I want to ___hug Jill

I want to ___hug Jill

That's a perfectly natural and healthy response.

>those fuck me eyes
>those thighs

where is my porn, kiririn

>Kamen Rider channel

My nig.


I've seen threads about this game a couple times now and I've gotta say it's peaking my interest, even though I have no idea what it is. The artwork looks great.

>You will never bench with fit Fuuka.

She is 27 years old, after all.


of course you do numale
continue jerking off to some Sup Forumsirgin's drawing
sex sex sex lmao
VNs belong on /vg/

It's a dressed up VN with a cocktail mixing minigame which influences choices in the story. If you like PC-98/FM-Towns aesthetics and cyberpunk style stuff you'll probably like it.

Dev here,
Please stop shilling my game or Sup Forums will hate us.


What's everyone's favorite song? I've not gotten familiar with the entire soundtrack yet but Everything Will Be Okay never fails to make me feel warm and fuzzy inside.

All Systems Go! is the one I replayed the most.

A.Rene, Your Love is a Drug, Safe Haven or Snowfall.

Let's do this shit.

Scanlines, or no scanlines?

Fullscreen or windowed?

Scanlines, full screen, and I run it through my GPU's software just to make it appear smoother overall.

So do i play prologue first or is that just a demo or something?

The one with Valhalla in it on the first page, Snowfall, the song with heavy slapbass on one of the last pages, Love is a Drug. I can't remember the name of others I like.


>People who don't use scanlines

With how hard this game was shilled on here, was it at least a commercial success? I do love me some schadenfreude.

>anything other than fullscreen with scanlines

>People who use scanlines

No, because the publisher decided "Fuck that, you're removing all the content you have to shill our hipster persona"

I havent played the game but I like this artwork, please continue starting all threads for this game with this picture, thanks.

Jill is a total hottie. Holy wow.


Fullscreen with no scanlines, but I can respect those who use them.

You should check out the demos. I don't have any links but there's 2of them, the prologue and special demo. Prologue's an outdated concept of the game but still worth a look and the special demo is like an actual demo of the final product. If you like those, there's no reason not to get the game as it's more of the same.

Jill is for ________


What is this picture referencing exactly?

Bad touches.


>Jill being toyed with by a woman she finds devastatingly attractive and her ex-girlfriend's cute younger sister (who she probably also finds attractive)
She's just fighting the urge to pin them both to the floor and fuck their brains out.

Man I forgot how much I find women who smoke to be total babes.

Too bad I can't smoke any more 'cause I hate non-flavored fags.

>Deadpan look
>Dem legs with pantyhose
10/10 thank you Venezuela.

Flavored cigs are literally double cancer, though

So the dev decided to post the full art? When did that happen?

I like Jill and all but I can't be doing with smoking IRL. Just not my thing.

Big O I think?

So what are some character backgrounds and stuff that you can put together and be like pic related when you find out what it all meant.

Jill is so cute she deserves to be my desktop wallpaper

I'd consider it if Lain wasn't mine.

I used to smoke cloves but apparently smoking them made me lose the taste for cloves, like completely.

Tried to go back to Marlboro and they were literally making me throw up (even though they weren't before I started smoking flavored)

How easy is the game to pirate? It looks kinda fun

Seriously you need to support these guys by buying the game, they are poor and need the money to survive in that shit hole called Venezuela.

It has no DRM, just dl it from the mega link

Look in the archives for these threads long enough and you'll find Mega links. I bought it but I can't imagine it's any kind of difficult to run, this thing even agrees with Linux.

Jill reminds me a lot of this Mexican girl I met at High-school



I'd rather not actually, did manage to find the mega link so I'm gonna check it out now.

What are you a heartless person. Well if you ever become a refugee I will not give you money either.

Fuck off spic

stop shilling your meme game dev.

Ain't even a spic mate, soon to be ex-eurpoor here.
And I'll gladly push your boat further back into the sea.

>My bra straps is itching.

This line of hers is very arousing.

So whats up with Gilliam?

Did the dev composed the music aswell. Its really fantastic to listen on drive and work.

I'd imagine bra straps are itchy. They certainly look itchy.


Smoking is fine honestly once you get used to someone who does it. Used to smoke myself but apparently I have a tobacco allergy now?

Can't smoke anymore without gagging and throwing up.

Because they are itchy, but you wont usually notice this until you take the bra off
Kinda like how sock line itches after you take it off

>t. reddit

>Doesn't smoke
>Never did
>Actually enjoys the smell

The only thing I can't stand is faggots who can't seem to go 5 minutes without lighting up. I don't even understand how they haven't died of poor already with their habit out of control like that.

I'm like that to a degree, but it depends on the cigarettes. I still don't smoke because I'm more or less a healthnut.

Players export are the only thing here I can stand the smell of. Everything else makes me immediately makes me sick.

Closest to chain smoking I ever got was a pack a day on Djarum Blacks. Those had quite a bit of nicotine in them though so I didn't need them too often.

Worst I did was a pack of Camels in like an hour because I was attempting to get a nicotine buzz and they just had so little actual nicotine in them I couldn't do it.

Smoking girls is still super hot, though.

>they just had so little actual nicotine in them
really? ive always gotten a decent buzz from camels

Nah, I was used to more potent cigs at the time. After those stopped working for me though, I started gagging on the shit and throwing up. I don't know if I'd be any better with the tobacco now that I've stopped for a month or so.

yeah thats probably the case. I only smoke once every two weeks or so anyway

have devs made enough to escape Venezuela?

they only made about 80k, so 40k each. That's probably enough.

111k and some money going to publisher isnt enough.

how does nicotine feels like? i never had a fag in my life


>buying a game that claims "waifus" as a selling point

Similar to a weed high. It's incredibly hard to get "high" with it but it basically makes you a bit lightheaded and more relaxed.

yeah and they move to UK

This makes me wonder whats the actual "cut" people get. Is that it then- they are getting 10 of the 15 dollars that the game sells for and steam takes 5?

I'm genuinely curious as hell now.

if they get 10 out of 15 thats rly nice, in books/comics you get like 10%

>tfw filling entire juke box with Your Love is a Drug

>you have been playing as BEST GIRL ALL ALONG

>So what are some character backgrounds and stuff that you can put together and be like pic related when you find out what it all meant.
I imagine that's what they originally planned for Anna. Maybe there's some hidden dialogue no one's found yet that explains why only Jill can see her, but at the moment it just looks like they kind of gave up on her. Pity, really.

>play anyway
>best character isn't even a waifu
>it's angry black guy
Not even mad

Steam takes 30%
So if we use the steam spy data (known to be inaccurate, but the best we can get.)
the game has made $111,120USD
Devs take $77,784USD
They probably owe some of that to their publisher, but USD are worth a shit tonne in Venezuela right now. It's about the only way to buy what little food there is.

While I know Is joking, even the UK would be a huge step up for these guys, and I wish them the best.

It's the only way to go.

Jill is weirdly restrained in her smoking.
>Only shown to smoke during her breaks
>Doesn't even seem to do it much at home, even though she has a balcony
>No special brand she feels the need to buy at the shop as part of the 'keeping her not distracted' mechanic
Struck me as kind of odd.

Shes trying to look cool and failing at it.

>Trying to look cool by smoking in front of no one, except the couple of occasions someone joins her on her break
Doubt it.

I'm going to marry Jill!

> tfw I'm the only person who likes Kamotrine Dream


She thinks offering is is cool. Jill wants to be cool and spicy.

just kinda makes you feel lightheaded. for me, it kind of calms my anxiety but that just might be the oral fixation. just buy a pack of light nicotine cigs, it's highly unlikely you're going to get addicted on the first few.

March of the White Knights is best song

>tfw no android gf

those look like luckies
i mean, offering is pretty cool to be honest. she doesn't push it, she's just being courteous so that no one who wants to smoke has to ask to bum a cig. also, smoking culture is much different in other countries.

Don't forget a lot of those people probably bought the game for 5 dollars 2 years ago

forgot pic