Find an objective flaw


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I have no idea what I'm doing or what most of the items and stats do.

Can't own multiple ships.


I enjoy it, but I wish there was more variety to what you can find and who you can interact with when revisiting islands on new playthroughs.

Too slow
You lose all your money in supplies very easily
Can't go into combat until way later on due to any scratch costing half of your entire wallet
Need to conserve fuel but travel slow without lights on and gain insanity.
Basically have to do a previous game and give your next something good in order to actually get through the game.
If relying on some sort of walkthrough then you better hope your map isn't different than theirs or you're fucked. Good example is the Salt Lions or whatever that giant gate place was called that's the best trade spot.

>last year
>start playing, no idea what is happening but I'm not dying like everybody said I would. pretty fun
>find love and have a son
>cool now if I die my next character will have a boost or something
>teach him things and give him gifts whenever I come back
>go on an extended voyage
>come back to find my wife and son dead
>I have no idea why and searching online reveals nothing
>stop playing soon after

I felt robbed.

Reading *ding*

but seriously, I really liked this game. I should load up my last capn and run him until his oncoming inevitable Quality: Menaces: Nightmare Strength drives him insane. He lacks a certain stat I forget which, to fight off the insanity and thus my fear keeps building and building.

He had a lot of adventures, such as when I was picking up any poor sod who would agree to work as my zailor because I had a face stealer onboard and had to work to get enuf skill to kill it before I was the only one left. Or the time Salt murdered my family....

Next captain is going to be a sunlight smuggling cunt


How's your shilling attempt going op?

Wow holy shit. This is really embarrassing.

Do you really need to sell copies that bad?

>Making money is way way too fucking difficult for no reason.
>Despite the memes the map is actually fucking tiny and you can explore most of it in 30 minutes.
>Merchant trading ala Eve or Elite is for no reason way more difficult than it should be.
>The surface has nearly no reason to be in the game given how little there is to do up there.
>The shit that is actually compelling and mysterious and exciting the Dawn Machine, Storm, Salt and Stoneis usually left completely unexplained in lieu of the fluff which is really unsubstantial and boring.
>Weapon selection is boring, most of the canons do exactly the same fucking thing but just have higher damage.
>The enemy choice is really really boring for a game inspired by lovecraft and instead of battling terrifying sea monsters you instead spend most of your time shooting sharks and human ships.
>The crew do essentially nothing besides die and make your ship harder to control.
>Terror is way too hard to decrease and discourages exploration instead of encouraging caution like the game claims it does.

You can make a fucking fortune by smuggling sunlight. But you'll quickly get obsessed with it while gathering. You'll use your own boxes, eating into your profits and accumulating wounds.



You probably had a curse on you. Pretty sure sometimes they can kill your family


The map is way, way too small, which by extension leads to a lack of content. There's really no reason or incentive to play the game ever again once you've done it once. The combat is so shallow that the game would probably suffer very little, if at all for removing it altogether.

Combat is awful and there are like six fucking boats, those are the biggest weaknesses. You basically spend the whole game using either the worst equipment or the best equipment, there's no sense of progression. If they corrected that, they game would be way better.


Post yfw the most interesting thing in the game is left completely unanswered but the tea party women east of london get an entire fucking quest just for them.


Would be bretty cool if they managed to partner with a dev with 3D experience. SS is really impressive though for what's basically an upjumped webgame

The interesting stuff is mostly explained in Fallen London, it's worth playing to be honest. The way the skill challenges work is irritating due to the randomness, but it has a pretty good amount of content for a free game.

iirc The Dawn Machine is an attempt to totally change the neath. Basically everything weird about the neath is caused by a lack of sunlight, and the dawn machine is an attempt to create an artificial sun.

Honestly I wish the game did more with the Chelonate and Kingkiller Castle, they're my favorite locations.

You need to play the story tie in game fallen london. It explains a lot of extra lore about the world of the underzee.

from what i gathered the dawn machine is
a god, in the sunless sea universe suns pass judgement and creat the laws of reality, this is why the underzee is so strange and different from the surface, because it has no sun to govern it. the dawn machine is the attempt of man to create their own god in order to rule the underzee. if you've played morrowind it's kinda like what dagoth ur was planning


You DO turn in all intelligence to the Admiralty, right Sup Forums?

beat me to it

Failbetter don't need any money from the game desu

Their browser games still print money

Yeah, Fallen London has nurtured my protective instincts for the empire, I don't particularly want the khanate to invade and kill my character.

You explained it better to be honest.

Has anyone played The Silver Tree? Is it worth playing?

So there's something else to do than slowly grind to not lose instantly?

You set your goal at start and can find more as you play. My first objective was to earn the bigger house so I could pass on something when I died. You can for instance, sell your soul to monkeys (best quests were on that island btw) or build your own island paradise kindgom

you can pick those "main" objectives at the start
there's also many elaborate questlines which can be quite difficult
multiple "endings" which can unlock skill boni

>He didn't found a colony on Aestival
>He didn't hijack the monkey zeppelin and float away into the east
>He didn't explore beyond the Avid Horizon
>He didn't write a masterpiece
>He didn't find his father's bones

Was really interested in this game, liked the setting, and was eager to read more, but I have never encountered a game that so desperately tries to get you to not play it.

>he didn't lose his mind
>he didn't eat his crew

>implying they didn't mutiny before I had a chance
I trained them well

Honestly the ship stuff really sucks and you have to play an actions per day browser game to get all the lore

As a result games like 80 days do the cyoa concept better, still love SS to bits though

Die over and over until you either have enough resources to make it or you know the map well enough to succeed.

Gets old real fast.

Rainbow meat bubbles O_o lol so random! MUNKY CHEEZ

Dying is for nerds. I made it 16 hours on my first dude on ironman until I came to the realization that the game actually wanted me to die so that I could improve my stats, because otherwise your stats improve at a shitty rate.

It's such a cool concept marred by fucking terrible gameplay.

I thought movement speed didn't affect fuel lose? Isn't it just the same amount of fuel lost at the same rate, you're just covering the distance faster?

Pretty sure faster engines burn the fuel faster too so you lose out economically. The barg is the most effecient iirc but you have to plan a route that will get it stuffed with cargo everytime to make it worth it