Zero time Dilema:

Zero time Dilema:

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why is eric so unlikeable?

Anyone else pre-order the watch edition from Amazon? It hasn't shipped yet or updated the shipping info. I'm scared guys. I want to play so badly

Is that the shootout between Q team? I did that and I got perceptive end.

>MGSV was shit
>ZE3 was shit
>Nier 2 will be shit
>BoTW will be shit


Just post your fucking flow chart already.

Because his philosophy is all about happiness and forgiveness, its no wonder Sup Forums hates him.

>Nier 2 will be shit

You take that back right now Automata looks AMAZING


They were damaged in transit apparently. Aksys twitter says game will be sent on time but the watch will arrive few weeks later.

>Shit ending
>Unanswered questions
>Broken promises
>Epilogue is in the files and doesn't even tell what happened to other characters

Bravo, Uchi!

I have everything else unlocked except these.

At least the characters are good. At least the dialog is good. At least the other endings were good...

>Deaf and blind

Complete utter fucking bullshit. This twist makes me so mad compared to everything else in the game because it completely forgoes the rules of the game.


"Q" is the team leader, how the fuck is he supposed to make decisions if hes deaf AND blind? He can't make anything, he can't speak or hear so the team just leaves him be? I can't believe that. Theres an old man in a wheelchair following you everywhere you go, and you just leave him out of the equation because hes deaf and blind? If hes blind how can he see where hes going? Shouldn't mira and eric show a little more concerned for a handicapped person who would obviously be struggling to get about in these rooms? Did he just sit there the entire time while everyone else did the work?

Yes I know and get that hes the camera view, but its still dumb.

>End of red coin flip
>Whos this kid?

Why does this matter? They all ahd their memories erased, how would they even remember the old man was with them? Why does it matter this kid and a bunch of other people they don't know are there? why zero in on THIS KID?

You need to figure out who Zero actually is. is how you find out. If you still haven't solved it after all these hints then you are actually retarded.

I was waiting for the steam version, but now you killed my hype

Does Junpei continue to suffer?

>MGSV was shit
>Got a PC port
>Steamfags praise to high heavens
>Tales of Zestiria was shit
>Got a PC port
>Steamfags praise it as one of the best JRPGs in years
>ZTD is shit
>Got a PC port
>Steamfags will ???

Can't wait for Nier 2 PC port to be announced :^)

Those question marks on the right are where you need to go. Did you get all of the execution scenes? The little crossbones on the far left side of the flowchart.

I saw that, but I'm still worried that they haven't shipped the game yet

>akane praising and flirting with carlos in front of junpei

not like this

>Believing Sup Forums when they say something is shit instead of forming your own opinions like a big boy

Being Junpei is still suffering in quite a few fragments.

No because junpei suffering is actually the best ending, being the one that leads to VLR

the true "prevent radical 6 ending" is so fucking bland and uninspired it hurts.

Gets married off screen. It's handled well enough. Most complaints are towards the final ending and Zero.

I admit, I enjoyed it but the things I've listed brought the game down for me. The ending was lackluster. While the game did answer some questions, it left others unanswered and even created new ones. Also where the fuck was Kyle and Blick?


That aint flirting brah. Especially when she goes on to brutally murder him 30 minutes later.

Whoa, I was still gonna play it, Just hearing bad opinions does kill my hype a bit

You can always buy the game from a store then return the shipped copy when it arrives. If that's not feasible then you're shit out of luck.

>suffering in quite a few fragments

I figured as much and I do know the identity, but I can't remember where that question was asked. There's no ! mark anywhere, do I need to return to a previous filled fragment or something?
Yeah, I've got all of them from what I see.


hey! Look on the bright side!

we finally found his jacket

Just finished it.

I was enjoying the game a lot until it got into the final phase with no more puzzle rooms and just a lot of asspulls and no real payoff. Then it just ended. No extra scenes or anything, just some text files.

In particular I hated the transporter. It's the level of asspull that just smells of lazy writing. I mean if you suddenly include alien technology with no explanation and no real setup it's the same level of twist as something like "Akane is a magical girl and can use magic!"

Speaking of Akane I basically lost all respect for her. The previous two games treated her like she was really smart and really calculating and even cruel when needed (She fucking organized the second nonary game) yet in ZTD she seems to be overly emotional and retarded multiple times in the story. Doesn't even consider ANY alternatives before jumping to conclusions and waving a chainsaw around? Fucking really?

So all in all I liked the puzzles, I liked the majority of the scenes, I didn't like the explanations and wrap-up.

How many endings do you have? Did you open the Golden Door and play through that?

Do you think the 3 new anagrams have other solutions aswell?
Rightbottom of the flowchart

Remember when a lot of us theorized that stopping Rad-6 would have something to do with using FBR to neutralize it? And then FBR showed up a whopping one time in one puzzle room.

Christ fuck Uchi.

>yet in ZTD she seems to be overly emotional and retarded multiple times in the story
Like a real woman.

It was a big red herring. There was nothing really pertaining to make you think that FBR would be some kind of major plot point at all other than an image with zero context.

Full fucking rant coming:

[spoler]This ending SUCKS.

What the hell was the poibnt of Sigma and phi jumping back to prevent this, if Brothers just going to go and "do them a favor" and do it himself? I don't fucking care if its their kid, hes cold and unfeeling and didnt give a shit about them. But the entire ENTIRE point of this game, was for Sigma and Phi to bounce back to 2028 and prevent Radical 6 from escaping. They didn't do that. In the final timeline radical 6 isnt even introduced, its literally only introduced in one timeline, and it doesn't even have any plot heavy points other then mira being a damn bitch. Radical 6 is the conflict, not Sigma's kid, not quantum computers, NOT ALIEN FUCKING TECHNOLOGY.

How the FUCK did Uchi drop the ball this hard? I didnt even buy the game and I feel like I want a refund [/spoiler]

FBR isnt real and just a metaphor for the atomic bomb.

I went through the door and I've got the Moon, crossbow, radioactive and twins endings. So I'm missing two. I did just notice that I only have All Teams Survived and Q Executed highlighted on the side of the timeline even though I have all the exections done.

I don't even get why Diana and Sigma tried using the transporter. They're Shifters, they could've just jumped to another timeline when Phi died. I feel like the transporter was only created for Phi and Delta because Uchi wrote himself into a corner.

good job

Re-do the executions. Get 2 teams to vote for C and then 2 teams to vote for D. I was stuck just like you until I've figured it out.

Could Diana shift at that point in time though? I don't think she knew she was a shifter then.

AHhhhhhhh we found the cause. You have to get them all highlighted.

You have to go and rig the votes. So switch to execution decision for Q team, vote for C team as Q team, then do the same for D team. Choose C-Team. Then rig it again so you get D team executed.

Didn't they only forget about the coin flip? They did know each other from Dcom. Other than that I agree, it's pretty stupid.

So are the whole failed spoiler tags a meme now?

The VLR crew were confused aswell by radical 6. They didnt understand why the world ended in the nonradical 6 endings.

Gibe me story spoiler

i actually liked that akane reacted more to situations. it actually made her seem like a person.

>999 had Mastermind forshadowning on the box art
>VLR had Mastermnd foreshadowing on the box art

Where is it this time?

Carlos started shitfting after that one fragment like a fucking madman with no problems. Don't see why Diana couldn't do it either. Especially when Sigma was with her. Didn't they say that the more Shifters are with you the easier it becomes to shift?

To be fair there are only 2 endings really, and all of them result in death of the PC, or outbreak of Radical 6.

people die

But Carlos had been shifting before he ever even came to Dcom.

Do you not see the chain in the bottom left?

If by person you mean a psycho then yes.

I don't have them saved but I wonder how much direct foreshadowing was present in those cryptic Crash_Keys posts during the Participant reveals several months back.

Got it, thanks a lot guys.

Oh yeah, forgot about that. I still feel like she could have done it, but they didn't do it because Uchi needed them to fuck each other.

>can't find vita charger on this night of all nights

Fuck. Might have to go 3DS.

What about them? Sorry I use a 3DS so the resolution is bad.

It really felt like Uchi wrote something completely new and disregarded the previous games. Then was like "oh right the previous game needs to make sense" and added in some little bits to connect the games but everything you expected based on the teasing at the end of VLR ended up being fucking nothing.


Why does she need to come along anyway?

I guess Sigma just didn't want to leave her behind. She even asks Sigma at one time if he's gonna leave her.

He half-assed the entire story. That was about it.

How did Diana manage to take 18 inches

But how the fuck did that happen? It seemed like he really cared about this series and was overjoyed he finally got to make ZE3. Then he's like yeah nah, I'll just make some shit up.

Did an Uchi from a timeline where he didn't care about Zero Escape shift in and push the good Uchi out?

Well his body stays behind and whatever version of him he sends back, so she wouldn't be alone in any case.

I need help in the healing room. Preferably just hint and not the answer

I've taken photo of the key on the sofa, on the b/w wall, on the flower, on the floor glass thing and on the water pillar thing. I also have yet to figure out the "eye amd star" thing and I'm stuck

>ZE3 was shit
I mean sure it wasn't perfect but it was nowhere near bad. The only real sore spot is the whole epilogue file schtick, which is probably due to restricted budget

3rd act has no escape rooms and its just people shifting and using the transporter constantly
Talk about running a gimmick into the ground.

I don't know. I'm really fucking disappointed over the actions and behavior.

>wow thanks so much for showing all this interest in my game series I can't wait to get this created and I hope you all enjoy the new game!
>nearly any theory mentioned within a thread that required more than about 5-10 minutes to create was better than the pile of trash that was ZTD

It was more like he used half of the original script as a base for an unrelated game

Candle shadow in forest?

I can't help but tear up every time this played.

Initial thoughts:

>At the end of VLR [Q] inhabits kyles body.
>in ZTD the switch is kyle ends up in [Q]'s body
>Figured "sean' was young kyle
>once learned of the Quantum computer, thought [Q] was basically the computer intelligence existing like a manufactured [?] or [Blickwinkle] Third eye entity.
>This would have given Kyle a major role in helping prevent VLR, especially since Q team dealt with Radical 6
>Thought with the way carlos reffered to zero as "I know you, you're-" that Zero was Brother and Carlos was Left (Same rules apply, blonde hair, blue eye]
>"Zero" being born in 1904 Germany only solidifies the idea of Left and his later Aryanized clone army of myrmidons

>Figured Zero built [Q] and learned of the future "The Horrible things" he's said to have seen in VLR then caused him to found free the soul.
>Thought Mira going on and on about her inability to experience and understand emotions, she was a clone [Clone law passed year 2010]
>Even with Brother wanting to stop his other self I still figured we as the player would still help him with that, not just end on a cliffhanger in a now open future left to the imagination

>instead we got the shitfest we got.

Really disappointing. What the point in theorizing when all the most logical paths are severed and circumvented with unexplainable bullshit? This series used to be fun.

Use the keys you retrieved from the piano

So about the ending
How the fuck did everyone act like Delta is not even there?
In every scene even when it's meant to be "his" perspective nothing really happens and another bullshit part is with that blind and deaf shit and also that some of the perspectives are from Sean
Another shit thing was that MIND HACK and how they made shifters look like comic book heroes with those weird blue animated balls falling on them
Best song

Most disturbing thing you encountered?

i'm looking forward to playing the game, even though everyone's shitting on it. i feel like people are going to warm up to it with time.

We already knew what happened at that site (about the radical 6 breakout). Also a lot of people guessed correctly who was the 2nd Zero. Not to mention, people were already saying Phi is the daughter of Sigma and Diana. I think if we knew less it would've been much more enjoyable.

But that still doesn't justify his half-ass writing. Where was Kyle and Blick Winkel? What about Sigma and his family after ZTD ended? What happened to Alice and Clover (Akane said they'd be able to go back in time, not just their consciousness, but their whole bodies)? And what the fuck was up with that open-ending? We don't know if Delta was shot and we don't know who the terrorist is. I wouldn't be surprised if Uchi is expecting much more sales from this for some reason and wishes to write another sequel.


I actually went back and re-read my Grand Unified Theory, and while I got the why's wrong, I got a lot of how's correct, either completely, or half-and-half.

So is it good?

>We don't know if Delta was shot and we don't know who the terrorist is.

Its Brother. Recall the pods transfer data, not memory. There are two brothers in two different times raised differently.

When I first saw art from the game I thought it's logical to think that Diana and Sigma are in love and Phi is their daughter especially with that Phi quote that she loves both of them



People had a lot of expectations and expected the game to answer everything, no loose threads. It didn't deliver on all of them, but I thoroughly enjoyed the game regardless.

I think it's mostly how the worst stuff was at the end. It was an alright game but basically me playing:

>Enjoying puzzle rooms
>Cast is pretty cool
>The storytelling method of cutscenes instead of VN textbox feels nice and new for the series
>"Holy shit these fucking scenes man."
>"I can't wait until I get to the mind blowing stuff."
>"Eh, that's kinda cool I guess.
>"This is pretty dumb... I wonder when the VLR tier final segments will happen."
>"Wait that's it?"

People were just retarded and expected shit from the previous games to be relevant. The game is still a solid 8.

>now it's hip to call ZTD shit

its Phantom pain all over again.

Good game, good mechanics, absolutely terrible unfinished story.

Only difference is, MGSV is an action game, this is a visual novel. Story kind of matters in this.

Just finished the game. I like it, the puzzles were good and the scenes in general were great, but they dropped the ball hard with the ending. I hope Uchi creates a damn good Q&A because damn, that was a bad ending.

At least I'm happy that
Junpei and Akane got together

>when they spell the game wrong and it goes through your filter

Dunno I was wondering if I was ever gonna use that candle since they would only say it smells good. I'll double check.

I tried using them and combining them but nothing happens can you elaborate a bit further?

>called it

Fuck off. An unfinished game will always be shit. theres no justifiable excuse for this.

Good for you.

I like how as soon as it was announced that ZTD used live scenes instead of VN style anons figured out the camera angle was gonna be some kind of twist and being another character's point of view was a popular opinion. Too bad it was a pretty bad twist.