Is she the hero we need?

Is she the hero we need?

I'd gladly take her over the shit we got afterwards.

Develop your hypothesis

That's the person(?) who wanted to give people the option of skipping combat in Bioware games, right? It has been too long, what happened to her?

The decline was going to happen regardless of her involvement, one could easily make the case it would have been worse had she stayed.

Youll never believe this but she's still alive


So she wasn't driven to suicide by the hate she got online? Good for her.

Literally who?

nvr 4get.

what did i miss

ask away

Care to explain what happend to the landwhale after what she said?

"science fiction/fantasy" writer, quota hire

And what did she do?

Wanted combat out of Dragon Age if I recall.

Wait, the gay medieval date sim has combat?

Hi nu-Sup Forums!

Is this the SWJ lady? did she get fatter

>implying modern bioware games are anything else than progressive dating sims
Go the fuck away shill

Is OP a faggot?

>what happened to her?
There was a kickstarter game that was gaining good momentum, looked like it was on track to get funding. Then they make this announcement, "new stretch goal: Hamburger Helper on the writing team!" Pledges dried up and the project was dead in the water. Just the mention of her name killed the thing before she was ever even actually involved with it.
I think she went back to her shitty fanfic-tier book writing after that.

Lmao, is this true? What was the name of the kickstarter?


2/10 I replied


I backed it.

>when you imagine laying back on a memory foam pillow while jen squats over your face and angrily queefs red hot period blood all over your face and nipples

So waht happens to your money when a project doesn't pan out? You just lose them?

Backing a kickstarter project only means that in the event that enough pledges have been made to cross the funding threshold will any money be taken from you. If the threshold is not met, then no money is taken from you.

If the threshold is met but they never actually complete the project, then you have lost your money.

>Just the mention of her name killed the thing before she was ever even actually involved with it.
this is why they need feminism/socialism

Will I ever get laid?


Is the answer for my question a yes?

Will Trump win the election with the largest landslide in history?



How so? DA:I was better than 2.


will she say yes?

will i have a gf

I want to make a petition to DELETE THIS

Pure coincidence


Should I leave Sup Forums forever?

Well, seeya Sup Forums. It's been a good 9 years.

what an awful person

is this edited?
ether way its hilarious.

Minecraft aint my thing but it tickles the pickle of a fair few fellas, Notch earned his smackeroonies and churning out electric boogaloos is not needed if he's already made his wealth and doesn't have the urge to diddle another vidya out.

How can one person be so fucking crazy?
They think notch owes them 100l, because... He responded to it on facebook?
It was obvious he was asking for money from the start, because Notch is known to be pretty giving, but that faggot was just toooo obvious.

jesus cant be real

Notch was nice the whole time


what the fuck does this

To be fair he was a total dick for massaging his ego like that at the expense of a trans person. Would it really hurt it him to throw a tiny fraction of his fortune her way to help fund an art form he supposedly loves? Why even enter the conversation if you're just going to put trans people down?

You have to pretend to be the victim so you get more idiots throwing money at your patreon.

irony aside, he used to throw a lot of money at humble bundle. Also it would help if those "indie devs" weren't making complete shit worth funding

What's humble bumble? I don't think it's really fair for you to decide what's complete shit without it being put to the free market first. On first sight Minecraft might look shit until a person understands the level of depth hidden beneath the blocks. My point still stands, Notch dropped the ball on this one.

Which just brings up the question, how retarded are the people that fund all these Xir and Zir developers?

Mostly young white middle class people suffering from white guilt and looking for some easy cause to champion so they can brag about it on facebook. So quite retarded.

>Transphobia isn't real!
>Why would someone fund a trans person?

What the fuck am I reading?

First of all, that's a strawman.

Second, who the fuck would fund someone who goes "hey im a tranny gimme money". Have some fucking merit first.

Gr8 b8 m8


>hey im a tranny gimme money

That's not how the exchange started and you fucking know it. She began by starting a dialogue on indie game development and Notch blew in with nothing but his ego in mind. The fact she is trans is secondary to the argument but it amplifies and shines a light on the struggles which indie developers face - something Notch should be but for whatever reason isn't sensitive too. It is another layer to the argument which Notch is simply ignoring and he needs his hypocrisy thrown back in his face.

>minecraft does good because of mods
>well, it acutally sold more on consoles where you can't really mod it
yeah wow what a fucking asshole

There are other factors at play which make that possible, the ease of buying a console over assembling a PC being one of them. It's a total false equivalence. I honestly can't tell if you're deliberately ignoring the nerve of a billionaire injecting his ego into this debate or if you simply discount the opinion of trans people outright. Until we properly frame this conversation it's going to go in circles with you not using any sort of empathy or understanding, the cornerstone of any human interaction. Is this the famous Sup Forums autism?

>all PCs have to be assembled at home
you're hopelessly retarded if you're serious

Literally who

>What's humble bumble?
vidya charity site
buy games, save lives
fight cancer and shit...if its legit, I don't give a shit although Ive bought a few good bundle deals off them.

also use to do pay your own price at 0$ now theres a minimum...makes sense lol

Are you literally incapable of reading between the lines? Buying a pre made PC is far more expensive, literally the entire point of the discussion is about people, in particular trans people, marginalised due to a lack of funds. This discussion is smash my head against a wall tier and I'm fucking done with this thread.

leave, you fucking baby

won't change the fact that you're retarded

Notch was being reasonable, he just didn't agree with her opinion, people are allowed to not agree with other people's opinions.

You don't have to pay reparations if you don't agree with someone else's opinion.

Not her but you realise you haven't made a single point, just name calling and deflection?

>I'm fucking done with this thread.
Because no one is taking your crap bait seriously. GG

a 350 pound prebuilt pc from will play minecraft just as well as a 400 pound playstation.

but do you also realize that he hasn't made a single point either besides "he hurts a tranny's feefees by disagreeing with it".