Post battlestations

Post battlestations.

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Swanky you must pull all the hoes

Fucking trashy m8.

Glass desks are pleb as fuck. Also get some wire management, nigger.

Chair was about $300 w/5 years warranty (which is where most of that cost comes from, it was literally the only comfy chair I found in my area)
Desk was about $300, minus all the garbage on it.
So its not too expensive, I got my PC for about $1200 on a sale.
Ive seen much swankier setups thrown around, all without comfyness though. OPs is comfy but its a fundamentally broken PC setup, works for entertainment I guess.

>Triggered by glass desk
Opinion discarded.
>Wire manage
My PC usually rides more to the right, and the wires are easy fix with some electrical tape, they all fall into line. I purposely threaded my headphones though and above the supports.


Dispose of those stickers on your case and it would a good 8/10.

tfw no new pics yet



This is nice. 8/10

has a classic feel. 8.5/10

>Confederate flags
>Chinese calender

I'm confused

he's a Trump supporter

I need more light.

how does your back feel throughout the day? do you sit cross legged?


PS4 and PC master race

>celebrating secession and rebellion

Ain't you the same Orwell from /vg/ that just shits up whatever general you in?

Fine, and yes. I sit down at my workplace.

i dont like your messy desk.
how many hats do you own anyway?

Woo we can now have 7 player split screen
Get in here!


The amount of controllers? I have four connected to the PS3 and two connected to the Vita TV.


I wouldnt want to be you

>Post battlestations.

You just know this is some kind of government data collection thing.

ps3 supports up to 7 players in case you werent aware

to the right hand side is another tower, a 360 devkit and ps3 devkit.
theres one downstairs for guests if needed but its not like i have anyone over anyway

I guess I wasn't. What games supports 7 player split-screen?

I spot a discrepancy with your new tab page.
Dark themes are so nice.

Don't say master race ever again. Every time someone says that I feel like I regurgitate a little.

Please come back to /hg/, even if it's just one shitpost. You have no idea how bad the thread is without you.

P.S. I'll play killer 7 with you.

messy as fuck. I need to do some cable management.

I think theres better things you can focus on than the cable management.

found the edgelord

He's the one with the small penis so yeah

How the fuck can you even see your monitor with all that shit on your desk, user?

2010 FIFA World Cup
3 on 3 NHL Arcade (6 players)
All-Pro Football 2K8
Bomberman Ultra
Buzz!: Quiz TV (requires 2 dongles for 5-8 players; can also be used with the PS2 buzzers)
Buzz!: Quiz World (requires 2 dongles for 5-8 players; can also be used with the PS2 buzzers)
FIFA 08, FIFA 09, FIFA 10, FIFA 11, FIFA 12
FIFA Street 3
Madden 12
NBA 2K7, NBA 2K8, NBA 2K9, NBA 2K10, NBA 2K11, NBA 2K12
NHL 08, NHL 09, NHL 10, NHL 11, NHL 12
NHL 2K8, NHL 2K9, NHL 2K10, NHL 2K11
PixelJunk Racers
Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, Pro Evolution Soccer 2009, Pro Evolution Soccer 2010, Pro Evolution Soccer 2011, Pro Evolution Soccer 2012
Sky Fighter
WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009, WWE Legends of WrestleMania, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2010, WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2011, WWE '12 (6 players)
X-Men: Arcade (6 players)

probably... most likely... definitely
depending on which monitor I'm gaming or watching videos on. I'll move big items to the right if I want to use the ultrawide monitor and I'll move items to the left if I'm using the 16:9.

Bitch please


I will never have an Xbox One. Halo is dead to me. Enjoy Halo 5.

I agree, but kai must be stopped.

what the fuck, is that artificial lemon extract?

yeah... well not artificial but i drink it with club soda, mixed with a little lime juice

holy fuck it is that nasty shit

how can you bare to drink this?

Anyone have the pic of the desk with all the apple stuff?

Need to take a new pic, a lot has changed since this except for the shitty chair.


>White northern detected

race isn't the only reason for secession

What... is that a photoshop or is there a way to have custom backgrounds on google like that...?

I like it. We have the same speakers.

You're missing out then, its a chrome extension I use called Stylish, allows you to reskin a webpage from a database of user-created themes, usually there is a dark theme for every one.
I used a dark theme on top of a hestia google one. They stack, as long as they don't conflict, and are up to date.
Should check it out

>Opinion discarded.

Don't worry m8. I'm not the one living with a garbage setup. Just letting you know you have major shit tastes.

>weeb degenerate
>Confederate flag

into the trash you go. You're just as much a subhuman as liberals.

>Weeb degenerate
Get off the futaba board.

Rest of your comment stands.

shut it weeb nigger and stick to your containment board

Literally kill yourself, degenerate weeb subhuman.

I think you should get on getting your shit together management



boo hoo faggot. 2003 was over a decade ago, you mid 30 millennial subhuman slanty eyed piss skin gook.

Its still there faggot, don't be surprised when you see more.
And you are still around, despite the boards origination.
Must be pretty masochistic

>this many buzz words
>trying this hard

>triggered slanty eyed gook subhumans.

topkek, go back to eating fetuses, yellow niggers.

My old setup back in the states

being a filthy European foreigner it pleases me greatly that the confederate flag makes it easy to weed out people, if they react like this you know you they are untrustworthy people.

pretend I'm posting that gif of larry david looking unsure and undecided

some of this is good, some is a little embarrassing, particularly that mouse pad

Yo those mousepads are fucking comfy user

eh sure but the aesthetic of your setup is totally botched by random anime, constantly on display

Yeah I guess so, doesn't really fit the theme at all.
To be honest I didn't really notice it at first glance over. I wouldn't know how to make it all blend in more together, its possible...

inbred piece of shit


that fish tank must be such a pain in the ass to clean


yeah thats the only thing, it tampers with the consistency, which is key to a good battlestation. also whats up with the bottle lights? neat idea but they seem pretty dim


worst thing is that its too crowded. looks really cramped, also not a fan of putting the pc on the desk, but meh. I'd give it a 6.5/10

Don't worry my mom cleans it at the end of every week after she disposes/replaces my shit and piss jugs

Shit. What can I do to make it better? I was thinking mounting my TV on the wall.

Wow, you've really triggered the JIDF with this image. It almost makes me want to go purchase one of these fine flags for my own battlestation.

What are your speakers and amp?
Also, how do you like your Schiit Stack?

Also thing about putting PC on the floor is cleaning the dust, and turning it off by mistake. Shit like that.


well i dunno about the rest of your room or whatever, but PERSONALLY I would put the PC on the floor, put the modem somewhere else. now maybe at this point there's enough room for the monitor and tv, but even BETTER would be a secondary monitor for doing other shit and a primary monitor (which you own) for gaming. then put the TV on its own stand somewhere else.

but if thats unrealistic, I'd still avoid mounting the tv. it looks pretty thick and heavy so itd just be ugly I think.

Lol this has been going around Sup Forums for years.

Top shit

I actually know somebody who has a setup like this.


I hope thats connected to a ceiling fan.

But for what purpose?

I have the modem there so that I can wire everything.
I have really taught about getting a second monitor man, I really want too. I just don't know where to put my TV, and I don't wanna get rid of it. I had there because my desk is right next to my bed so I watched Breaking Bad and shit.
Only place I can think of is on the wall behind my monitor.
The TV is alright in thickness, probably like 3 inches.

Took a quick picture, playing Mirror's Edge Catalyst atm

- yeah again this is a pic from a few years ago
- yes probs the main reason why I got it
- it doesn't really show up good in pictures but they're pretty bright for a lamp and sense they're behind the monitor I didn't want it too impede with that

Will post my new set up once I move back too the states in a few months will make a thread then

Really? What's the fucking point?

well do you have any room for a new stand to put it on? if so Id recommend that. otherwise I suppose a mount is alright, just not my preference.

ah gotcha, well thats pretty neat. definitely a unique look to it.

Honestly best in thread.

People that spend unnecessary amounts of money on stupid unneeded gaming shit are faggot losers.

>san francisco

confirmed fag


>All that red and black
completely ruined, cmon if you're gonna commit to red at least get an AMD card

seconding this, well the first part anyway. most pleasant to look at so far

Was this list made in 2012?

What do you mean by stand? And why?

it's not that serious pal
