Name a worse SoulsBorne area then these two I dare you

Name a worse SoulsBorne area then these two I dare you

Nightmare Frontier is pretty great. Forest was fucking atrocious.

nightmare frontier is beautiful if anything.
swamp is half assed. but then again so is that entire game

Nightmare Frontier is a boring area, but if you're specifically mentioning Amygdala, that fight is fine.

Farron Keep is alright, although the inability to use stamina to even speed up your walk is unforgivable. That specific group of 3 enemies looks really intimidating, until you realize you can easily pull them 1 by 1 for no reason.

>Bloodborne was a true next gen souls game
>Dark Souls 3 was fucking terrible

It fucking hurts PC bros

just bought a PS4 to play BB, Just made it to cainhurt castle boss but I feel a bit under levels since my r1 only tickles his health what's a recommended level to fight him ?

Farron sucks but how can anyone hate a good PvP area with a fun boss?

I don't know if that's your R1, Logarius is just retard tier hard if you don't parry.

Get into his melee range, parry when he goes to attack, and you can straight up phase skip with how fast you'll down him with visceral chain stunning

Blight Town and The Lost Izalith.

Swamp. Frontier is totally optional.

Nightmare Frontier is drab and boring but not as bad as the forest pre witches. Outside Mensis sucks too before you get rid of the brain.

Nightmare Frontier is the worst area in BB but it's still decent.

The DaS3 swamp (can't even remember the fucking name because the area is so generic) and the road of sacrifice are both dreadful. The catacombs, irithyl dungeon, the underground lake and old izalith are also terrible.

DaS1 had plenty of shit areas like crystal caves, demon ruins, izalith, ash lake and tomb of the giants.

The majority of DaS2's levels were more painfully boring than anything else.

None of DeS's levels were "bad".

>crystal caces, ash lake, tomb of the giants
>shit areas

Nigger what

Shrine of amana is probably the most annoying area. It looks great but fuck. black gultch as well. Constant poison spam, invasion right before boss in sotfs, have to avoid the pools which cover half the area, plus theres a lot of really important shit in an area your unlikely to explore due to wanting to leave that hellscape asap. It does look great though.

That area that was a giant mine in DeS sucked pretty bad.

If the Good Hunter and the Unkindled Ashen One switched games would they survive ?

Crab swamp in Road of Sacrifices. FUCK those tree pike guys.

Depends on the player.

>crystal caves

Gimmicky, linear garbage. People shit on Dark Souls 2 for having "video gamey" environment designs with its shoehorned biomes but crystal caves is the absolute embodiment of that philosophy.

>ash lake

A tiny corridor with absolutely fucking nothing in it that is literally unfinished. Don't give it a free pass just because it looks nice.

>tomb of the giants

A dull, beige cave with a lighting gimmick and poor enemy variety.

>None of DeS's levels were "bad".
sure, stonefang 2-2 was brilliant

Explain how this level was bad.


end this fucking reddit meme

Nightmare Frontier is a beautiful area, it's just fucking horribly designed with boring enemies.

>bad areas
Unless there was Frenzy involved, every single area in BB was good.

Anything from DS2.

Frigid Outskirts

Harvest Valley

Not hard.

Just ugly, unfun and has the name of a granola bar

>Potential to never loose health in Dark Souls via Rally potential

>Shields that actually do things in Bloodborne

OP as fuck

Nightmare Frontier is pretty great the fuck you on man?
Mensis was much worse.

I can't think of anything that tops HAAAGH, AAAAGHGH Swamp.