About to buy this on steam, any recommendations which ones to play where to start ect?
About to buy this on steam, any recommendations which ones to play where to start ect?
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I'm thinking about getting the first and playing them all through in order but Pandora Tomorrow is not on steam.
you won't miss much if you skip pandora tomorrow. if you don't have time just go straight to chaos theory and go from there
Chaos Theory. Why bother with anything but best
Chaos Theory is the good one
does chaos theory have controller support
just pirate PT and look up how to fix the missing shadows since somebody managed to find a fix for it thank god
PT has broken lighting and isn't sold but some user has fixed it if you wanna play it
Chaos Theory is one of if not the greatest stealth games of all time
Don't listen to these guys, play each one and emulate double agent on ps2 or og xbox, skip conviction and play black list and ur done
doo dee doo....
Reminder that chaos theory has a permanent 1st person mod.
doo dee doo
if you mean the entire series of games then chaos theory and double agent was what I enjoyed the most.
the AI can be a bit fucked but theres definitely fun to be had m8
i played the first one but i really can't remember much about it other than it was okay
Only play the first two if you reeeaaalllly care about paying attention to a generic Tom Clancy plot. Chaos Theory is the peak of the series. Think Hitman: Blood Money compared to Silent Assassin, if you've played those.
I think Ubisoft can look to Infinite Warfare faggotry. Release a poor ass attempt at another Splinter Cell game but giving us Chaos Theory fully remastered with MP. Would withdraw shekels for that.
Is Blacklist decent enough to try?
Thanks all really helpful
Blacklist surprisingly isnt complete shit like Conviction was despite them fucking up Fisher. Its no Chaos Theory but it at least tries to do stealth correctly. The story even starts off pretty good.
Does it even need to be remastered? It still holds up pretty damn well.
CT is still perfect, doesn't need a remaster. What I would kill for is a NEW game that has that same gameplay and Mike Ironside. Modern graphics and AI and more complex maps and multiple objectives and all the good shit is just icing
You gonna need to mod this game in order for that one stage with the spotlights to be playable IIRC.
Ubisoft seriously needs to release a proper HD rerelease. That PS3 HD collection was a glitched mess they never bothered to fix.
Wouldnt we all user.
Dude you're asking for the impossible. These underage fags don't have the patience anymore to chill in the dark to interrogate/murder people anymore.
It will be Black List revamped at 25fps 900p.
So what was so different with Pandora Tomorrow that it got fucked up on PC but somehow SC1 and CT didnt?
it's weird, it's Unreal 2 which tends to just wurk. Luckily it's been fixed. Wish they would sell it again with the fix though for normalfags
>emulate double agent on ps2
No, don't do that. That port was some terribad shit. The only good version of DA was on the og xblox.
Not him but how different is the xblox version from the 360 version? People say its an entirely different game altogether.
Considering you can't emulate the Hueg...
PS2 and Og xbox are the same game just xbox is prettier and a bit better overall but only available on original hardware
6th gen DA is basically Chaos Theory 2 instead of all the changes "real" DA made. Same engine and essentially same gameplay with the double agent trust twist thrown in.
The right thing to do is retire Fisher. Make him the new Lambert guy for example. That way you can keep Ironside and make way for a new VA and a character in a new splinter cell game. Fisher would as a character want to retire at this point.
i already played chaos theory, are any of the newer ones decent? I played the ps2/original xbox version of double agent which was also pretty true to chaos theory gameplay.
Chaos Theory rivals Thief 2 for greatest pure stealth game ever made, so I'd start with it, on PC.
People here jizz all over Chaos Theory, and it's certainly a very good game, but I actually prefer the first game. It feels a little less jokey/more grounded.
Buy the pack on steam and play them in order of release. IGNORE the shitters that tell you to skip Pandora Tomorrow, however its not on steam due to shadow issues so you will need to pirate it. Use steamcommunity.com
When you finish chaos theory emulate the ps2 version of double agent, its 100 times better than the 7th gen version, which is mediocre as fuck but still playable provided you dont get screwed by every possible bug on pc (and BY FUCK there are a lot of them)
As for the games themselves, try to avoid taking out enemies as much as possible, true ghost experience is best experience imho, and dont be afraid to push for it, staying in a corner cowering like a pussy wont solve much
Pic related pandora tomorrow fixed lightning
Depends. None of the newer ones are true to the old games. Conviction is basically just an action game with some stealth in it, and while blacklist lets you go for more stealth it lacks the key mechanics of the good splinter cell games. It has like 4 (?) really good grim missions but aside from that its pretty mediocre, but it also has an FPS mission and they retconned and ruined the story and sam sooooooo hard I actually prefer conviction to it
SC1 had the best plot imho (even though half of it carries on in the sequels especailly CT), but CT is just 10/10 in matters of level design and mechanics, its fucking perfect
Play the first three in order and play double agent if you really like the series as its the last game that still plays similar to the rest of the game series.