Gundam Breaker 3 Thread

Just bought this. Probably gonna be a while before it gets here but I got a simple question.

Can I play online using my US account or do I have to make a chinese account? This is important. I know I need one for downloading DLC and such but I don't know about normal online play.

>Post Customs
>Discuss game
>have fun

Other urls found in this thread:ガンブレ3?f=tweets&vertical=defaultガンダムブレイカー&order=date_d


>tfw really want this game
>don't have a ps4
>vita version runs like asscheeks
Fuck me I guess. I was going to use it to give me painting ideas for gunpla because I can't line art photoshop for shit.

Is the English SEA version still around or is it like $100?

That's a shame. The gundam builder in this seems incredibly elaborate.

You can get it on playasia for $57 right now.

it's 52$
never was more expensive than 60$
sucks for you if your country can't into SAL tho

Sweet, thanks user

Technically $57 after shipping.

can't help you with online cause no way in hell I pay for that shit PS+ service.
I think you can share PS+ of US account with other ones, but cause I don't have it - I can't confirm
5$ shipping for one game? nice, mine minimum is 7$
I usually just order a bunch to point that one game is around 3$.

I like that robot

How long is the singleplayer campaign?

It's a fun game.
I really should watch more Gundam before playing more though, having seen only the original movie versions and a single episode of Zeta a whole lot of the crap I see is completely foreign to me.

I yet to finish it. put at least 30 hours already I think, don't see the end of it so fare.
yet to even reach master grade plamos
keep in mind that game is quite repetitive, you'll need to get back to older stages to grind some better parts eventually.
well game almost doesn't reference shows so not a big deal.

Looks like a SWAT bot. Are these all yours? You make good designs.

Also I play Monster Hunter so repitition is no problem to me. Especially when considering the level of customization in this game.

>Looks like a SWAT bot. Are these all yours? You make good designs.
aside of this one. It's really not that hard to make decent design, quite a lot of parts go well together.
Customization is basically the meat of the game. At some time I wonder do I spend more time during battles or while editing the suit.
Huge variety of weapons, skills, options and combinations. And then painting whole suit or part by part, adjusting metallic/glossing paint, damage, washing. good stuff.

gameplay itself is more of a brawler, pretty satisfying one, but nothing too mindblowing.

Should I get EDF 4.1 or this game?
I REALLY want this one but i keep seeing gameplay is quite lackluster.

toss a coin

To be fair, EDF gameplay is fairly barebones too.

GB3 has more customization options for sure though.

Flip a coin. If you're disappointed by the result, you buy the other one.

I don't know what he's from but can I make this little guy in-game?

>Can I play online using my US account

make a chinese account
You need a Singaporean account to access the free DLC/updates

Can you point me to a guide?

Oh wait. PS+... I don't have to pay for a second account, do I?

Just make sure the email is legit and you set it to Singapore. You can bullshit the rest of the info.
>Oh wait. PS+... I don't have to pay for a second account, do I?
no, you're just using the Singapore account for the updates.

you will NOT be able to use the Barbatos DLC that comes with the game on your US account as it is region locked. That's the only thing though so the rest is in the clear, and the Barbatos parts aren't rare by any means.

post Gundamfus

gundams are shit
GMs are superior

Thanks bro.

I'm 90% certain that's the Aile Strike, so yeah, you can.

That's the Strike Gundam, from Gundam Seed. Shitty anime, but cool designs.

Yes, I believe you can. It's a mainline suit after all.

he can't make SD Gundams tho, just use from selection available as NPC teammate

Those parts? Yes, you can make a regular Gundam. But you can only edit the SD Gundam, you can't play as one.


use this

for the skills info, as the game does a shit job of explaining them.

what the fuck are those head/chest/arms

dunno, not mine
japs make cool stuff


You can't play as SD gundams? That's lame. I thought that was a selling point.

Feddies pls go

Got any links to where all the Japs keep their screenshots.

I wanna see how many refrences I get rightガンブレ3?f=tweets&vertical=defaultガンダムブレイカー&order=date_d


Dat fourze

Chest and arms are from the Jesta Cannon. Dunno about the head.

all these customs reminds me of ac

>using Kshatriya arms on a glorious Jimmy

Pig disgusting. Turn in your Feddie card at the exit and report to your resident Titans officer for purging.

>tfw addicted to making titty Gundams

it had good stats at that point

Titans are love, Titans are life.

>Mark Sechs and Mark Nicht
>Black Selena III
>Machine Robo
Sasuga Japan

I'm done

>that sword

It's a spear.

is that green frames weapon with the axe on the end

are there any actual guns in this game or is it all beam spamming?


Zone of the Enders? Noice.

there is.
also bazookas

It has guns

There are tons of guns.


You tell me

It's rape horse.

My man here had 12 gatling guns at the time when I got this trophy. It now has around 3 more added.

I use noble gundam with an op whip

It's nice

That's some Bangai-O shit right there.

it's beautiful

Did you build that?
Fucking kill yourself. I bet you go "oh yeah I'm a gunpla builder now fuck yeah"
Go to /m/, read the guide and git gud.

Ah. My bad.


Since there's no Silver Bullet on Breaker 3 I had to make my own machine.

Lmao what the fuck are you rambling about

I found it at some comic book store and built it. I didn't realize I had to be an expert to have a little fun and dabble in gunpla. Goddamn man get your head out of your ass.

It's fun to go to Bounty Hunter and see the weird stuff other people make. This screenshot doesn't do this guy justice. It was a lot more incandescent in game.

>Uh I don't have to learn how to play I'm just having fun xDD you tryhard xDDD
Fuck off, fucking casual.
That thing is shitposting tier.

Fuck this weak pound bullshit. £1 to $1.27 from paypal, I just want to buy my Gundam games.


>That moment when you find yourself on the ranking

You just gotta fight em,

Why are you so buttriggered m8

What's wrong with it aside from the shitty stickers the thing came with? Those things don't stay on at all.

More dakka. MORE dakka.

My condolences m8.


welcome to the club

Holy shit are you retarded?

Japanese Yen is becoming stronger as well.
Which makes my plastic model hobby a real pain in the ass.

I voted remain.


I hope you guys can turn this shit around. I really do.

>Only the G-Self is in from G-Reco







But there weren't. Most G-Reco designs were ass.





That is factually incorrect Anonymous.

You literally have shit taste if you believe that. This isn't a debate about the quality of Tomino's writing or the content of the shows story.

The Robots were great in G-Reco. Believing otherwise makes you so plebian that your own existence will cave in on itself and create a Plebhole will suck the entire Earth into it and turn us all into Plebs who think Aldnoah Zero is a masterpiece and that Sword Art Online is the pinnacle of animation.

same, fat lot of fucking good it did.


shit seems a lot like a better custom robo.

I spent a lot of time just smacking people around with a bunch of different parts.

maybe I should see what playasia can do for me.

When do you get gn drives?

Grimoire and Montero were pretty cool, and Arcane is cute enough to get a spot.

I am more disappointed on Gunpla Builders/Build Fighters suits.

>Beargguy only for Builders
>no Beginning Gundam
>no Zaku F2000 or Amazing
>no Fenice

Post the best ones you plebian. Even AGE had a few good ones here and there.

Those fucking nubs, you idiot.

Can I have wing zero wings, and can I have tallgeese bits? These are the only things that matter to me.
Tallgeese flugel is my favourite MS

I think they were called Solar reactors, and I think they unlock in the third or fourth chapter in the shop as attachments.