Holy shit, this game is genuinely incredible

Holy shit, this game is genuinely incredible.

It's the best FPS I've played since FEAR. How is this not getting more attention? The gameplay is so fucking tight and satisfying, the story isn't crammed down your throat every ten seconds (but actually manages to be really cool and cheesy at the same time, just like it should be), the visual and sound design is excellent. It even has cool collectibles and an upgrade system that manages to be unobtrusive but functional.

How the fuck did a game this good come out in 2016? I haven't been this impressed in a long, long time.

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And look at these adorb fucks

Am I the only person that enjoys the multiplayer?


it's good when v doesn't talk about it

Nah, I fucking love the Multiplayer, shit is fun as fuck, and I love how fast it is.

Sup Forums was expecting DOOM to be awful. Many people were given its turbulent development cycle, lambasted multiplayer, and lack of review copies were all red lights. The fact that it turned out great hurts Sup Forums's pride, so it will never be mentioned again.

What difficulty do you recommend?

I'm playing it on ultra violence. It's intense as fuck and awesome.

That's ironic, because Sup Forums actively enjoys garbage.

For some reason I could play it on medium with some things on high at first, and now at the first part with Hellknights I'm getting serious slowdown.

I play it on PS4 and it runs perfectly. My comp is old as fuck.

While any FPS is gonna work better on a keyboard and mouse. the PS4 controller actually works really well; the controls are unbelievably smooth.

The whole package is just impressive as fuck, I'm really shocked at how damn good this game is.


lmao, you reek of newfaggotry and aids. holy shit you pathetic beta nu-male gtfo off Sup Forums and kill yourself.

This is an ironic post, right?

What I loved wasn't the fist bump, but that doomguy did the finger-wavey thing after that

that was glorious

The game is well-made but it's very repetitive and lacks variety and creativity in encounter design. The production values and basic gameplay will impress you at first, but after you beat the game, you'll likely be hard-pressed to remember any of the fights outside of the bosses.

I found it fizzled out pretty hard by the end.

The "ending" was dogshit too but at least it had an ending, unlike RAGE which just stopped dead in its tracks

How is battling Red forgettable?

Yeah, this game's great. I haven't played an FPS this refreshing since the original Halo and haven't played an FPS this *good* since Doom 2. The enemy variety is fucking top-notch and they did a great job redesigning the old enemies to give them some original moves and strategies. It's nice to see all the old guns with new tricks added to them and the new guns actually fit in really comfortably and are a welcome addition.

The music's fucking great. I don't usually go for the industrial stuff but I can't imagine anything else for this game.

I honestly have no complaints save for the shitty multiplayer.

I dunno, I'm very near the end and I keep recalling battles I had that were exceedingly intense.

I've loved it through and through. All good games are repetitive at their core, but they repeat something excellent.

I completely agree
Best SP game to come out in over a decade

Ultraviolence should be the minimum if you're use to shooters

bought it in sale
love it
one problem

random freezes/audio cuts out
especially now that I just got to hell

what the fuck is happening I have a memecard and an i5 4690

cyberdemon is a cute.

a cute!


Rate my Doom guy Sup Forums

This guy comes over and slaps your girlfriend's ass. What do you do?

I'm actually surprised how useful all of the guns are. None of them feel superfluous.

Though, nothing is more satisfying than clearing a room using nothing but the supershotgun to turn everything into mush.

Anyone else love that they basically made a story around the idea that Doom Guy was so fucking pissed off he just killed everything with guns and became a god because of it? It gives me that "Fuck yeah humanity" feeling while I play.

I'd say Ultra-Violence for two reasons.

Reason number 1 is so that you get used to enemies moving around and making full use of the terrain without also them taking 75% of your hp per normal hit, and killing you in a single shot with a charged shot. This makes the first 4 or so levels extremely frustrating for a first timer not used to the game's flow if played on Nightmare.

Reason number 2 is that as much fun as the game is, the singleplayer doesn't really have all that much replay value other than playing on a higher difficulty, and if you start off playing on Nightmare then the only way up is Ultra-Nightmare, and even then that's the exact same, just with permadeath added to it. So if you play it on Ultra-Violence and end up liking the game enough to play through it again, Nightmare will be available to you for a fresh start with added difficulty to it to make it more fun.

>doom with permadeath

Ultra-Nightmare has permadeath?
Has anyone beaten that shit yet?

Like 2 days after release

Has to be, subtly inserting the references of being what they're accusing.
It's either really good ironic shitposting, or it's a retard.
Confusing times, these, we have the trollmasters swimming with the plebs.

>spend a lot of time on the multiplayer and SnapMap to customize my Doomguy just right
>the singleplayer hologram still uses that horrible looking default player model with no way of changing it

I don't like FPS games. Counterstrike, Far Cry, TF2, original Doom, Fallout 4, none of them really appealed to me. I just don't like the perspective, I never feel "immersed", I'm just even more aware that I'm a floating camera getting attacked from behind all the time.

But I tried the Doom4 demo and liked it. It reminded me of Boxhead Zombies, but in first-person.

I bought the game and am loving it. Only thing is, I wish the guns had more close-range burst. I feel like too often I run up to somebody with a shotgun and shoot them point-blank, but they're actually under my gun and don't get hit. It's probably just me, though.