>multi-billion dollar research facility
>can't get a robot to push the sample
Multi-billion dollar research facility
>multi-billion dollar game developer
>can't finish an episodic trilogy of expansions to their most popular game
They preferred to spend the money on that useless crate smashing room.
Or those conveyors filled with pistons that serve no practical purpose
They could have spent a bit more on the containment for their lakes of toxic sludge though. I mean really guys, lead lining isn't that expensive.
well then
Was Black Mesa designed by the Space Pirates?
thats an ugly 27 year old
delete this
I visited CERN once. I saw the eye scanners and all. Shit was so cash.
You now finally understand how the entire world feels about you....
Not enough tubes.
Nice blog, m8.
How would the robot have climbed the ladder dipshit
reee etc etc
I didn't see any robots tho. It is just cheaper to use humans, but they will get some radiation dose; they don't have HEV suits either.
Kill yourself, nigga.
They didn't even need robots.
The sample was on a specialized cart.
Just stick some fucking motors on it and let it push itself.
>implying G-Man didn't arrange for you to push the cart