What is the best class in RPGS and why is it Monk?

What is the best class in RPGS and why is it Monk?

Is that how they spell 'wizard' where you're from?

No it's cleric
be useful to yourself by healing and be useful to the party by healing

Hide behind your magic and shit defense, I'll beat the shit out of everything with my fists.

Ugly huge saggy tits

because while every other class has dinky weapons our body IS the weapon. plus punching shit is cool.

>Developers can't figure out how to make a bare handed character as powerful as a weapon wielder.
>Make them over powered so you'll still use them.
Gee I wonder why.

who is this semen demon?

can I get an example of this? because in every game i've played with monk they tend to use knucklers as a weapon

Depends on the game, but I fucking loved Ragnarok Online monks:
>Get buffs and heal from acolyte class
>Get speed of a thief/rogue
>Get defense of a knight/paladin
>Get a few ranged spells with soul orbs

I've never had more fun with monks in a video game before then. And probably never will again. ;-;

>can't heal as much as priest
>can't hit as hard as warrior


>Disgaea 2
Fuck, my main units were my thieves with fist weapons and Adell who'd go around raping everything with their high as fuck speed and their large-ass movement range, with everyone else being meatshields/bait.

but shes japonese and thats where my animays come from

The homosexual board is that way fag.

Monks use magic too

Necromancer's are the best. Summon an army of darkness and kickback while they do the dirty work.

>b-but it's n-not m-magic it's chi

in first person: warrior
in third person: hybrid classes (clerics, druids, that sort of thing)
top down: wizards

>Not playing Punch Mage

I'd like to get into grappling range of those monsters, if you catch my drift

Monks are gay

that face is pretty fucked up

What is survivability?

>tfw I immediately recognized Shibuya Kaho from the thumbnail
I guess I should cut back on watching her JAVs a little bit

What is Final Fantasy Tactics, Alex?

>Bare fists do more damage than a magic sword you had to steal from a boss that thrashed you for months even without the artificial difficulty of trying to steal his weapon from him
>Performs fucking impossible feats of acrobatics, jumping twice as high and far as the other classes
>Your CT bar is greased with sex lube
>You can throw your god damned FIST across the board
>Fuck that casual shit, you can hit EVERYONE with your fist in a row
>Punch a nigger in his face with a counter every time he hits you
>Punch a nigger in his face with a hamedo BEFORE every time he hits you
>Punch him twice more while he waits for his next turn to hit you and get hamedo counter punched again
>Heal HP, remedy yourself, and raise the dead without the use of MP or items with the same action bar that lets you throw your fist across the board
>Get two swords ability from ninja and do all this crazy shit with TWO FISTS.

How would a MMO would work out if there no in combat healing?

Not only that out of combat healing cause be achieve by anyone through various means. Would you play that MMO?

what's the name of a slow tank class that uses enchantments/buffs on themselves/their team to overcome mediocre base stats? Really like that type of class (Man at Arms in Darkest Dungeon)


I like Paladin or Bard the most.

Who is your favourite actress Sup Forums?

Anybody in this thread who hasn't played Jade Empire already seriously needs to.

kaho shibuya

Julia Boin

1) hunter/ranger 2) battle spellcaster reporting in

>short hair and freckles

literal perfection

Protection paladins in vanilla WoW

Paladin/holy knight

>MC actually going after the best girl
Does not compute

>uses homophobic slurs

the 15 year old board is that way kid

Summoner tbqh fampai

no its enchancement shaman you retard


I played the shit out of this game as a kid. I have it again now, but looking back. It runs and plays awkwardly.

I went to play it again and I really wasn't feeling it

There is just something about shorthaired 2d tomboys that makes me smile.

I wonder how successful this plan would be in real life?

I wish that guy did more non-porn stuff.

not very, just be direct


>bought this on steam and it never fucking worked
>been wanting to play on my OG xbox for a while
>have it on there
sell it to me

>tfw RO made monks perfect

Powerful fighter against evil energies? No problem
Spiritual energy? You got it
Ultimate technique that fucks you up? It's there
Pressure points to heal and buff? You bet

>>been wanting to play
>>sell it to me

Is there any reason to play RO right now in 2016 or has that ship sailed?

>Air Render is straight up stronger than normal attacks unless the target is immune to Wind
>Which is like the least common immunity
Shit's hilarious

I'm positive there are still active private servers up

Yuria Satomi

Game aged pretty poorly. It's an action rpg before Bioware could make the action medicore. The plot is pretty bland and the characters are shallow archetypes. The art-style aged well, and there's a few fun sections and there's a nice twist before the end.

I'd play it before any modern Bioware game. But then again I'd play any rpg before a Bioware game.

>FF Type 0 was the only game I've played in recent years that did a monk perfectly
Its such a shame. I just want fast paced action, sexy dodges, counters and some self healing with a little muscle magic thrown in.

You know the dev loves monks when final opponent on the arena is a legendary champion monk who can slap your shit so hard you need to pray to rng to simply survive his turn.

>Hits enemy's from a safe distance.
>moves fast.
>cant touch this.
>Crits for days.
>Can inflict status effects.
>Bows look really cool.

Fuck, stop making me want to buy this. I already got too much shit on my plate.

Can't say I don't enjoy playing Mistweaver.

what games where the monks are op? so far I can only think of Tactics and Oblivion.

Sabin is pretty damn strong in FF6

sucks at the 2nd world mate

>le fists outdamage everything xD
literally the katana of the west

Not if you play him as a Muscle Wizard. Most of his Blitzes run on Magic.