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Video Games #3429
Video Games
Ordered ZTD back in July
There are people on Sup Forums right now who complain about storytelling in video games but have never read a single...
Moments in vidya permanently inscribed on your brain
How's it looking Sup Forums?
I have $20 for the steam sale what are some good games to buy
Steam Sale Thread
What are the best non-weeb osu beatmaps? thinking something groovy
God Eater Resurrection
Karl Pilkington now replaces the main character of the last game you played, how much has the game changed?
So I just finished Final Fantasy XIII-2. And I must say, to my surprise, it's a whole lot fucking better than XIII
How big is your TV or monitor? Is it sufficient for you?
Last video game you played
So I just got this game, what am I in for?
What noise does Thwomp make?
Favorite Racing / Driving game?
Do me a favour Sup Forums. If you've got it go back and play Manhunt for a bit. Play it with a one-eared headset...
~Ara ara, user-kun
Is Ps4 stronger than pc...
Not maining Kohaku
Post a negative review on Steam
Explain this
Overwatch, Roadhog
Final boss is susceptible to status ailments
Find new game
What are some good 'Slice of Life' games?
ITT: Enemies that you'll just never be proficient at beating
But if you kill him you'll be as bad as him!
Explain this
Will the new Karin costume be allowed at offciail SF V tournaments?
Lesser-Known Vidya Music
Game ends on cliffhanger
Sup Forums what's some good vidya to pass time with?
Should a guy be banned from a network and lose all his games because his name is offensive?
Persona 5 confirmed for having best soundtrack in series
Who's hyped for the Juri SFM?
Okay I feel like a fucking retard here but I'm playing Half Life for the first time and I cannot figure out how to get...
Super excited about the sale
I CANNOT WAIT to see Nintendo FAIL
What are some games that feature this country?
You are now aware that there is such thing as Steam e-celeb
Steam friends ;(
What was the first game you ever played Sup Forums?
Hi there, Sup Forums! It's your old pal...
Kamiya: West/Japan Gap Is Enormous
Times Sup Forums was wrong
Terraria thread
Thoughts on the Twitch Bits system?
Sex Games?
Gamer room thread
Why does Sup Forums keep falling for the kickstarter meme?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
I call it "Bold and Brash"
Samus is trans
What's your favorite visual novel?
Marc Hannah
I'm about to refund ARMA 3, What other multiplayer game do you guys recommend?
Not a single thread on Sup Forums
Resident Evil® 5 on PSN June 28th
I bought this yesterday for a ridiculous price on steam by Sup Forums's reccomendation
Are these games good?
So, this game never got a sequel/spiritual successor because...?
How does the FGC deal with the fact that's on the same level as wrestling fans? How embarrassing is that?
Press q to win: the game
Is the new Street Fighter good for someone new to fighting games?
Great as fuck vidya snack
Who else here is actually learning/trying to make a game...
NX is a mystery box
The NX is a tablet portable
Name the manliest Coop games
And just what are you doing to make gaming more inclusive, huh, Sup Forums?
Nintendo keeping quiet on NX due to a certain “idea”
So Sup Forums, what would you want out of a new Animal Crossing game?
How does Sup Forums feel about these two games?
Faggots in the last thread never sauced this. Does anyone fucking now where I can watch the full video?
Why are smash players so rude?
3 years from now, due to years of mismanagement, Capcom enters bankruptcy
ITT: Characters that did nothing wrong
Rival Schools in Street Fighter V
T-this is me
Steam finally added a way to exclude certain tags from appearing in your queue, I've already got Anime...
Does your girlfriend play video games, Sup Forums?
This is the closet that videogames will be of being art
Please user, get this bitch off twitch asap
Do you know the answer Sup Forums
What can we do to reduce toxicity?
Are people still playing this game?
Which game are you more hyped for, Sup Forums?
What's your favorite classic sonic stage, Sup Forums?
Is tameem antoniades a martyr that was shot down by autism bandwagoners?
Did we ever find out what this was about?
Games where I can cause environmental disasters?
What are some short tryhard games?
Is there anything comfier?
Zero time Dilema:
How do you nullify someone's video game/micro-transaction addiction?
Is it worth buying a Nintendo WiiU at this point?
What are some of the largest-scale vidya fuckups to ever happen...
How can one game be so good and so bad at the same time?
ITT: Buyers remorse
Game has a shotgun
Have visual novels gone too far?
Should I upgrade from an R9 390 to 1070 for 1080p gayman
Who do you pick?
Summer Sale Trading thread
Steam Sale
Pillars of Eternity or Underrail? What would you recommend the most?
Odin Sphere thread
What are your thoughts on Sonic?
Where did Cosmo go?
What does Sup Forums Thinks about this game?
How the fuck do I deal with these clickety clack rattlebones motherfuckers?
Only the gravure dungeon was changed
Why would anyone ever pick Nameless Rank and File Soldier?
Disturbing Soundtracks from Non-horror Vidya
System Shock Reboot
The toes knows my friendly anons
What does modern Squeenix have against asses?
How can a series that focuses on story over everything also have the worst stories in gaming history?
What are some of the best steam names you've ever come across?
The only reason why I still play video games
You don't need two Mario RPG series running at the same time Sup Forums
Let's have one of these threads
I-I like videogame girls because they are pure, not like sluts in the real world!
Who else Twilight Princess HD here? I forgot how much I enjoyed TP as a kid. I'm having a blast
So distracting
Consoles are holding the Personal Computer back
Who is the best DoA and why is it Miji?
Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE
Got any refunds yet ?
Blood Gulch remake when
Should I buy this?
One of the biggest releases this year
What are some games where I can blow up a city?
Holy shit this game is actually really good
Dolphin 5.0 thread
Battle Cats POP!
Comfy games thread
You are send into the last video game you've played, but you don't have superpowers so what happens?
He still has the hover boots on
Is this game worth playing now on the PC? How's the optimization in 2016?
What the fuck
What video games let me play as or create a convincing Eva Green?
Friend sacrifices himself for the group
Mighty No. 9
How do you feel about Sam and Tolki making their triumphant return to streaming? Let's show some "showvideogames" love!
Any games that I should buy on the ps4? I haven't bought a new game in awhile and feel like playing something new...
Why do people even still take the competitive Smash community seriously?
Why is the mother fucking god of war following a kid around like a faggot?
Never played Vampire The Masquerade, is it worth it? cheap as shit on Steam
Should I bother with either of these?
Xenoverse 2 Thread
What are your thoughts on Archie Sonic, Sup Forums?
What's the best open world rpg ever made Sup Forums?
Why does no one know about this game?
Any ultrawide bros in here? Just got my X34 and I'm blown away...
D.Va is clearly the cutest character in Overwatch
It's fucking over. Thanks Jewnafune you piece of shit for ruining my favorite franchise
Do your best, Sup Forums
Why is everyone so pissed about cel-shading? I think it looks great, even in Wind Waker
The Ur-Quan literally did nothing wrong
/gw2g/ Guild Wars 2 general
Mario gets Peach
Gundam Breaker 3 Thread
Why boat don't sink
Patrolling the mojave almost makes you wish for a New Vegas Thread
I thought there'd be a thread on Zelda, but I guess not. I just watched this video and got pretty excited
Games you've refunded so far!
What are you emulating right now?
Multi disc games
I was just an ordinary, average highschool student at the Magical Videogame Academy, until one day
*cough* ugh can't afford my alimony this month bros, the steam summer sale has such great Bethesda games on sale...
Name a harder game
Has there ever been a shorter console war with a more clear victor?
Autistic steam profiles
Help me!
Post your PP
It's just like my mousou games!
They can't keep getting away with this
Custom soldiers
Realistically speaking, what are the odds she'll be in the next Smash Bros?
This is a 1998 PC game
Tfw will jack off a lot to Juri's tight latex body and feet
So, how old are you Sup Forums?
Meme stranding thread
There will never be a pure tactical FPS like CS 1.6 again
Overwatch Tilt Debate
How do you honestly feel Sup Forums compares to other gaming forums?
Okay so we made two games
Anons with job
How can you spoil the ending without making the player realize you spoiled the ending
You're in a speedrun event and this guy slaps your girlfriend's ass, what do you do?
Dog boss
Post good youtubers
Is this actually good or just sjw/edgy shit?
How to save the Metal Slug series?
Blizzard destroys Zoom options in newest Legion build
This is a 2017 PS4 game
What vidy trope do you hate the most?
Oh hey, the sale got them 3 new viewers, congrats!
I like the censored version better
SO5 comes out in a day, is anyone still going to get it or has the interest died completely?
I finished Umineko and I have a few questions
What was your favorite Gamecube title Sup Forums?
Is it okay to pretrend you're a girl in mmos of you are gay?
Play Nier for the first time
Is shin megami tensei 2 good?
Zero Time Dilemma
Help me Sup Forums, im a trophy whore and dont know how to get over it...
How do you guys feel about Overwatch killing League of Legends?
If IF they ever port this game to PC, would you buy it ?
MtG now rips of Bloodborne
I heard you're a virgin user
User you've been playing your computer games all day, come downstairs and spend some time with mommy
My friend just told me that Wolfenstein 3D isn't actually 3D. Is that true?
Did you marry best girl, Sup Forums?
Why do PCucks give a shit about player run servers?
Steam Sale
Best graphics this-gen?
Do you ragequit often, Sup Forums?
What is your favorite Yoshi game?
Was shit pay the real reason for leaving?
Filename Thread
This type of thread
I honestly feel bad for Zarya. Ever since she got announced, the beehi/v/e shat on her for being tumblr and sjw...
Why does she wear that useless heavy thing on her back?
ITT: Plotholes in video games
ITT: Yup, that exists
SMUPS are the most autistic genre of videogames
What is your actual problem with this cover?
3 = VC > 4 >> 5 >>>>>> SA
Terraria Thread
So who was in the wrong here?
You whip your dick out
Just bought this
The Witcher 3
Main character of previous game comes back in the next installment as an old wise man who helps the new protagonist
Honest question to dexfags: how do you live with yourself?
Are you getting God Eater Resurrection tomorrow Sup Forums?
Won't be the best CoD of all time
The new sonic
What race would you be in any Zelda game?
What EXACTLY was The Boss' will?
Would you buy a keyboard like this?
Why do you dislike it so much?
This is Final Fantasy 13's Lightning
I want to ___hug Jill
A**holes in Gaming
Are you looking forward to Iori's game?
Previews made it look awful
What was Sega thinking?
It's monday. Miku monday. Where is everyone?
Any one else bored already?
Fuck, I hate the NEET life these days
For the life of me I can't understand the appeal of this game. It seems to me that it's just a simpler...
Playing a shooter on PC
Too bad this was for the 'X Cocks Wee Dicks Pee'
The modding scene for this game is officially dead not even a year after release
Its a "spam my ult is ready and group up voice commands but no one listens" episode
2 years
What went wrong?
I'm going to be honest. Pic related is the only game i've ever enjoyed. How long until the next one...
Can a man be ANYMORE right?
How do we fix this, Sup Forums?
''Oh how I have seen the Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen™''
So what exactly happened to the flash sales, and the daily deals?
I hate to be THAT guy, but this is the last opportunity to hack your 3DS...
Thank you capcom
I just modded the shit out of this game and it's the best game i've ever played. Fuck you Sup Forums you lied to me
Can you play D&D games without a healer in party?
I haven't played either. Which should I play?
You have 10 seconds to explain why you haven't gotten gud in SFV
Misunderstood pixels thread
Has Capcom ever released a broken(glitchy) game
Mfw GTAV will NEVER EVER be on PC
Game is complete shit
Games you'll never 100%
Is Pixel Dungeon the only Android game worth playing? Also good Android games thread
Just finished Metro 2033 and Last Light Redux versions in pretty much one sitting
What is the greatest example of video games as art? I'm looking to play some masterpieces
What exactly went wrong?
AMD in meltdown
Should I play NIER?
What age is too old for video games?
Should I buy a 3DS?
Filename thread
That moment when a character's ass becomes more relevant than her games
To get the true ending for the demo you have to have a completed game save of Resident Evil 6 on your PS4
Steam Summer Sale new thread
This is the biggest nostalgic milking piece of shit I've ever seen and I can't wait for it to be released so it can...
Comfy SH thread
Thoughts on Prey?
Are you a 3DS or Vita guy?
How's your vita going, Sup Forums?
Tfw you didn't fall for the Nvidia meme
Stuck early on in Bioshock Infinite
Girl + Spider motif + Purple = God tier design
Who is the slowest moving video game character?
What game can a man play where he feels the wind at his back, free upon the sea...
Hold on now. Metal Gear fans hate this game? So that means its the worst in the series, right?
Why is nba 2k16 so shit?
Any chance this will get an undub patch or is that only possible for the ps3?
Play a Dynasty Warriors game for the first time
How important is graphics to Sup Forums?
Why haven't you bought Linkles game?
Please, kill me Sup Forums
Want to talk about games I really love
"Here guys, join my Teamspeak server."
That kid killed who killed himself to respawn closer to school
Your favorite game is combined with the last game you played. Is it any good?
I play games for the story
Is he right?
H-he's too fast!
Why aren't you watching esports right now?
Did not expect
Nuclear Throne
Where were you when the lead designer of mtg got his twitter hacked?
What went wrong?
Anyone else gobsmacked that there are people still playing this masterpiece on PS3?!!?!?!
What console would you take back in time to 1970?
Quick! Explain why you aren't playing one of the best MMOs ever made right now?
Do you like playing games with your friends, Sup Forums?
Smash @ EVO
Paying 40-60 eurobucks for a "online only" game with paid DLC or microtransactions
So this is finally coming out. Who here's gonna play it?
What`s your favorite indie ?
Is this any good? Want a survival horror game to play on my vita
Zero Time Dilemma
Tfw finding old posts you made on GameFAQs when you were 11
Why doesn't Nintendo include lgbtq+ characters in their games?
Am I wrong for not playing this?
Where do you go when you have no one to talk about a game with because it's old or niche or no one fucking plays it?
Why is this game so fucking riddled with memes
Desktop Thread
How many of you bros are back on Bloodborne? Or never left in the first place?
Am I cancer, Sup Forums?
I want to get closer to this girl
Who are Japanese devs (Kojima, Ishiwatari, SWERY, Inafune, Suda51...
What happened?
Why'd they make him so fucking fat?
I love playing a shitty unbalanced broken blizzard game haha xD
Is God real?
Ace Attorney
NX discussion thread
So it's gonna be shit because Musou, right?
Is this the best sprite-based FPS game still to this day?
ITT rank the main fallout games, discuss, r8, h8, masturb8. Ill start. Fallout 1>NV>2>3>4 I Havent played Tactics
Early morning uncharted
Better than steam
*teleports behind you*
So our new Megaman game from Capcom is like a super robo wars game
Redpill me on this game, Sup Forums
Does anyone else use a tv for a monitor when playing games?
Steam Sale 2016
Practise at a game a lot
What are games where the villain is actually the good guy?
Alright team, give the invaders base health as well as halving their flask usage
Game rewards you for playing with friends
Vidya Cosplay Thread: The Movie Edition
How have video games affected you IRL?
Name games with better looking water than pic related
So...are we BFFs with PCbros now or something?
ITT: shit game with high game websites reviews
Best MGS gameplay ever
He uses push-to-talk to broadcast himself ripping a bong or eating chips over the mic
Idolmaster Platinum Stars
New Vegas Thread
Game Dev Thread 2
MFW this MMO is actually great now
Want to get to work on my backlog of single player games
Did you ever finish it?
Why are daggers always held like this in stealth games?
Tfw too poor for nu-doom
Which to try out?
I just bought The Witcher: Enhanced Edition on Steam. What should I expect?
Critical moment
So what are excuses now?
The Last of Us Remastered
Trying to get good at KOF
When are we gonna get a Lego Call of Duty game?
Overwatch thread
Guy on enemy team talks some mad shit after he wins
Anybody else prefer consoles?
Darkest Dungeon
What are some games where the good guys are Indian and the bad guys are white?
Overwatch boasting
How can I get my GF into vidya?
Never played a Blizzard game. Well actually Lost Vikings but that doesn't count. Should I jump into this?
What did you like about Sonic CD?
Describe a game using a song lyric and have others try to guess it
wanna get Persona 1 and 2 for ps1
Zelda Breath Of The Wild
Star Ocean V
Turn based RPG
Was this game disappointing to anyone else?
I've never played a Pogeymans game before. Which games in the series are worth playing?
Just beat Quake today, I really enjoyed it despite some of the shortcomings like the enemy repetition...
What's their fucking problem?
Console gamers confirmed for absolute shit-tier
Where is Atari? They've gone even further off the radar than Sega
Post your favorite Vidya character designs
Good thing this isn't a Nintendo game...
Anybody else prefer consoles?
Sup Forumsidya Drawthread
You want a piece of meat, boy?
Which do you prefer, an Open World or hubs?
Ask me literally almost anything
Company Name?
Can controllers just die? My logitech f310 just randomly connects and reconnects constantly now...
I'm playing through Tomb Raider: Definitive Edition on PS4 right now and it fucking rocks...
What game has the best revenge storyline?
Play this
Can we talk about how disappointing this is/was. Got it during the sale
What went wrong?
So did you play this on console or PC on release?
Not using the stealth boy you pick up from Cobb's corpse to sneak past the death claws near sloan...
Who's your favorite Sonic character?
Zero Time Dilemma
Medallion's humming
So Sup Forums, are we "half-baked assholes"?
Nerf this fat now
So I want to get some Virtual Console games from the Wii Shop Channel. Do stores still sell Wii Points Cards?
New english trailer for Super Robot Wars Moon Dwellers
You're in charge of making the NX one of the best/hottest selling consoles of all time
They call me the worst junkrat in the world folks
Metroid Prime has detailed information for that rock over there
What other PS4 games should I buy?
Its being rumored that Kojima's brilliance may once again break the fourth wall in his upcoming title which will...
Willst thou get the girl?
Hear good things about current flash sale
Why does his coconut gun fire in spurts?
What video game characters did you have childhood crushes on?
What are some games with good exploration?
Nu-Doom got me in the mood to start playing classic arena shooters. What should I buy on Steam...
I'm literally killing myself if Trump doesn't win the election
Now that the hype has died down, is Overwatch still worth the $40?
Is Hearthstone worth getting into?
ITT: fun multiplayer games nobody plays anymore
I dunno about the whole "Inafune didn't create Mega Man" thing that I seem to keep seeing lately, though...
How much money have you wasted on video game merchandise?
Tf2 heavy
If you had to battle the Devil for your soul, what video game would you challenge him in to get your soul back?
$5 on steam, is it good?
Post battlestations
Hey Sup Forums, get the fuck in here! We got Quiplash ready to go. Stream will come up once more of you faggots join :^)
Is it normal that video games and anime, and ero have lost me my want to care about a romantic relationship...
Have you bought a game on G2A? What was it like? Any shady stuff happened?
It's a snow level
Overwatch pc
Why does the Final Fantasy series have such quality girls?
ITT: Best girls from their games
Yakuza Thread
Tekken 7
I wasn't ready for this
Hi guys, To- ermh..Tedd...uhh Howardson! here...
CEO 2016 - SFV Finals
Video game related cosplay thread
Honestly, why won't Nintendo just make a real Paper Mario game again? I don't understand it
What MMOs' is Sup Forums laying?
ITT 10/10 Artstyles
Objective top tier master rank how to fix overwatch heroes notes:
Steam Sale 2016
Nintendo announces Metroid Prime Trilogy remastered for the NX. What would you want from it
So we're all in agreement then, yes? This is the greatest piece of technology ever developed
The Wii U tablet is retarded and shouldn't exist
Redpill me on the gamesphere
Is this an appropriate way to address your kickstarter backers?
What steam games have you refunded so far, Sup Forums?
Fallout 4 Far Harbor
He doesn't own a tube TV
Oh hi, Sup Forums
Your thoughts on the new Legion tier sets?
Go to
This is Ajna from Indivisible! She is VERY cute! And a total sweetheart!
New idea that actually works
I Havent played a Resident Evil game since the Ps1 and want to get completely caught up before RE7 next year
Just picked this up from a games booth at a convention I went to (portcon)
This summer is fucking shit for games
ITT: Guys who did nothing wrong
E3 2017
So, are video games really as popular and mainstream as we think they are?
What made blizzard think this and dorado would be fun maps?
Name a better game
Yes, Yes. Well done, Sony. Well done
What is your opinion on this game?
Who is the worst person on this website?
Steam friend thread
There are no more major Wii U games until Zelda in March 2017 and that game is inferior to the NX version...
Why do you think Nintendo felt the 3D effect was more important than a higher resolution screen?
What went so fucking right?
Literally who? She was in like one game, thus bitch dont deserve a slot
Why do you guys think all these league channels are switching out of league?
Vidya cringe thread?
How is this game?
So where are you on this chart Sup Forums?
Do you make your own sprites
Why do people keep falling for the Kickstarter scam?
I think we can all agree that this is the best entry in the series thus far, right?
As you may know, the Steam sale is currently up. Just throw recommendations out there for anyone...
Sup Forums runs WWE
What are some cool games where I can fly around in a jet?
Torbjon finally getting nerfed...
Tmw you realize Deep Silver will also be publishing this game
Get allowed in a real fighting game tournament
Any Racing games use this idea?
Which console had the best startup screen?
What are some good games to play when you only have one free hand because the other hand is holding an ice creme?
Overwatch Ideas Thread
Is there any videogame character that had to go through as much suffering as Uchiha Itachi?
3x3 thread
Melee texture hacking thread
Dark Souls Remastered:
CEO - SFV Finals
Friend's birthday
It's easy to talk shit about Mighty No 9, but what the fuck happened to the DLC to this game? Hell...
Todd Howard will defend this
Is there a series out there with better soundtracks?
Any video games that let me play as a broken man
What's the name of this hairstyle?
Is she the hero we need?
What environment would be best if there was a game with custom-built player vehicles of any size and with any amount of...
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...