Filename Thread

Filename Thread

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Well, a more apt one would be if there were only 4 waffles and they were all half burned.




Anybody have the one where some guys try to light a straw man on fire with a bottle but end up setting other on fire




>japanese "animation"

The fuck is this


Valve playtesters



If I had to guess, Antifas assaulting people with different opinions.



>hover over "title"
>Frances Wang - Insane video. Crowd sees any signs of '\''Nazis'\'' and they run&attack. A lot of people bleeding_getting maced. @ABC10-747139514246672384

C'mon user






That looks uncannily levels of horrible.





Still can't believe that team had a damn Centurion.



is this joke too obscure?

Neo-nazis were holding a peaceful, authorized rally in California. Antifa shows up and starts shit.


That was a brilliant episode. If only I could erase the epic that is Fate/Zero from my head and watch it again...

Nah, you're good.


for those who don't get it


>>publicly declare an ideolgoy that everyone who is born differently than you, or thinks significantly different than you should be killed
>>be surprised when people respond violently to that


First amendment, faggot.

>What is free speech


thank god they patched suspect confession

sing along

It's called free speech, you Communist Faggot.

are you talking about muslims

freedom of speech

I find what they're saying absolutely horrible, but it is their right to say it.

Free speech you fucking nigger.


>preach acceptance of violent Muslims
>start fights with peaceful neo-Nazis





>Hey guys free speech! I can say what I want!
>I can yell THERES A BOMB IN A MOVIE THEATRE because free speech!


1st amendment only protects from government censorship. Private citizens are free to do what they want, as are non-governmental organizations. Violent response is still pretty illegal though.


And bullshit had to be done to make them kill it.



So wait, did the cartoon predict the shield bomb glitch in Zelda 64?

>Making an example is a strawman
Do you even fallacy?

>Private citizens are free to do what they want
>Violent response is still pretty illegal though

So they can't do anything they want.

Are you so retarded that you can't tell the difference between speaking your mind on a political and cultural matter and essentially uttering threats?

>not V has come to


White Nationalists that were demonstrating were in full compliance with the law. Lefties can't accept viewpoints that disagree with their own.


we weren't talking about yelling THESES A BOMB in a movie theater, we were talking about neo-nazis holding a rally

freedom of speech, not freedom from consequence. Shit's still fucked though

You are saying assault is legal now?




you're certainly free to ignore them, or better yet stage a counter protest

you even said that violence is illegal so what point were you trying to make?

What's the source comic on this?


Freedom of assembly/speech != false accusations faggot.

You're allowed to do whatever you want as long as it doesn't infringe on the rights of another person.

Inadvertently, yes.


>Private citizens are free to do what they want
>Violent response is still pretty illegal though.
So what is it faggot? What is your point?

Is it a glitch, or an easter egg then?