Would you ever name your child after a video game character?

Would you ever name your child after a video game character?

not some common name, but some obscure shit

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Reimu is a cute name.

I will get some qt Italian gf so I name my daughter Marisa

I'm not going to breed, so it's irrelevant.

>Christian Name
That's on legal documents?

>little Reimu is 6 years old

In 10 years she'll look up her name and find a bunch of porn

Geez, would you refuse to sign one if it did? It's just words.


>Not naming your kids Dante and Vergil
>Not naming your children after the Velvet Room Attendants
Yeah, I know they're literary and historical figures as well.

No, I'm just surprised to see it is all. I thought it was a speech convention at best.

The same could be said of literally every female name

I'd name my daughter Selvaria in hopes she gets natural balloon Tits when she grows up.

Probably japanese being from hawaii and all which is fine.

Might do Elly for a daughter cause im such a xenofag

Is Sigma an autistic name for a boy? I have zero taste in this shit

Let me x you a question: are you trying to make me giggle?

Maybe Link or Geralt, but otherwise no.

Just call him Sig for short.

There's very few viable names in vidya.
Some of the few names that don't sound retarded are a bit too unusual, such as Foxfire, which I suspect was a reversal of Firefox, so on top of being a weird name it'd be naming your child after a web browser.

Cordelia is an unusual but good name from the same game, and it'd be ironic to name a child that since the name comes from a dev's child.


kids in hs later will make fun of him with some smegma joke. he will hate you forever.

I'm going to name my children after Resident Evil characters. Like, first names of course.

I'm continually worried that I'll actually name my kid Reimu if it's a girl.
the kid would would get a pretty ordinary name like Robert if it's a boy

my gf would totally go for Reimu, which is why I'm worried that I'd do it

If I ever have a daughter I'm naming her an old woman name so boy, lesbians, whatever will hopefully stay away. I mean who wants to have sex and have to call out the name Gladice or Olga or whatever?

Yuna's not a bad name, is it?


>Foxfire, which I suspect was a reversal of Firefox


I want my son to grow up handsome and cool, so I'll name him Alucard.

She is 6 years old now, is she a big asshole?

>that pic

Overdoing the joke. Should have been just the upper half.

Milla, although I turned it back into Mila, which works just fine since she's Slavic anyways.

Does she have a lithp?

robert's half makes it perfect, it's part of a series of pictures

>extremely known character
>kid gets beaten up for being a nerd
>obscure character that doesn't have a typical english name
>kid gets beaten up for being a nerd

good thing I'm never having kids

>Naming your kids after vidya
>Thinking other kids WON'T tear them to shreds over their name

It's a pretty good name.
But some close like Luna would be better if you didn't want it to obviously be a weeb name.

Ah, that name makes sense given that the character was known for light displays.

here's more of 'em


>age 28 and 29
>year of marriage 1997
>dob 2010
>2010 - 1997 =13
>28 - 13 = 15
I get the impression this guy already has made some bad life choices...wait a sec....
>certified copy of registration of birth
>1999 No.2

It's good that you're a homosexual and will never procreate

I'd be fine naming a son Ramza


If I ever have a kid I would name him Teddy

What about videogame names that are very normal?

Not vidya related, but I'm naming my kid Griffith

>>little Reimu is 6 years old

l2r, user. Certificate says 1999.

No shit?

not yet, but the long hair is definitely there.


Would Zangief be a good name for a boy?

If you start him wrestling bear cubs when he's 2, yes. Anyone who dares to bully him will be bent into a pretzel.

Hell no.

Isn't that a surname?

What the fuck game is this?

Fuck, she is 17 years old? Is she hot?

It's fun to read older Sup Forums posts and compare them with modern day Sup Forums. Today if that post was the made the first comment would be most likely be "kys".

Any news about the poor kid whose parents named him "Dovahkiin"? Did he already commit a suicide or is he still too young to understand?

A good one. You should play it.

King of Fighters XIII I think.

CPS really needs to step in when parents try to name their children something that is going to cause them physical and mental harm when they get older.

The difference is really just that now when people sound angry or upset, they seem way more sincere.

I'd consider a name that is a common name, like Zack or Max, but anything beyond that is pure autism tier and you'd be ruining your child's life. Zelda Williams only gets away with it because her dad was famous.

I might name my daughter Estelle if I ever have one.

Then I could give her little nicknames, like calling her Es-stellar when she's doing something good and I'm proud of her.

Is that alright, Sup Forums?

No, it says right there she was born on May 4th, 2010.

I think they tried to do this, but the court ruled in favor of the retarded parents naming their children retarded names.

>Date and Place of Birth : 4th May, 2010

Estelle is a great name. Just don't name her brother Joshua.


You have to make the puns, you must. Dad jokes are a rite of passage for any daughter.

You'd have to be pretty vile to name your son that.

I love making people shit their pants when they go "Can I have your Christian name?" by going "Sorry, I'm not a Christian, guess I can't sign this after all". They usually get flustered but I just apologise and say that some dick would sue for offending them.

My 65 year old mom does the same. She doesn't care, but it's just fucking stupid when First Name covers all fucking bases.

Remiu is a retarded name, but it is an actual name.

Naming your kid Adolf Hitler or Hashtag is actually harmful.

I'm naming my kid Remilia, it's a passable name for my language. My gf agreed

>having kids

Is this thread a joke?

Old names are coming back. Nobody would be the wiser.

You clearly have never been to a convention. Weebs breed with other weebs.


Unless it was a normal name, hell no.

People with "unique" names are always faggots.

Those aren't weebs. They are normalfags who only watch or play mainstream shit.

You are delusional if you think conventions are only full of normies.

you don't know what a weeaboo is, do you?

ah, yeah. I thought that would be cute at first but then remembered that they fug so that idea went out the window.

I'll name her brother Kevin.

Of course. I wouldn't disappoint.
TitS was what reversed my opinion of the name "Estelle." I hated it beforehand; I thought it sounded like a 70 year old chain smoker. The image in my head of anyone with the name has vastly changed now.

Normal names are fine but there are parents out there that will seriously name their kids Adolf J Hitler or something equally bad. They're basically setting their child's life up to be full of bullshit they don't deserve. I'm not saying they need to take the child away but CPS or the courts need to tell the parents who want to name their kids harmful names to fuck off.

If you name your children after fictional characters, or celebrities what is wrong with you? Seriously just be sane, and name your children after your grandparents, or something.


Kill yourself

You're the one who doesn't. Most weebs are just casual anime watcher who watch trash like Attack on titan and Naruto and think that Japan is the best thing ever.

Tell me this is normal


Excellent choice.

What the fuck happened to the 3DPD meme, Sup Forums?

Nice argument, faggot.

Estelle is old, but it's one of those classic names that still works. Unlike something like Myrtle, Emogene, etc.

Whether or not you tell her that you picked a videogame character as the deciding factor is your call though.

>Having strong family values

I would name my daughter either Lucina or Lucinda!

>Attack on Titan
I'm waiting for a Mikasa, the Mexican kids would bully her to no end, and/or the tableware jokes would be constant.

>your child

ehh?? lets take things one step at a time

I want to have a blonde, green eyed daughter and call her Ayla. I really like that name.

Normalfags don't belong here and especially normalfags weebs like all of you cancerous fucks.

>Not naming them after yourself
>Not using your Grandparents names as their middle names

errr we are not in Sup Forums so why would we say that?

We're preparing for when anime becomes real and we can procreate with our waifu, user.



I REALLY REALLY like this image.