Is there a Pyramid of Taste for video games?
With more refined taste at the top
and pleb mass market tripe at the bottom?
Is there a Pyramid of Taste for video games?
>Sup Forums
>having taste
The top of the pyramid would be like Tetris or something.
Top of the pyramid: Games with deep mechanics, replayability, and provides meaningful challenges to the player.
Bottom of the pyramid: Weebshit
>god tier
Games I played as a kid
>good tier
Games I like now
>shit tier
Games I don't like
There, now fuck off
Did this come straight from Sup Forums? It looks like something some conceited blowhard or rusemeister would make over there.
This chart isn't even taste, it's just obscurity. A pyramid for taste would just be good games at the top and bad games at the bottom.
It's an old Sup Forums infographic designed by Hampus Grönvall
No, there is a pyramid of how much autism you have.
And by that, how much you dive into vidya.
AKA the more obtuse the better?
Yes it came about as a way to upstage that other image they made where you ascend to godhood by listening to some Tibetan throat singing you downloaded with Soulseek.
It's more about obscurity, not "pleb taste" at the bottom. You could probably turn this one into a pyramid if you reverse it and then shorten the tiers the more you go up.
This was the Sup Forums equivalent of that image, although this one was based on that other Sup Forums image.
Maybe this one is more up your alley. I have a lot of them though.
>Shit tier
>All the music types I hate
>God tier
>All of my niche hipster music
Is Sup Forums the worst board?
Fuck I remember the threads when that one was first posted. Good times, been about a year now.
Awesome, thanks
It doesn't imply that at all, OP is just misunderstanding the image.
I miss those days tbqh
Where would a 15 rune clear in DCSS go? Or rather multiple clears?
The top of the chart is mostly academic music which most hipsters wouldn't listen to even for street cred. Incidentally, most actual hipster music is floating around in the bottom three tiers.
People say /lit/ is kinda the same way with all their pretentious literature, but I never go there because I'm not a nerd
he is right also why do all music charts have bad music at the top... i mean obviously if no one knows about them they must be bad
this picture makes me so fucking mad
the top is literally just ambient music
meanwhile lowercase and spectralism are a step below and musicological field recordings are below machine improvisation
Sup Forums is the fucking worst at everything
autist tier here striving toward asian
What exactly is the preferred position on these lists? Does anybody really WANT to be in the lowest tier because that just seems retarded and awful. I'm in the middle (old fag/weird guy/enthusiast) on each list and I'm happy with that.
Any higher, I feel like a jaded autist and any lower I feel like casual scum
I am at the bottom and I have attempted suicide 2 times.
I feel like weird guy or jaded outcast/oldfag is the best. Anything else is either normie-tier or you actually never go outside
Sonorism is good stuff. Very enjoyable.
At least post the correct picture OP
>puzzle games
What puzzle games are we talking about here? Things like Facebook puzzle games? I'm sure there's plenty of puzzle games normies wouldn't dare touch due to how much work you need to put into solving each and every puzzle.
What is it about
Experimental music focused on unique sound texture. If you like drones you'll love this. Try Polymorphia by Penderecki if you want a sample.