Sony bans user for using his real name

>I Am 26 years old and my name is Jihad. Before you hate on me, please remember 26 years ago, this s**t was not like this. I've been named based on the true, non-religious meaning of the word, which is: Struggling & Putting an effort in doing something Noble, good and highly valued. Long story short, we're in 2016 :).

>I'm really saddened to reach this stage of hopelessness in fair treatment without dealing with personal racism opinions. I hope if you guys would support me, I also accept if you disagree with me; just hearing me out is much appreciated.

>I have been long PlayStation gamer, since the first one came out. Two months ago I pre-ordered Overwatch: Collectors edition, once I got my hands on it I played it right away. Three days in, I suddenly received: Permanent-ban email, stating reason is [BAN REASON]. (Yes, literally like this) I was furious, I had this account since PS3 came-out, I have purchased MANY games. Never cheated nor talked to anyone.

Other urls found in this thread:

Jihad Akbar dindu nuffin'


>wow this is awful
>my name is Jihad and..
lol fuck that terrorist, based sony.

SoE permabanned me back in 2014 without explanation. Not sure if it's legal to do that or not.

I'm Gary Niger and I have been banned too.

You know, taking this shit to Reddit was probably a good idea. Sony is gonna have to do something now.

based sony

We shall make the kuffar dogs pay, inahallah.

Sony wins again :)

>personal racism
get bent muddie

Did you expect me to feel synpathy for a fucking muslim

You think that's bad but my name is actually Nate Higgers

Yes I was named Nigger Holocaust but it's 2016 so unban plox

>Using your real name in the first place

>Long story short, we're in 2016

>Sony removing the kebab


One of my doctors I went to a decade ago had the same first name of Jihad. I would have guessed he was in his 50's or 60's.


>I've been named based on the true, non-religious meaning of the word

Why the fuck are there daily threads on Sup Forums with direct links to reddit? What the fuck happened to this board?

Is this another Xdrone shill thread to hate on Sony?

Whoever is namen Jihad will have a bad life, not only on PS+

summer came that's what happened

Memes aside, as much as I hate muslims it's kind of fucked up to ban someone after they proved it was their real name

>implying anyone in this thread followed the link

Good, based sony for starting the internet purge of suicidal sandniggers.

fucking based

>OP wanted us to shit on sony
>everyone is actually praising them for being based against rajheads
kek, never change Sup Forums

Why don't he just a pick a different name. If my name was Ass McShitface, I won't be so prissy to keep it as it as a screen name. This is the hand you're dealt with and you have to deal with and move on.

People nowadays fucking to concern about the most worthless things

Oh fuck off, there's no way the faggot's real name is 'Jihad', that's fucking retarded. He's obviously lying.

based sony keeping psn safe from terrorists

why do we hate these guys again?

>wake up
>Sup Forumsfags are still on a fuckingsvideo game board

You neo nazis are some sad fuckers desu

Nigger he posted his ID

you will get banned.

The Oakland Raiders have a player named Jihad Ward on their roster

He did want to pick a different name. And Sony was going to allow it, but then they went back on it and said "nah, fuck it".

>he fell for the Sup Forums is neo nazi meme

just a vocal minority

most of Sup Forums is libertarian

How do we know he was banned because his name is Jihad when there was no reason given?

>It's a "politically incorrect Sup Forums episode"

Hahah fuck yeah sony destroy those terrorists!

>buying shooters on console

I shitpost on Sup Forums everyday, this a blatant lie.
Sup Forums is not a board of peace.

I know a guy named Dick Skinner. When he uses his real anywhere online he gets shit for it all the time.

That's the dumbest edgiest shit. That'd be like us naming our kids stuff like 'War', what the fuck.

>live in Africa
>name my son Nigger
>no one cares
>move to America
>black lives matter won't leave him alone

>using your real name online
You fucked up.

>create a PSN account
>"please do not use your name"
>use my name
>gets b&'d


His parents hated him far more than Sephiroth's and Dragonborn's

>its a if you dont spread your ass for violent third world shitskins youre a nazi, so says vumblr episode

le legion face


Man fuck sony
>my name is jihad
Opps never mind the sand nigger had it coming

the Sup Forumsacks who shit up other boards are using the name of Sup Forums as a label. They have also been alienated by the reddit terrorist attacks. Sup Forums is a board of peace

>Why don't he just a pick a different name
PS4 wants you to use your Real Name because We're Twitter Now #4daplayaerz #adequacyawaits

Why is Jihad even considered offensive? It's definitely better than something like atheismo.


It's true though. Look up Greater Jihad and Lesser Jihad. Terrorists flip that shit because "lol I want an excuse to murder".


What kind of taqiyya shit is this user?
I know the truth.


when naming their children parents should always keep in mind what kind of abuse they'll receive for that name. if he didn't want to be banned maybe muslims should stop blowing shit up

>I have been long PlayStation gamer

I find it hilarious people identify as this.

sup apologist

Doesn't the account creation literally say not to use your real name? For multiple reasons?

You can't just remove a letter however you like fag.

Good ol' leddit

>tfw my name is Tim Nigger


where does it say that tho?

What gamerkin are you?

Bullshit, I never use my real name.

Call me Bob Fakerton

>PlayStation gamer
Thats where he fucked up

>tfw your name is literally Derka Derka Muhammad Jihad

I think they should have just let him rename his account. He's had it for so long.


No. b& means banned. You fucking idiot. Have this (You) and fuck off.

So then why the hell didn't he go to support?

Justice for Jihad

He deserves it for being a retard, and to a lesser extent a mudslime.

Fuck off back to your contaminant site you faggot

There's a muslim guy at work that gets all bent out of shape whenever the turrorist of the week goes on a jihad. He says jihad is like, giving money to the poor, or fasting, stuff like that. It was interesting to hear him talk, because I'm not really familiar with Islam at all. At the same time, I had to stifle a few chuckles because even though it was a good conversation he was still a Middle Eastern dude with a thick accent was ranting about jihad

Based sony.

Keep vidya terrorism free.

Which makes the ban even more valid for having a really stupid fucking name. Change asap

He did but they said his name broke their TOS so they wouldn't let him get it back.

This dummy should have known not to use that name. Shit has been rocky since 2001 and the PS3 came out in 2006 which is when he said he made the account.

Hooray for Sony!

>we're in 2016 :)

so, & = anned?
wew lad

>banning terrorists

I don't see the problem here officer

>dude is literally called Holy War
I dont care what language, thats fucking awesome

If anything I hope this thing brings enough of a shitstorm so that Sony finally implements a way for users to change their account names.


Figures it would be an autist posting an autist.

based sony


It's their service, their software, their system. They can do whatever they want.

Why is posting direct links to Reddit not a permabanable offense?

>implying "Jihad" wasn't chatting with his terrorist goat fucking buddies on the ps4 servers
good on Sony

We have a surname that translates as "moor killer" over here, perhaps I should start using it too.

Wouldn't it be banned'd?

SoE don't exist anymore.

Jihad means struggle desu, not Holy War.

Although there are greater and lesser jihads.

A greater jihad is a struggle withing yourself, like your morality and spirituality.

A lesser jihad is an outward struggle, like fighting Christians during the Crusades.

>I think i can beat you. Well back around 10-15 years ago i used to play an old PC game online called Aliens vs Predator 2, well in that game you could choose between 3 races to fight against each other which were Marines, Aliens and you guessed it Predators. I used to always play Aliens and hated marines quite a lot so i chose the name "DeathtoMarines" which i then ended up using for my Sony account. Ended up getting death threats while playing Cod from angry American's etc until i eventually made a new one.

Greater Jihad is actually about the struggle to please God. Lesser Jihad is struggling against your enemies who try and take your right to be a Muslim away.

Extremists twist that shit into "they're trying to take our religion away cause they're here!". Or it's just general in fighting. Muslims kill more Muslims than any others. Because, lol, fuck you for not following my version.

Christianity did it, but grew out of it.

Islam is a clusterfuck attempt to combine Judaism and Christianity while filling in plotholes.

Also, surprised you could actually talk to him about it and he didn't just report you for being 'racist' despite it not being a race.