Did you buy her game, Sup Forums? She's really excited to play with you!
Did you buy her game, Sup Forums? She's really excited to play with you!
Other urls found in this thread:
literally who
Looks like some disgusting whore
Ruby is not for lewd!
Game quality is on par with the show
No, because it's early access. If there was a decent amount of content I'd consider it though.
I also heard the models for the game are terrible. Then again, early access I guess.
People always post this one webm. If the show was that bad, wouldn't it have more issues? To me it seems like a one time thing.
I only watched up to the fight with the giant bird thing in like the first 5 episodes, so maybe the quality just really drops later on, who knows.
Still too much. Call me when it's under $5.
>Early Access is meant for feedback on further development
>Using it for bug-testing instead
Fuck Early Access.
I bet this was made after Monty Oum died. That's why it's even more shit now.
Honestly, you watched the best part of volume 1 until the last episode. My personal enjoyment of the series really depends on how good the fan content is and how much shit I can talk about while being entertained.
But the show got way better after he died.
Also, I'm pretty sure that's from the second season.
I'd rather buy a game about Yang
I've recently been informed that your home is now /trash/.
Good taste my duder.
But the RWBY game is already half off.
Are you asking why people don't regularly eat shit so they can share their opinion of every morsel?
Why would I buy it?
>I also heard the models for the game are terrible. Then again, early access I guess.
Didn't it start out as a reddit fan game that rt found out about and decided to approve? I doubt they have the skills to make it any better models.
The whole show is pretty bad but people got sick of talking about it. It's not bad enough for people to go into a violent rage over, it's just casually bad. People who like it even used to admit how bad it was, check the old Sup Forums generals or whever they were.
Because it has your girlfriend in it?
>Did you buy her game, Sup Forums? She's really excited to play with you!
I'm really excited to play with her
Someone remind me why Tumblr likes to draw the girl in the black clothes as a black person.
When I say it like that, it sounds about as accidentally racist as making the black power ranger a black person. Fucking Tumblr, overflowing with white 14 year old girls.
wow I knew RWBY wasn't that good but if this is what they're putting out after Mounty died all I can do is laugh.
Does it have sex?
It's actually a decent game. It's fun and runs well.
good taste
She's supposed to be a minority. Yeah.
I sometimes don't mind it depending on the skin tone they go with, but most of the time yeah it's really jarring.
Monty carried RT, he died trying to pick up the slack of those limp dick fucks because they didn't want to do any real work.
Remember kids, eat your yogurt properly.
Because tumblr is full of the worst kinds of degenerates
This was before he died.
>there's people, right here, in this board who actually liked this show unironically
Wow stop posting any time.
They really need to work on easing the animations. Shit shouldn't just stop like that feels robotic as fug.
>there are people who unironically liked this show but are ashamed to admit it so they say shit like "w-well yeah it's bad" and "i only watch it for the waifus"
shit girl
shit show
This series should have died with Monty.
It looks like AA2 models
Why do people say that the show got worse after Monty died when Season 3 is the only decent season?
sauce pls!
Because they're stupid.
That's exactly what I thought when I clicked on the image in the OP. What the fuck is this game?
Oh please. AA2 looks way better than that.
read the thread chuckles
People who like this garbage are the real definition of a weeaboo.
You know those that go into anime convention saying NYAA everwhere? This shit is 10x worse than SAO and Narutards combined.
Fucking deviantart MLP tier autists.
Gotta keep that gravy train rolling.
in 90% of cases things get worse if the original creator leaves
Fuck no. I still think the series would have made a better fighting game.
Yeah but you'd expect them to watch the show if they're fans of the show, so they should've seen that this was one of those 10%
Well that screenshot specifically isn't from the game, it's from the show itself. The game looks like a generic anime model without any good lighting or shaders now.
It took me a while to realise that aromantic wasn't "I get turned on by aromas". That sounds retarded, but I've been on Tumblr for 4 years and that's literally the type of shit I'm used to seeing.
If you want to kill yourself, go Google "tumblr transracial" and look at all of these white girls unironically putting on black face and saying they're black on the inside so it doesn't count as racist.
>there are 2 rt threads on Sup Forums that have been shilled for weeks
Sure that's not parody?
They can't lmao
Example of Season 3 Animation. Compare it to the earlier seasons (and video game)
Don't have the money otherwise I would.
they live in /trash/ now which is hilariously appropriate
oh then
>Monty dies
>Story telling gets a little bit better
>The fight animations and choreography (which, if you have any taste, would be the only reason you watched rwby) goes to complete and utter shit.
It's funny how they're spending more on animation now then ever yet the quality peaked years ago.
Oh my.
That's a lot of feminine penises.
That webm is the worst of the show's animation, but some other parts are pretty weird, most of the animation is serviceable and most of the fight scenes are on point.
>Mods coming down on ALQAP material
wow what a time to be alive
that's 'as low quality as possible', aka what we have here on Sup Forums.
Sup Forums sure does suck dick.
You know it was kinda funny when this meme started but now its just getting weird
Can't even tell if its a marketer doing this or just waifufags adopting memespeak
good times
Are there people who do it as a joke? Sure, of course. But like... people put in a LOT of work for this. Seriously. Go to Tumblr, search for transracial. Look at it all. Go look at some of the blogs. Come back and tell me if you still think it's a joke. People are dedicating their fucking lives to this, and unless they're committed as fuck to a terrible joke they must be serious.
>had the chance to meet Weiss and Winter's VAs at a con a month back
>wind up paying for extra prints to sign because the girl in front of me had no money or anything to sign
>they try and hook me up with her, not realizing I'm almost the same age as them and that the girl's jailbait
There's a reason I don't go outside anymore. Kara and Elizabeth are qt as fuck though.
Post feet.
>if you had any taste, you would watch a show with shit fight scenes for the fight scenes
Now I'm not saying that the story is good but if you think the fight scenes were anything more than decent then you can't be criticizing anyone for shit taste.
Nothing has any weight to it, everyone just spins around and does a bunch of meaningless attacks that don't have any effect even when they do hit.
Are there any pictures? Of them out in public? Like if its just writing or them at home then it could easily be a joke even if its a long one.
Neopolitan is a miracle of the universe.
That's hilarious.
I will never understand this. Sup Forums is the only board where you're not allowed to talk about the things the board was created for.
>Sup Forums is the only board where you're not allowed to talk about the things the board was created for.
>unironically saying this on Sup Forums
I don't have a reaction image for how awful this is so here's something unrelated
The show ain't great or anything, but this is pretty cool for an unprofessional product
I sort of agree with this. Having nonstop generals when there is no new content only further promotes shitposting and endless avatar fagging. I mean, look at the Katakawa Shoujo generals. What do they even talk about?
So like... how is the actual game?
>mods let Sup Forums beggar thy neighbor
>Sup Forums is the only board where you're not allowed to talk about the things the board was created for.
That's not true, you're not allowed to talk about Naruto on Sup Forums either.
Sup Forums wasn't created to discuss toonami
>I haven't been on Sup Forums since 2010
Naruto has been allowed for year now. Sup Forums is just as casuals as your average weebs anime community out there.
I hope people don't unironically watch this garbage.
Does it even ever get lewd?
No matter what lies moot told you, narutards don't belong on Sup Forums.
At least the "banned" topics on Sup Forums have alternative boards available in the form of /vg/ or /vp/.
That's wrong though. All anime is accepted on Sup Forums now, including NSFW echi anime and manga.
>Terrorist group created in response to oppression
>No evidence of oppression anywhere
So either the group didn't get the memo that they've already won or that was just a really half-assed plot point.
generals are a different thing
they get banned during off seasons
the show is kinda cute and is sorta interesting. but im a 3d animator and this shit animation triggers me
>that betamax blonde faggot is still alive
Why do they waste so much time on that useless shit?
Its not even moot anymore. Most of Sup Forums and the mods have accepted this shit.
Somebody post lewds so I can get on with my day.
Narutard threads will get shit in and derailed.
That's what happens when you don't even use proper animating software.
Who is best girl?
Weiss is the only one with a decent doujin so her.
he's the best character in the show