ITT: Badass, non-sexualized female protagonists
Protip: Samus is not badass and has been sexualized since the first game, so fuck off
ITT: Badass, non-sexualized female protagonists
Protip: Samus is not badass and has been sexualized since the first game, so fuck off
Samus is pretty badass baka desu senpai
I Want 2k games to leave
Take Battleborn with you plz
Create your own thread for virgin pandering characters then.
Some of the RE girls.
I know you're new here so you probably don't know so I'm gonna let you know now.
Whether they need a man or not isn't in question, just those capable and independent in their own right.
Except most characters sexualised by design, which is what OP is referring to.
>G-Girls can do it t-too!
I hope dark fantasy comes back into vogue so we can have more brave sheknights get realistically overpowered and raped on the battlefield.
There's an obvious difference between making an attractive video game character than one that parades around with a bikini.
>has to specifically mention no sexual think............
Or you can just masturbate to doujins on sad panda like everyone else.
(I really like Catalyst)
And thus, the faggot that spams armor threads reveals hirself.
Sexual allure is a female power over males. These feminist bullshit is all to remove competition from other females, just like labour unions in Socialism.
Virginia Maxwell, Wild Arms 3
>Samus is not badass
Okay I might concede the "has been sexualized since the first game" bit
But nigger you dumb if you think she's not badass
Why did we decide that a girl can't be badass if she's also sexualized?
Is it considered non-sexualized if I masturbate to her daily?
So does anyone ever make mod packs for skyrim or is everyone expected to download each individual mod them selves?
>just like labour unions in Socialism.
Hi Sup Forums.
Everyone ought to be slaves and be paid peanuts and be squeezed for overtime while not being paid overtime.
I don't know what it is about Slavic girls that give me an erection, but Ciri is one of them.
Based Valve.
The cunts are terrible with technology, though.
The waifu age is ours. We simply must seize it.
Stay the course, my broskis.
We have worked diligently, and now the moment of final victory is near.
she's not slavic she's 2d
Suikoden 3 would have been so much better without that Trinity System.
It was interesting to see the tweests from multiple perspectives, but it killed the flow of the story.
She was never once sexualized in-game, fan art doesnt count.
I*s this sexualized? I can't tell
All the Witcher girls are based off some Polish model as a template
Good taste mah nigga
That game was such a masterpiece, if you can look past the slow as fun pacing and random encounters
I love Jill , because she's strong female who needs no man also she has never been sexualized.
doesn't make them anymore real though
they're not slaves if they can choose to sell their labour elsewhere. And we'd would be more efficient and prosperous if the economy wasn't rigidly interdependent. And don't talk about Somalia; they're low IQ savages who never had the conditions of the west.
> attractive video game character
why you post underage girl? are you a filthy pedo?
the facial structures and proportions are real enough.
>3(three)-dimensional model of a video game character
She looks a lot less like an old gremlin here than she did initially.
It had one of the worst JRPG protagonists of all time tho.
that's fair
Geddoe, Chris and even Thomas (very underrated) are some of the best JRPG protagonists though.
>being in underwears is being sexualized
fucking nu males
>we'd would be more efficient and prosperous if the economy wasn't rigidly interdependent
and I'd like a unicorn and a dinosaur and a brand new bicycle that flies and shoots fire
yes indeed
us moslems understand sexualization comes from the male gaze
which is why women need to be covered entirely to escape it
>Ellipses, Stronk Womyn and Nu-Male Incarnate
>best protagonists
>wearing bondage gear isn't sexual
Gets my dick hard too what with all that sexuale dripping off her you stupid summer flavored nig nog.
I bet you're 12.
because pure socialism has worked out so well. Socialistic programs in the west and Scandinavia are malignant tumours.
brah blaming socialism for economic interdependence is literally the stupidest shit
Even if they were good, Linkin Park Boy completely cancels any of that out.
that's literally what socialism is
Ignore the unlockable skin
>Went from poofy pants to shortest kimono and stripper boots from Tenchu 1 to 2
>Went short shorts in 4 onward
She was sexualized to fuck user.
literally the stupidest shit, i feel sorry for your handlers
I'm surprised how bad it was, I reinstalled ME1 and it's a better game overall.
Thomas sucks.
He caused my game to get stuck in his fucking campaign cuz I got him stuck in an area where he dies in one hit.
I really wanted to keep playing but dropped it and never played it ever again.
Her outfit is just lightweight.
>stripper boots
Mmmm. Hot.
Seconded. It felt like forever before the story actually progressed, because you had to hear the same damn thing 3 different times. Still a good game though. And Chris with her hair down makes muh dick.
Tell me about Metroid.
Why does he wear the gun-arm?
Her outfit in 2 was very skimpy and she had high boots.
In the picture you show it's incredibly skimpy and also there was a lot of panty shots.
The only time she isn't sexualized is when she wore the big pants
Princess Peach is the complete opposite of what OP is asking. Take her elsewhere
Lot of loyalty for a space mercenary.
Are you not?
Peadophobics bigots know no boundaries.
All the Resi girls are like over 30. When will they settle down and have children?
the thigh high boots were some strange idea of censorship. And it's the only roughly skimpy outfit; her default Wrath of Heaven and Fatal Shadows outfits aren't skimpy, their lightweight.
not badass
Morrigan is wholesome and strong independent woman.
>something gets censored
>it just results in my fetish
This happens a lot somehow
>the gun arm is too heavy for samus in the fusion suit, causing her to slump forward
Strong independent half-mystic who don't need no charm lord.
>mfw people honestly think women can't be "real" or "strong" simply because they're attractive
Feminism has just become a parody of"Mean Girls" at this point.
No one is claiming that you fucking idiot.
>Non-sexualised female
Females are inherently sexual and sexualize themselves as much as males. Somehow trying to belittle this or pretend it's misogyny is self-delusion. Don't do it.
>dying in a JRPG, the most casual genre of all
>dying in autobattle: the franchise
Don't blame the character because you suck. Never touch a vidya ever again.
Fat envious whale detected.
The fuck dude isn't meant to fight and does 1's.
That's the fucking point of him you fucking retard.
His whole gimmick is he's a weak little twig.
I think his story is building a fucking house and I got lost, and I saved by an area where it's enemies for the other campaign protags.
He does 1s and they kill you in one hit.
Okay, she's technically possessed by the spirit of a master swordsman, but that's a minor detail.
R-right, guys?