Console Fag

So us Console fags are gonna have to wait upwards of 4 weeks to nerf this stupid fuck. How it made it to release astounds me.

Also leave your PC madterace shit in other threads.




>FPS on consoles

toppest kekerino

Thank you for being a predictable tard

Thank you for forcing a nerf

70% winrate, dumbass. Needed a nerf.

>Playing a competitive fps on a console.

I bet you were one of those retards that played TF2 on console as well.

That must be console exclusive :^)

It's not getting nerfed on PC. Do you even pay attention?

>halts entire team by himself
>snipes turret's vulnerable points religiously

>Console players so bad they can't destroy a stationary turret

probably because >fps on console:^)

>playing competitive pvp fps games on a console

it's would actually be the best version if it had players

Is the dwarf stronger on console versions or something?

>Console players can't find a weakness for turrets
>the weakness is range




target aquired



This is he secretly stronger in consoles or what the fuck?


PS4 player here, I'm divided on this. On one hand, Torb didnt need nerf and peoplejust needed to stop being retards when dealing with his turret, but on the other hand I fucking hate shitter attack Torbjorns on my team all the time and I hope this scares them away.
Keeping balance with the PC version isnt important anyway cause the competitive scene is gonna be on PC. Console version will alway be for casual play and taking it seriously is silly.

Just quit posting now

In which way?

A stationary turret gets countered by pretty much everything, unless your team is shit and they slowly funnel into it.

No, but everyone else is shittier, making the turrets seem stronger by comparison.

>trust the shooter mechanic
>tick rate

He is the exact same but the game plays differently and console play has dictated Torb as stupid and op.

Console players cant aim for shit and play the game like COD.

Its literally because you cant aim as well on consoles. The turret has aimbot. M+KB is undisputedly better at twitch shooting and aiming, not even a debate. He was just that much better on consoles because if your fighting him, you need every shot to count.

Console players can't aim as fast.
Trob's turret aims instantly
So, say it takes a PC player 1/10 of a second to aim at a turret, and a console player 1/2 of a second. The cosole player will always take more damage before they can start shooting it.

Harder to deal with his turrets with console controls, maybe? idk

Molten Core is the most bullshit ability in the game.
Prove me wrong. Too much HP and damage=literally makes pushing impossible for 12 seconds

He's the same, but on consoles you can't aim for shit so you can't hit his turret before dying.

>Turrets range is 40meters
>There are maybe 3 spots out of all the maps in the entire game that have a sight line longer than that.

Very. Turret spins too fast for controllers to keep up. 70% winrate.

>as much health as a tank
>too much hp
just stop

Nerfing the turret is stupid. Players are just stupid and rush the turret.

All they really need to do is make turret take longer to lock on if analog aiming is the reason Torb needs nerfs. I've never really had much problem just popping in and out of cover and killing it myself. Turret had only ever been a problem when attacking the final point and it has so many defenders swarming around it that just popping out isnt enough, but thats more because fighting 6 defenders that respawn a foot away with no randoms and no text chat is a shitload harder.

>turret has 800 hp


Guys when will Valve nerf the Engineers sentry in the console versions of TF2?

>3 years from now on consoles
>game is halo slow and there are only 3 classes, soldier , winston and symmetra

>3 years from now on PC
>game is a better version of tf2, probably with new movement options too

And shorter range,

plus a fuck ton armor, which takes reduced damage

Torb is fine. Having six of them is shit to deal with but really they shouldn't let a team have more than two or three of any given character to start with.

>stationary, huge target has lots of health
what a tragedy

>Thinking torb is broken
Coming from a ps4 fag it's not bad until they get 3+ torb

which kills you with laser accuracy when moving to line of sight no matter where you are

Has anyone posted a video of mouse and keyboard module on console wrecking gamepad users?

So increase sensitivity?

>can't aim for shit on consoles
>decide to just pick Reinhardt, shield my allies and beat people up when they get close
I'll do decently enough until I finally build that PC.

>playing an fps on consoles

>expecting them to do so

what does he and zarya say during their ultimate

all i hear is




This I play on ps4 and it took some work and a lot of shitty games but I have set sensitivity and cross hair/controls for every single hero and they work amazing. While you don't have as good of aim as you do as mouse and keyboard the game is thankfully team based and works more with coordination then twitch shooting skills.

oh, I didn't know it was 1v1, my mistake, I didn't see that mode on PC

your point? there's also the rest of his team whacking their shit at you
oh and the 500 hp insane dps guy as well

>hitscan, undodgeable, 56dps, 40m instant-targeting range and has more hp than most of the playable characters do with no damage fall-off or reload time
>oh and did I mention it also charges his ult for him which lasts 12 seconds when activated?

I pretty much go out of my way to shit-on torbs whenever I see one on the enemy team. Motherfucker's gonna get a hefty dose of justice up is tiny darven ass if he thinks he can freely play the most annoying character in the game on my watch. Or Mother Bear, she works too. Nothing like getting a free +50 energy because that retard cant not target me and my shield.

>500 hp insane dps?

mr bjorn

anyone with a gun that requires to aim

He only has 500 hp if he pops motlen core at max hp. I am a consolefag too and Torb isn't that bad unless they stack him

>500 hp
Do you even play the game

I thought you guys liked auto-aim on consoles.

Why there is so much shitposting PC fanboys lately? Is it because of summer?

When you have poor motor skills it helps to have the games play for you. Thus the appeal of modern console gaming.

PC player here and I want a fucking nerf for this bearded little shit as well. Can't stand how fuckers are just having their auto-aim cannon doing all the work. I wish Blizzard had taken some cues from TF2 Engineer.

>playing an fps on consoles

>When you have poor motor skills it helps to have the games play for you

PCucks have no problem with auto aim turret. Maybe it's you who like casual things?

they did, thats why he doesnt have a teleporter and dispenser

no games

>playing games on PC

I don't want him to be nerfed because he reminds me of when i'd play gunslinger engi on TF2 back when that game wasn't boring shit.

>throw down a weak pea-shooter to harass, or maybe take the time to level 2 if you can find a nice spot that the enemy team isn't already bumrushing
>let it do some work while you go around popping niggas with your gun
>throwing armor at your bros

shit's fun

I mean like nerfing the gun, but giving him the option to control it himself for maximum potential.

>playing RTS on consoles

Get a Xim 4 you stupid ass console babies.

>not begging for games on PC

but overlord was good on console, same with Blizzards Diablo even though its not a RTS

Because when you actually know how to aim, you can kick the crap out of a stationary turret that can't reposition itself for at least several seconds.

>playing video games on lil' weak babbu boxes

I swear to me fuckin mum I don't play Torb, but how the fuck is he getting a nerf? He's shit, and almost always free kills. We need the fucking Mcflashbang nerf

Diablo 1 was decent on ps1, but I'd much rather play it on PC.

Diablo 3 was garbage all-together. I'm glad consolebros got some fun out of it though.

No, seriously, Overwatch on the PS4 was awful to play.

And the games were pathetic, Pharah's wouldn't lift off the ground because flying and shooting is too hard. The games felt slow as fuck and half as intense than on the PC version.

blame sony and microsoft
blizzard has no control over the patch regulations on consoles

>not begging for 60fps and mods on consoles
Overlord is more of a RPG + little RTS hybrid really, on the other hand I really want to see how consolefags play Warband, especially when they have to horse archery and command troops at the same time

>can't play Pharah with a controller

Sounds like you just need to _________________________________________________________________git gud

>Overwatch on the PS4 was awful to play.
It wasn't. Stop projecting and justify your shitty system with multiplat.
Don't remember begging for it. Unlike PCucks begging for my games because they have none :^)

I didn't play Pharah, it was everyone else who needed to git good. I just noted how all of them would walk on the ground

>not knowing you can use mouse+keyboard on consoles
how to spot summerfags

Here's your average consoleturd. Can't even understand what he's reading.

>It wasn't. Stop projecting and justify your shitty system with multiplat.

don't let me stop you from enjoying your version, that's just what i experienced. Pharah's walking on the ground and attackers who filed in one at a time, dying to turrets over and over.

I play it on PS4 and it's pretty fun and intense. I feel like I tend to get paired up with a lot of shitters, but then I've heard people playing on PC saying the exact same thing.

He's apparently really hot shit on consoles.

THE hot shit.

Pharah's a little difficult to play on consoles, more so than most characters.

Am I the only console player who plays FPS games with higher sensitivity? I bounce between PC and console, and I don't really notice disparity between skill levels, either.

>because flying and shooting is too hard

Read it pretty well, shitter. Don't complain, git gud.

>using mouse+keyboard on console
Why play on a fucking console in the first place then?

Keep begging and you will eventually get it, meanwhile PC just needs to wait for emulator and when Sony stops producing ps4 new players will have fun with Bloodborne on PC

To play video game? Are you mentally challenged?

No, you're literally too stupid to actually understand what i wrote.

It was my observation that in my games, Pharah players wouldn't lift off the ground, because it was too difficult for them to fly and shoot. You read it as "I think it's too difficult to fly and shoot" which is completely wrong.

Yes I am, but my point was if you're going to use M+K, there's no good reason to play on console over PC.