2 years
2 years
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>tfw your friends joke about killing themselves but you worry one day they will do it
>The only genuine guy who was surrounded by a bunch of assholes ends up killing himself
This is not okay.
the ones who are serious don't talk about it, they just do it and they don't fuck it up
>bang bang
That's all it takes for someone to break down your door.
Has Spoony pickled his liver yet?
fuck man, i had just forget about that series.
who the fuck is this idiot and why should i care?
>tfw I joke about killing myself all the time and I'll probably do it
>friends probably think I'm just joking
How do I into cries for help?
Stop joking about what you consider a serious fucking problem and reach out to someone to help with your serious fucking problem.
You're not stupid.
He was such a great guy.
Lots of people are stupid though. Lots of people are worthless assholes, criminals, thugs.
Don't be so sure user...
>Tfw I once make a joke to my friend about me being depressed and gonna kill myself
>End the touching and heartwarming speech abruptly with "Nah, I'm fine. Go fuck yourself"
>thank you for coming to my stream today
Don't know why but this hit me a bit for some reason
>tfw your brother talks about killing himself and he's not joking
Seek out the mental health services in your area.
Other than that, just try opening up to someone.
I know this feel all too well and I fucking hate it. It's hurts like fuck hearing that from your younger sibling.
I got one friend who is 25 and he still lives with his parents and doesn't know how to drive. All he does is play emulated DS games on his computer. Pretty sure he's gonna do it before 30.
All because his wife was cucking him.
Poor fella
I had no idea who this guy was until he died. wew.
no way
theres no way its been 2 years
im losing track of time
story on pic?
Already? Christ.
Still gets to me.
I don't know. I've posthumously talked about it. Just one pull of a finger and it would have been over...
Feels like 5
You pulled the trigger user
This is hell
Thanks JW for getting me into Gundam Breaker
>tfw one day I tell a friend I'm dying from boredom.
>He replies, "I'm almost dying because I'm sitting in a car with my dad's pistol and I'm considering blowing my brains out"
>He doesn't.
>2 years later he seems to be picking up his life, has friends, presumably a gf.
> Drinks himself to death. Don't know if it was on purpose or accidental.
He was the only other person I knew that played the wolf among us, and he fucking killed himself before season 2 ever gets announced.
>tfw your brother jokes about it but you know he's just being an edgy teenager but he's taking attention away from your other family members who have legitimate issues
>anime posts in a thread about suicide
Wow, that's fucking disrespectful, you weeaboo shitheads
>everything got a lot worse afterwards, stealthily
>I can't communicate with anybody honestly anymore
>everything I want slips through my fingers
>everybody ignores facts, morality, values if it suits them
>everybody wants to be a soulless automaton who pushes nihilism onto me like it was the newest political meme
>everybody is a good cattlegoy
>games are filled with SJWs now
>evil wins time and time again
>good things are an illusion to keep me going
>can't just sit in one place and wait
I wanted to say "You're wrong!", but I know better than that.
Although Zelda seems to be great, Trump might win, Brexit won and C.S. Lewis videos on Youtube give me strength.
>va-11 hall-a is anime
Why did he do it? Was it the illness-kind of depression that makes you feel terrible even though your life is pretty alright?
Or was his life genuinely fucked up and he didn't see any other way out?
You have to be the light in the darkness my man. When everything is wrong you have to be the beacon of what is right, being sad and defeated is too simple and easy. live loud, and put the degenerates in their place, you don't deserve to feel bad, they fuckin do.
This man knows what really happened to him
You guys didn't even care about him when he was still alive.
How many obscure TGWTG barnacle youtubers do you care about right now?
None. I never cared about them. And I don't go around saying, how sad that he died and rip.
>tfw he reviewed the PS Vita TV and immediately killed himself after
PS TV was that bad
A good jew is a dead jew.
>tfw him and the cool midget died around the same time
>tfw Game Chasers lost their smile
I didn't even know who he was until he killed himself.
>Trump and Brexit winning
>Good things
Nevermind, go on with the suicide.
My autistic sister told me that she'd be willing to kill herself if it would make things easier for me (I'm her caretaker).
if you're here, please don't kill yourself
>tfw wannabe economist
>tfw every option possible to succeed is going to fuck up the global and my national economy one way or another
>only clear answer is for me to become a supervillian
goddamn my autism
... Fuck man. How it it that genuinly nice peopme always seem to die?
>Robin Williams
I needed that, thanks user. :)
>pic possibly related
It's the same reason Robin Williams killed himself. Truly good people are always the most likely to off themselves, because there's so few of them that they're probably the only decent person they know.
>Joke about this to my dad accidentally
>He laughs then goes silent
Honestly, JewWario wouldn't have killed himself if TGWTS/Channel Awesome wasn't such a shitty company.
Every other videogame MCN offers medical insurance for their content creators which includes mental health, so it's obvious that Channel Awesome did not provide their employers with the medical help they deserve. Hell, look at the state of people like Spoony and LordKat and it makes sense how ChannelAwesome allowed Justin to commit suicide.
thats me but i can drive and i dont play ds games, desu i didnt get my drivers license till i was 22 kek
leave it to pat the irrelevant NES jew to tag, thumbnail, clickbait and monetize himself talking about this guy like he was his best fucking friend
Kill yourself
And nothing of value was lost.
>lot of bad sit happens
>life basically in shambles, but I had nothing to do with it
>tell friends I've been thinking about suicide
>tell them I've been a step away many times from actually doing it
>they don't even respond, ignoring it like I never said it, and we keep on doing what we were doing
spoony used to actually be good, though
i said used to, faggots
Is she cute? Post nudes.
>his most recent video was a badly lit hand cam moment of him getting his Ecto Cooler cherry popped
Brad's at least somewhat normal.
>thatll be $4k a month
>also ur all banned from chat and comments
Literally who
You can't be serious.
>tfw brad is best of them
>tfw he is also depressed
fuck, why I always find people who are depressed? I'm depressed myself
He's at least half the man he used to be.
>tfw brad is best of them
that's not saying much
the sad part is those people are probably more entertaining and funny than current spoony
can't blame him, depression warps the shit out of your brain
I truly hope I find a very loving gf who nurtures me back to life, yes it's pathetic af but at least the thought keeps me alive
which one of you faggots is this
why is this of all people berating him?
I'd honestly wear either of those SWAT 4 shirts in the first pic
And maybe the Curtis one.
Just to remember better times of Spoony.
oh boy
Watching his Katawa Shoujo review makes me sad
color me surprised
He did it with a gun while someone that cared about him was on the otherwise of a door telling him not to.
The worst and pussiest way to go. They are left with the trauma of having to break in and try and get paramedics to arrive. All with the image if your fucking head leaking out on the floor.
At the very least just od in bed with a diaper on. Discreet and clean.
>one less kike in the world
>one less E-celeb
and the problem is...?
I didn't even notice the quote from scarlett on his signature
It´s Jurassic Park asshole
Never heard of Jurassic Park? How old are you
I fucking hate faggots like this.
They're so miserable themselves that they try too hard to make other people feel good. Case in point: this stupid ass video. He has no idea who he's talking to, yet he tries this positive reinforcement bullshit on absolute strangers. He could be talking to a retarded pedophile (which, let's be honest, is 90% of TGWTG fanbase).
Every time this video pops up, and I see his stupid tranny-esque appearance, his walls and room decorated with objects meant for children, I fucking seethe.
Good riddance. Now if only the rest of these D-list e-celebs could off themselves as well, the world would be a much better place.
The sad part is going to be Perturbed Pedro doing a monetized youtube tribute video after Spoony finally blows his fucking autistic brains out.
spoony is too full of himself to an hero
Truly, Douge is the greatest evil on the internet. Of course, you'd have to be some kind of sick-freak to think that Demo Reel was funny.
No problem, a lot of himself will be somewhere else after he pulls the trigger.