I hate to be THAT guy, but this is the last opportunity to hack your 3DS...

I hate to be THAT guy, but this is the last opportunity to hack your 3DS. The new update makes it impossible to downgrade.

If you haven't done it yet, hack your 3DS. It adds use to that dusting console.

Other urls found in this thread:


But I need to buy SMTIV:Final when it comes out.

>I hate to be THAT guy
Are we on redddit? Or battlenet forums? what is your problem?

I like this vitagen meme

>If you haven't done it yet, hack your 3DS.
o wait, you are nobody. Go eat a bullet you sack of power trippin' shit.

the only thing dusting there is the vita itself and all of its zero games

If downgraded to 9.2 like...back in December and installed CFW. Do I just have to update emuNAND? I forgot how the process works. I'm assuming I boot in RX Tools switch to EmuNand, and update using the system !emu as normal? I'm fine as long as I don't touch sysNAND?

How can I do it on a 10.7? I just can not get any method of installing hbl to work.

Go to /hbg/ on /vg/ and get laughed at by anons after saying you have rxtools, until some guy posts the 10 second webm of switching to the new and better cfw luma
I wish I had that webm saved

Is it going to have AA6 day one?

why wouldn't it?

>The new update makes it impossible to downgrade.
Via the currently known method, you mean. Someone will probably figure out a way to downgrade the new version as usual.

I'm a retard when it comes to this stuff how do I do it

you just do it

I don't have a 3DS yet

>I'm a retard
You probably shouldn't, in that case.

>owning a 3D3

Heh... did I wake up... and accidentally... go to... GameFAQs...? Heh...

>The new update makes it impossible to downgrade.
That's what people said on 4.5 and 9.2.

Read the guide

Follow these steps, it's pretty easy and once it's done there's little maintenance to do

Consider buying yourself one before summer, the new stock may come with updates higher than 10.7. This is bad because from 10.6 below all you need is an internet connection and an SD-reading card, while 10.7 will make you buy a game to hack it.

>He doesn't have CHMM2 and meme themes installed
Hello pleb. What's it like not having a Moonman theme?

well you sure do belong there

>Not using the vaporwave meme theme on the 3DS


Hmm...I kinda think you...missed something about that post...

Sorry, the guide didn't paste



Is there any reason to use that instead of installing themes as cia?

Why has some guy been trying to force people to hack their 3DS for the past half a year? What does he gain from this?

I'm in a 3rd world country and new shipments will probably arrive next year here
Also the place I'm buying a 3DS from is selling 9.2 versions

You saying this pisses me off.

My 3DS is already hacked. Its been hacked for a while. But new games are coming out and all of a sudden nothing charges this thing. The pins look fine and the chargers are fine so it just wont charge. I probably have to get a new one

I made the mistake of asking a gamestop girl employee if the 3ds' they sold had old firmware on it and what a surprise she didn't know

So I'm basically a normie at this point having to buy new games with a card full of games I cant play

These themes are pretty good.


A few question regarding 3DS before I hack mine
Does online multiplayer work in hacked versions?
Does the achievements work in hacked version?

This may not work, but try going to the shop (or a different one if you're afraid they will know you) and pretend you are buying it as a gift.

Open the 3DS, check the version, and if it's the wrong firmware, give it back.

Or you can just shamelessly check the serial number (trigger warning: leddit)


>Does online multiplayer work in hacked versions?


>Does the achievements work in hacked version?


Can I hack my Japanese 3DS and play English games? It's literally the only 3DS I own.

My 3DS is already blown wide open like an Ukranian prostitute.

I want some to hack the Vita already I'm getting on the verge of updating.

so we are past 11.xxx?
im on 11, not gonna update anymore, but do we have conf that nintendo is patching something?

why haven't they done something about freeshop?

Yes, all current cfw's have region free included

So never?

I'm don't live in Europe, so I'll be fine

ive hacked mine along time ago but is it really the last chance? i wanna help my buddy hack his maybe after work or tomorrow. theres an update past 11.0 or is that the one you're referring to?

11.0 is impossible to downgrade with using current methods.

The best you will get in 11.0 is homebrew using game hacks. We don't know whether it's even possible to downgrade, so it's better to play it safe and hack it now.

gif but whatevs

Woohoo for custom themes

can someone tell me where to go after rxtools?
i got stuck half a year ago and kinda dropped it there.

The only reason that would push me towards doing it is region-free (and of course becoming able to run whatever code I want on MY hardware), but becoming reliant on some fucks that primarily do it for piracy in the process doesn't seem particularly attractive.

If it works out for you, great, enjoy.

woohoo indeed

>The new update makes it impossible to downgrade.


>tfw i want to make my own custom themes but i suck at the BGM part

What's good about cfw luma? I'm still on rxtools and it works fine for me. Unless I'm missing something.

luma has a 99% boot rate, is region free automatically and a bunch other shit.

The main thing is that it's actually still being updated while rxtools hasn't been in ages.

Other than that some minor stuff like pre-bootloader backups, faster bootrates

I'm on latest Reinand, any significant advantages luma has over it? I tried switching to Luma but got a "couldn't load payload 9" error or something to that effect, but I'm sure it'd be easy to correct.

should i get an original 3ds or a NEW 3ds, i don't care for xxl or 2d.

>is region free automatically

So is rxtools

You just have to know how to optimize it. I make themes with pretty long BGMs that loop perfectly and even have their own custom starting point.

If you look up "Brawl Song Manager" that's used by Smash modders, it does a good job of letting you make a well-looping theme and turns them from .wav to .brstm. Then you can just get the BRSTM to BCSTM converter and you're set.

For optimization of the .wav file, I use dbpoweramp to lower the quality to fit the file size before converting.

New 3DS.

Obvious reason: Old one is out of stock.

Less subtle reason: Almost no 3DS game uses that extra processing power, but many emulators and homebrews run on the n3ds for that reason.

Would I be alright just staying with rxtools regardless? It works and I'd rather not risk destroying my 3DS if I did something stupid with files.

Noone forces you to upgrade, i myself waited a long time and only upgraded to a9lh when 11.0 came out

Yeah, installing as CIA takes time, a PC, can't be swapped out on the go, and is limited to 100 per CIA.
Its just more work. And you have to install it. With CHMM its just grab theme, toss it on sd card, open chmm and choose the theme/themes you want to shuffle

Should I really fucking care of I'm not updating my 3DS anyway? I forget what version I'm on but it's not the latest

- still updated
- gives all the necessary tools for backing up whatever NAND you have and dumping games by the time you finish the setup
- setup guide is easy to follow nd you have the homebrew general to help if you get confused
- boot at the same speed as if you were using a non-hacked 3ds with all the benefits of CFW and none of the risk of having it on sysNAND
- easy to update since it has the update since the guide gets you to setup the updater as a home menu app
- don't need to format and use space on your SD for an emuNAND partition to have luma once it's setup with arm9lh
- 3DS doesn't boot if you don't have the SD card with the files in it, so if you don't want anybody fucking with it, you can just remove the SD
- once setup, you can just drag/drop the files onto another SD and it'll work on a new one (or that's what I've heard)

Doesn't it fuck up your boot manager or am I thinking of something else.

My 3DS hasn't been turned on since April.
The battery is dead flat.
Explain to me how it's going to update itself to anything in that state.

Nope. Its just a cia.

I'm on 10.3. What do?


Do you still play it? Is it hacked at all yet?

It has lots of QoL improvements compared to non-hacked 3ds even if you dont pirate

Why bother? 3DS has nothing worth playing really

>I just bought a 2ds
>want to hack it
>guides on top of guides on top just to fucking pirate

I just want to play zero time dilemma. Why is this shit so difficult?

Because anti-piracy measures get more and more complicated so it isn't as easy as psp or wii anymore

Why haven't they made 11.0 hackable yet? Why are hackers so lazy

What opportunity? The update was almost 2 months ago. Anyone who cares about 3DS and hasn't hacked it by this point is already a latefag.

It is hackable.

There are people in this VERY thread who have not ascended to a9lh+luma masterrace. People are STILL fumbling around with shit boot rates, balancing sysnand and emunand and having their "siblings" accidentally updating their sysnand to 11.0. Its like you people dont want 100% protection + complete and total control of your 3ds. Lets hear those excuses plebs.

Since when? I just checked and its not. Are you saying it got hacked in the last 30 seconds?

Is pic related what I have to do? That seems way too easy.

>having their "siblings" accidentally updating their sysnand
I've hacked my cousin's 3DS about a year ago. That little bugger will never access sysnand unless he finds out how to take out the SD card (which is rather unlikely).

People who bought their 3ds long ago but left it on their shelf because of region lock bullshit or some other reason and don't follow the 3ds scene anymore.

Don't forget about people buying new physical copies. This summer may be the last window to be able to get a hackable firmware out of the box.

It is. It's three hours of moving files in and out of your SD, the real challenge is reading the instructions properly and having the time to do it.

>having their "siblings" accidentally updating their sysnand

Avoidable by autoboot

>shit boot rates

1/10 times where it doesnt boot isn't that bad

>balancing sysnand and emunand

Not an issue unless your sd is very small

A9LH is a clear upgrade but it's far from as important as people meme it is.

If you are freshly hacking your 3ds or upgrading your cfw i'd reccomend it, otherwise it makes no difference

>Lets hear those excuses plebs.
I downgraded to 2.1 but I'm stuck on the second section of the final part of the guide.
I don't understand what it means by "Select Full Install" cuz when I go to that site it just sends me into OTPHelper, I don't know if that's supposed to happen or what

I think he means hardmods

That's just the first part which only gives you limited acces

It is supposed to happen

I'm not going to mess with my 3ds hardware just to downgrade. Hackers just don't want to bother with newer firmware because they're lazy and probably dumb

not sure what youd be confused about. when you enter that site and it takes you to OTP helper theres literally a Select full install option right in front of you.

Wii hackers are the best. Hacking wii works on any version and is as simple as putting your ad card in the wii. It's a shame 3ds hackers are so incompetent

I've got cancer and my family is technically impaired. When I finally kick the bucket, I want them to be able to sell all my junk without any issues. Unlike removing a9lh, removing the sd card is something I believe they can handle.

but I'm still playing MH Generations.

Do you guys prefer the normal 3ds screens or the XL screens?

>I can't follow a simple step by step guide to hack my console
>s-stupid incompetent hackers!
Sucks to be you, I guess.

I find it impossible to go back to a regular 3ds after playing on XL.

Okay great

I'm being 100% honest that I cannot see that option anywhere

The more holes nintendo is fixing in new firmwares, the longer it's going to take to find a new entrypoint. that's just how it is. either be patient and wait for the next exploit, stay legit, buy a 3ds on lower firmware or try the hardmod

regular n3ds is ideal size.

I followed the guide when it had an option to use a9lh+Cakes, and did that instead because I thought it'd be better. Works fine, though I probably should've picked Luma instead.

It's not that wi hackers were more competent, it was that Nintendo was more incompetent at security back then

>I have no idea how hacking works

Yeah, sure keep telling yourself that buddy

Is that all you need to do? I use rxtools and am on 8.1

if you could call what the wii had security