part of the steam sale and what the fuck, it's the most frustrating piece of shit I've ever played. 19 times out of 20 I miss the ball when I go to hit it. I don't know what the fuck I'm doing, other than bashing my head against the wall. What the fuck are people doing to enjoy this game? I want to enjoy it but my blood pressure is at stroke levels.
I got this game as part of the steam sale and what the fuck, it's the most frustrating piece of shit I've ever played...
Pro tip: Don't jump to hit the ball if you are a beginner.
first week it came out everyone was just having fun playing it a week later everyone became try hards that watch youtube tutorials to try to win every game only played it for like 3 weeks then got over it
Have you tried having fun?
go where the ball will go, not where it currently is
OK, I'll try that.
I think I did.
I'll try that too.
git gud
Don't worry about it. Everyone has trouble with it at the beginning.
Do you use ball cam?
Do you seriously expect to play decently hours after buying the game? Do some training first and chill the fuck out, you will get better.
I still remember my first time playing with 3 friends, we couldn't stop laughing because neither us nor the other team could hit the ball. Fast forward to this day and I've become a tryhard that plays a thousand times better than before but doesn't enjoy the game nearly as much.
So have fun while you still can. And stay the fuck away from competitive until you know at least how to aerial propperly, it will save you a lot of frustration and you won't fuck other people's games.
You can change your camera settings senpai.
>Fast forward to this day and I've become a tryhard that plays a thousand times better than before but doesn't enjoy the game nearly as much.
Games usually become less fun the better you get at them.
This. I recommend going into training or free play mode and messing around w/ the many camera options. Find what feels the least disorienting for you re: perceiving the distance from the ball to you. It's also good to dick around for map awareness. The default settings are really tight on your car.
There are some short, easy videos if you just want some brief pointers to consider when you're starting out. Team Rocket or w/e has a good short series for beginners.
The training modes are awesome and def take advantage of them.
Y or triangle or tab(?) will change from ball camera to behind the car. Try out both.
Practice also helps.
I tried both cameras, and it seemed they each had usefulness in different situations.
>Do you seriously expect to play decently hours after buying the game?
No, but I did want to know what I was doing wrong and what I could be doing to improve myself.
That might be a good idea. Maybe I'll turn the camera so it's a bit more up off of the field.
Taking time to practice without a team whizzing around me would probably be the best thing I can do to get to enjoy the game. I will do that next time before trying to do any 3v3 matches.
Sorry for the rather silly thread, but I wanted to vent my frustration somewhere. I'll try playing again after I've worked off my sleep debt and have had an actual breakfast. All you guys have been really nice.
user, use the cars in air movement to your advantage. For instance you can make a stationary ball go forward or backwards by flipping your car in air forwards or backwards.
You can also boost in mid air to fly and hit the ball that way and remember, different cars have different weight that affect how the ball is hit. IE. heavier cars cant boost as fast but will hit the ball pretty far
Play center, just sit back wait for the clusterfuck to center the ball and just ram it in.
git gud
Camera shake OFF makes the game play so much smoother.
out of everything this is a must
This too. Playing mostly on defense is a great way to get used to how the ball works and how people approach it. Besides learning to be a good goalie will help you with your mmr and whether or not you want to climb the comp ladder later. Best to just keep an eye on your goal and hope your teammates manage some goals if they're randoms. Playing the mid field and waiting for the easy setups is a great way to practice goals/aerials.
It's not the weight, it's where the ball hits AFAIK. Bumpers give more power to the shot while the wheels have a softer touch. All cars are basically the same except for certain hitboxes and turning circles.
Also binding both Powerslide and Air Turning to one of the bumper buttons works wonders.
post cars
Just keep playing and you'll get better, everything will become more intuitive. The game is very rewarding when it's played the proper way but that will take time