Got any refunds yet ?

Got any refunds yet ?

The Crew Wild Run Edition.

I would have loved to play it, but it ran below 20 FPS on my system at all times.


Its shit and the toxic community isn't helping

volgaar viking and legend of grimrock

both boring

Far Cry 4, wouldn't run on my dual core processor.

Dragon Age: origins.

Found out I had a copy in my Origin launcher.

Risk of Rain since I couldn't connect to my friend.

Good refund. Wish it was available when I made the mistake of buying that shit.

Dragon's Dogma, Red Orchestra 2, From Dust and Lego Jurassic World.

nigga just use hamachi/tunngle or open the necessary ports on your router
i could even play with friends who pirated the game while using the steam version, just had to get everyone into the same tunngle server



Dark Souls 3
Rocket League
Stardew Valley
Witcher 3

I need to stop listening to Sup Forumss bullshit. Clearly no fucking taste in games at all.

DnD chronicles of mystara.
its a good game, but i got no one to play with so my enjoyment with it isnt worth 4€

>blames Internet forums for making shitty decisions

Get your own opinion faggot

>refunding single player games
Why didn't you just pirate them first?

man just kill yourself

Nobody on Sup Forums ever said any of those games were good. You're a fucking moron, get off my board


Rainbow 6 seige,

don't get it mates, it has so much hacking going on that I could not find matches that did not have someone cheating. Why isn't ubisoft doing anything about it? I'll never know.

how is the offroading I am actually curious

Damn son. Why? The game is pretty solid.

it's great on the console

Trails in the Sky. Slow ass piece of shit, no idea why it's hyped up so much.
>m-muh story!!!
Whoop de doo, a bunch of anime tropes and stereotypes.

>letting a bunch of degenerate weeaboos determine what you should buy

About 5 games in the sale so far lel


If you didn't think anyone of those games was okay, you just don't like vidya, brother. Or you're a poorfag which is way more pathetic.

I got space engineers refunded because I only managed to get it past the loading screen once. Otherwise, a good harvest. It was my first steam sale that I managed to find out on time, and my library went from 13 to 24 games.

>dark souls 3
>rocket league

But the others are generally hated here.

Worst metroidvania I've ever played

When I was a NEET, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a NEET. But when I became a man, I put away NEET things.

yeah but console version doesn't go on sale

Good. We don't want casuls here

>Dark Souls 3 liked by Sup Forums
How much of a stupid fucking nigger are you? Sup Forums universally hated this game as being vastly inferior to Das2 and DaS
>Rocket League
Nobody even gives a fuck about this game here. How much of a fucking newfag are you?

Denuvo would be the only reason I can think of.

You didn't put away Sup Forums.

>implying dark souls isn't THE series for casual neo Sup Forums losers

There's definitely hackers in game, but it's difficult to tell since people use headphones, mics, drones, and pre-firing.

On console, it's fun but there's really no need to do it outside of missions.

not everyone here is a neet

Arma 3

Can't run it for shit.

3 is by far the worst in the series

I know this is shitty, low quality bait and I shouldn't even give you a (you), but I hope you don't really dislike all those games. If so, you're part of the problem and I wish you weren't part of the industry/hobby.


Just call them faggots.

one more question if you will
are there any damage physics
so few games do that nowadays even when old games like 1nsane did it ages ago, granted it was simpler times then but still

>refund Rust
>instantly get refund
>still no refund in paypal

The only fun part was when you got to be a dragon.

Does Mad Max get any better after the first hour or so?

Don't tip your fedora too hard, you might break your neck.


faggot redditor.

Not worth the dosh. Maybe pick it up later if it's on -75%.

> Sup Forums universally hated this game as being vastly inferior to Das2

This bait is weak

My only refund was Sniper Elite 3 because it turned out that it was boring as shit and a carbon copy of the previous titles.

refunded Ark

The Forest, The Long Dark and Subnautica are all better


I almost fell for it. Almost.

DaS 2 SotfS - Couldn't run it ;-;

Sonic Adventure 2 - It wasn't as good as I remembered.

Rollover simulator 2000? I had plenty of fun when I downloaded it a few months ago but it really feels like every car is made of jello.

Are Paypal refunds faster than card? I got Rocket League and Arkham Knight refunded 3 days ago but I assume in my case the weekend didn't count for processing time.

No, that's 2.

>inb4 but muh peeveepee

>i refunded [several popular games covering as many genres as i can think of]

I guess one more (you) isn't going to hurt

Runs like shit on a 980

Fucking boring

Got a refund for Ark after I had 3.5 hours of game time. Said the game was so shit that the experience of playing it was the one thing I regretted most in life. Another friend tried to get a refund after 3 hours of game time. Steam support turned him down because he had played for more than 2 hours lmao.

get off my board
>Dark Souls 3 was a good game
This is the REAL bait

Gee, no shit.

Really good decision.
SJWire has completely ruined KF2.

>Owning a meme card like a 980
Kinda your fault for being a dumbass, and I can guarantee you have a AMD CPU.

yeah one of my favorite racing games ever just because you could turn your car in to a lawnmover when the tires bend in to 90 degree angle
too bad in2ane was so far from the formula

If DaS3 is a bad game, what do you believe to be a good game then, user?

DOOM. Sadly. I have a i5 2500k and an R9 270x and it still doesnt run above 10fps at lowest settings. Couldnt find a fix online so refund.

No but I wish i had refunded Vermintide, game is fucking dead, impossible to find groups, and the bots are retarded, so progressing is nearly impossible unless you have 3 other friends to carry your ass.

Runs at stable 60fps for me on the country, 50fps in cities.
R9 290

If you cared so much about it you would post on a website for mature and adult people like yourself.

S.T.A.L.K.E.R. complete package
Literally the first hour and the first level were the fun part, very boring and non-forgiving

I don't value the lives or opinions of people who consider Dark Souls 3 to be a good game

he's tipped his fedora so hard his fedora forced his head into his sternum

Do you refund often?

I think they're more lenient if you don't.

I refunded Firewatch with like 3-4 hours playtime stating that it was advertised for 6+ (i played it pretty slowly too) and got refunded.

I think Firewatch is a good game but for like $5 or in a bundle/PS+/Xbox Gold

AMD cpu dont even perform that bad in Arma.
But that doesnt make it a good game.

did you like the game?

SotFS fixed 2

So far nothing has fixed 3

>underaged summerfag tries to fit in
just leave

>>underaged summerfag tries to fit in
I know, you should leave

>I quit the game cause a meanie-bo-beanie hurt my feelings

Jesus when will the softy fags give up.

Well I still value the opinions of people who make baseless assumptions. Come on, user. What do you believe to be a good game?

>AMD cpu dont even perform that bad in Arma.
Full fucking retard

>SotFS fixed 2

Rearranging enemy placement changes shit.

It was my first out of two refunds. I refunded TW3 + all of the DLC because money was tight and I decided I'd rather just torrent it and save the 80 euro.

probably going to refund Broforce
I had fun with that free version they made to promote the expendables, but I'm not feeling it now

>Haha, I know what you are, but what I'm!
just proving my point you autistic 17 year old, go take your ritalin

Stop projecting, user

should i get m&b warband?
whats it like?

just got The Culling, played if for an hour and im still unsure if i like it or not. ill most likely refund it

Play on community servers faggot and play with friends.
>aka I got my base blown up because i'm a fucking idiot and hate everything now :(

honestly? I was heartbroken to have to refund it. The first level ran at a decent frame rate and it was incredibly fun. Probably best big game to come out this year so far.
Guess I'll play it in a few years when I have a better computer to run it

If you have to ask "should I get" then it means you're not smart enough for that game.

Might refund Dishonored.

It's fun. You can get a good enough feel for the game if you rush through character creation and play for less than two hours, after that you can just refund it if you don't like it. If you do decide to keep it, I recommend you check out some mods for the game. There are skyrim-level amounts of mods for Warband, some of which are pretty great.

I run a 2011 macbook pro "15. Running a bootcamped windows. There has been no driver updates since 2011 for the thing. It was a longshot, but may as well try, right?

look at the bright side, user. there will be a bigger discount
didn't expect it to go for -40 holy shit

12 is better than 6
Kung Fury: Street Rage

not sure what I was thinking with the last one

i'm 2 hours into darkest dungeon, thinking about refunding it.
I can now see i'm it looks like you just grind these 4 dungeons for I don't know how long until you can jump into the fifth one. Which might be a good time waster, but there's better things I could be doing probably.

There's your problem.