Sup Forums what's some good vidya to pass time with?

Sup Forums what's some good vidya to pass time with?

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Good old monster hunter 4 ultimate


I've always wondered why people sleep on this, combat was never really a problem considering that this was meant to be an RPG with dicerolling as a result.

Plus a GOAT soundtrack, good suggestion

The Wind Waker.
Megaman Battle Network.
Vagrant Story.
Tony Hawk's Underground.

I wouldnt mind a new comfy game. Something thats interesting enough to keep me busy for hours at a time, doesnt have to be some super difficult game either.
Fallout4 kept me "interested" for about 30hours until the shittiness of the game got to me. I should have listened to people and not buy that. I regret those 30hours. Then again maybe 2 hours was spent making the game look and feel just right because bethesda is full of incompetent retards.
>tfw you will never play morrowind again for the first time

>last multiplayer game i've played was ut2008
>wasn't even good
>haven't played anything enjoyable since
>became a total single player player

not that bad but still

>loli Mormont

user-kun please

>barely veiled GoT thread

try the faggon age games if you're desperate for some filler.

if you want something easy and fun to pay with a friend, Army of Two series was fun

>tfw you'll never know what Margery had plan for the septons.