Post them
Also post those Saints Row sliders, you know which ones, that white haired slut
Post them
Also post those Saints Row sliders, you know which ones, that white haired slut
Other urls found in this thread:
What game OP?
>Black desert boasts an impressive character creator
>The game only gives you 1 armor set in an mmo. It makes you look like a literall hobo
>can only be changed if you spend $30+ in cash shop
I fell for the hype.
Bloodborne, Dragons Dogma
Which ones let me adjust bust and butt sizes?
Blade & Soul
Shitty korean mmo
If only this game didn't have a shitty pay to get anything interesting system
are those dresses cash shop only?
you can make some real qts in MH online. someone post some
whats the male lyn version of that?
I bet it's another generic suit :^)
Does someone have those Saints Row sliders? I just bought IV just for playing with that slut
Thank you
Good shit user.
The Smackdown Vs Raw series had a ridiculous character creator. Back when they were new I used to spend hours with friends making abominations. You could pretty much break the game by giving characters 8ft arms and things like that.
Enjoy guys I have one more but not sure if is a repeat , I'll post it anyways.
For a shitty western sandbox game you can go really anime in Saints Row
Which Saints Row game?
Do these SR presets work for IV? Got the Presidential edition during the E3 sale.
The head is the hat, this one is very clever
Got some presets for Saints Row 2?
I've got a bunch of sliders from the short time there was a general.
>low violence version
Dunno if its worth it just for the waifus lads
weren't these sliders not correct? I vaguely remember people trying them out and saying they were incorrect
Post 'em user that way I can have those too please.
The SBPR creator is pretty nice
any other ones besides saints row and dragons dogma?
preferably PC
why was the general short lived?
>For a shitty western sandbox game
Unlike muh superior ching chong weebshit sandbox games, right?
As much as I love the gloss and 3d of premium beach I still think artificial academy has more options to make anime characters
Which SR is this!? I AM SOLD!
Everyone just moved on. The game, SRIV, isn't that long and the developer tools were a long ways away. I'm not even sure if modding ever took off, never went back to check.
PSO2's is good, too bad the animations are fucking shit
that's some nice thickness
>Hair: Egyptian Princess
I love pattsun.
Last one, the rest have already been posted in the thread.
I believe those are from SR3
Got part 1 and 3?
Can't you just pirate the normal version?
Yeah that might the only option
I skipped them because they're already in the thread.
1 = 3 =
Cheer up user, at least you are not German
>Saints Row 2 presets?
Seconding this user.
Anyone got any Mass Effect character waifus? Gonna start another ME 1 playthrough soon
Does anyone have answer for this user? I thought they were from SR3 but am not sure.
SR3, sky ain't fucked and the city is normal.
I replicated them not too long ago on my end and there was something off about the result.
I couldn't tell if it was my head playing tricks on me but now that you mention it then I might actually be on to something.
Shame, I'm away from my PC so I can't take a screenie of how it looks.
Yes good point.
Did anyone fix them?
the hell you talking about? the german version for SR IV isn't censored
Here you go SR3 fap away user
the amount of games with good character creators is disappointingly low
Starting it now I'll have a quick look for you guys
To be completely fair I used the one with chink text which doesn't include makeup or face features other than shape sliders themselves.
That could be why it looked different, but I can't really tell if I'm away from my rig.
doax3 bodyslider dlc when
someone posted a link to the actual model on the official saints row sharing site thing. But the uploader had disabled sharing so no one was able to download it
>character creator
>no height slider
Should work for both SRTT and SRIV. You can import your characters into one game from the other by connecting your Xbox Live account or PSN ID at
I created a character in SR4 and was able to import her into SR3 so they're compatible with each other both ways. Just make sure you queue it and it'll show you at Image As Designed in-game.
That game ever come out yet?
>Reverse search for game name.
Didn't they just add customization options for butts?
>no muscle slider
A year ago, have you been in a coma?
Boobs, butts, and thighs.
no, it was a mistranslation.
>tfw Black Desert has one of the best character creators ever but it's a shitty Korean MMO with genderlocked classes
God bless those guys
>Gender locked classes
Why does any dev think this is a good idea?
I quit Tera cause of it in addition to its shit endgame
modded skyrim
Didn't rumble roses on xbox 360 have a way to customize the girls whole body?
It's been already said in the thread you double nignog
Dragon's Dogma has one of the best ones I've seen in an RPG.
The models didn't look good enough to be memorable though.
SR2 sliders when?
You need to play more RPGs then.
Skyrim if you don't mind messing with mods.
Modded skeletons, meshes, textures, everything.
Doesn't help if you suck at making characters like me though.
>can't name a counter-example
I'm talking about a real AAA game not your shitty command prompt text RPGs
They are pretty obviously modded outfits. Clearly they don't have any panties on or even bottoms of any kind. You can also tell by the fucked up texture on the shoulder.
If OP didn't angle the shot like he did you would see their vaginas, although he clearly did that on person as to not get a warning or ban.
As hilarious as the physics resetting with each pose is, it's not the most horrendously clippy thing I've seen in a while.
>Stretch Panic Squeal
I want it user, I really really want it.
Awesome. Just like my chinese cartoons.
City of Heroes
Star Trek
Final Fantasy XIV
Black Desert