

>OP is so underage he doesn't even know about WaterGate

We're ironically pretending its not about Watergate faggot.

They'll change it for the final game. It hurts too many feelings and isn't nearly meme-filled enough for NoA.

>I-It's just Watergate!
Do you even know what the Watergate scandal was about?

I thought Sup Forums hated Paper Mario now.

sorry faggot my name is not "my grampa"

if i look on wikipedia is considered plagiarism?
will i get a bad grade?

Yeah nintendos really showing nixon what's up

Get outta here dumbass

Haven't they already said there's nothing to apologize for?

If I recall, these two sequences also aren't really related too each other, though I don't know the specifics. They're obviously in the same minigame, but I believe it was mentioned they're not as close together as is implied.

-gate as a suffix to a scandal of any kind has been a long running thing, beginning with Watergate. Watergate's specific nature has never really mattered. It's always made little sense, grammatically, because gate isn't really a suffix there, but what can you do? GamerGate is even called that specifically because of Watergate.

>Five Guys
It's very, VERY obvious what this is referencing. And no, it's not Watergate.
You're a fucking idiot.

Men were caught breaking into the democratic headquarters in the Watergate Hotel, after which they were proved to be linked to Nixon.

Of course, you're just gonna accuse me of Googling it anyway.

>"As many have observed, when viewed in its entirety the Nintendo Treehouse: Live segment for Paper Mario: Color Splash from E3 includes two jokes separated by commentary and gameplay that have no relation to each other. One joke has to do with Watergate, while the other is a nod to the Fungi Fun Guys from Mario Party 8. It was brought to our attention today that these two jokes have been spliced together and misconstrued as a crude reference to an online hate campaign. While we typically do not speak on localization matters, we feel the need to confirm that these jokes are not linked in the game and were never intended to be linked. Nintendo firmly rejects the harassment of individuals in any way and was surprised to learn that its gameplay was misinterpreted in this manner."

>Don't even know a relatively recent event that was very shocking

Every time.


Hell, there was even a DeflateGate for that whole shit with Tom Brady tampering with the footballs in order to win.

That's not the point. The -gate in this is referencing GamerGate, not Watergate.

so? are they gonna remove it?
i want it to stay...

shut the fuck up

the lines aren't even next to each other, The Five Fun Guys is a Mario Party reference.

You guys keep doing this though, and they will remove the joke.

>Company says that they do not reference something in their game
>N-no! That's wrong! You are referencing it! Donate to patreon!!


fungi watergate

>not knowing 5 men were arrested for breaking into the democratic headquarters

Probably bait but there's still at least one person here who still genuinely believes nintendo gives a fuck about some talentless, ugly, attention whore

It sounds like they're keeping it

Sup Forums's eternal mark of shame.

>Nintendo had to make an official statement
>Because GG is that retarded

This post could be bait, but I believe it's real.

Even if it's actually a refference to Watergate, it's still an absolutely retarded time to make such a joke that makes it seem like it was done deliberately.

>2014 gg threads: desperately trying to move focus away from five guys incident
>2016 everyone: it's an online hate campaign!


You seem to be forgetting the Gabe Newell birthday card.

Actually it was Zoe Quinn who first posted this on her twitter with two spliced together images and complained that people are persecuting her or something. Demanded blood.

>still mad Nintendo won 2014 E3

wow you are retarded.

What? She must have a stroke every time she passes a certain restaurant chain then.

>implying you're not embarrassed to contributing to the shill card

This whole debacle made me realize KC Green actually did become a sjw. I thought it was a dumb meme.
Rip KC, you used to be better than this.

>Even if
Take your dumb 2hu and leave user. It is. End of story. Watergate and "-gate" scandals/jokes have been going on for decades. The image about the Fun Guys is also, as has been related repeatedly, completely unrelated to the Shufflegate joke. Nothing was done in any way that looks deliberate unless you take things out of context and post them together specifically to make it look that way.

This is a complete nonissue. It's like being angry about someone making an Orlando Bloom joke just because it's "the wrong time" in relation to the shooting.

she doesnt even play or own a wii u, the only way she could have gotten those screens is if someone sent them to her that way, because the stream they came from clearly shows that the lines aren't directly related.

That's why it took so long after E3 for this shit to blow up, Zoe doesn't even play games or had watched it to know they were separate lines

She's always angry so she must have hemriod or something up her butt.

wow this guy is an idiot.


>Austin Walker was fired for defending her
all is well in the world.

>Lines clearly about watergate
>Zoey adds in the "Five Fun Guys" bit which isn't even related to that

I honestly forgot about her until now so I guess it worked

>SJWs are hurting and scared

What's not to like? Let retards keep being retarded, nobody will care about them in 10 years just like nobody cared about all the moms claiming GTA will make their children criminals. (GTA being one of the most expensive AAA series in the industry now)

You guys remember the incident where SJWs threatened to flop Lord of Shadows 2 because of the "vampire feed attack on woman" resembling a rape scene too much? Of course you don't because neither the devs nor the fans gave a shit about them so it didn't go any further.

>im right ur wrong go away
Nice job shitting the bed autist.

The fact that it generated all this steam was clearly deliberate, the timing couldn't have been more appropriate.

It's obviously a reference to Watergate and the "five fun guys" is a reference to the 5 people involved in the specific scandal at the word funghi, which refers to mushrooms. Zoe Quinn is fucking insane

>You typed the actual word instead of gooberbutter goo goo gah gah!
>THat means you're one of them and I shouldn't listen to you!


>Wanting people to remember that time she fucked 5 guys at once

Truly a slut.

That simple wordplay is too much for her to get it seems.

I thought you were better than this, KC

do you really think the Japanese pay attention to America's first world problems? Common man there is no way nintendo gives a flying fuck about Zoe Quin and her cry baby legion.

Me too, man. Me too.

>Tfw Asians and Europeans probably know more about American history than the average young American these days

I would be pretty surprised if the Watergate reference was in the original.

I still don't understand why no one has gone and bombed the place.
Censorship is serious business, they deserve death.




They're always scared

>how dare these people show their appreciation to someone that gives them fun

This is retarded. Anybody who thinks it's a joke about a minor nerd culture event is retarded.


I don't, I just know it was something about Nixon and he had to step down. There was that one scene in Forrest Gump about it.

This is retarded. Anybody who thinks it's a joke about a minor nerd culture event is retarded.



It's because five guys broke into the Watergate complex. OP is a fucking fool.

I'm pretty fucking sure the 5 fun guys line has nothing to do with the gate reference

They thanked people for advertising to them.
Fun or not, that's retarded.

I can't help but wonder nobody takes censorshipautists seriously when I read posts like these.

Original Paper Mario, and other Mario RPG scripts are actually pretty dry. NOA adds most of the flavour in localization.

....you make up that comeback yourself? Cause it sucks.

Shouldn't have fucked around!

But seriously, while Zoe didn't fuck for coverage, the whole thing highlighted just how fucking stupid indie-dev and journo scene is. These people hang out together, party together and then fuck together, and people are supposed to believe that nobody's judgement is affected by this shit?
Hell, when people were wondering if one Kotaku writer was dating a dev, they came out and said "Nuh uh, we weren't dating, I was just renting a room to her!"
These people are fucking dumbasses. And sad thing is, if you want your game to be covered you have to be part of those circles, so you have all of these indie devs without stable income flocking to live in one of the most expensive cities in US.

This one always annoys me the most, what ever happened to going " whoops, I was wrong, my bad"? The pomegranate poster didn't even say anything mean or bad and triggersaurus-rex flips out on them immediately with a slew of insults

You have to believe you're wrong in order to apologize. Dude was deluded.

Some people get told "you're special and is never wrong!" so much and refuse to grow up. Being around similar who agrees with him makes him think he can say whatever he wants without consequences.

Any normal person would have seen it and said "Oh! I thought that was a heart or something. Just some fruit" and moved on. These tumblr safe space assholes see something and say "I thought that was a heart. Why didn't the person who posted this assume I would have made that assumption in a split second and tagged it as possible gore? This is unbelievable, how am I supposed to feel safe here if people don't assume I'm going to be upset about everything?"

It's like the files you see here that are named and look like something as a thumbnail but its completely different when you expand it. Imagine someone getting banned for posting one of those? It's insanity and the fact that some companies are listening to these lunatics paints a grim future for mankind.

>making a sequel to sticker star and not the actual paper mario games


Remember when Zoe Quin shitposted, got her patreon up by 100+ dollars and then went back to her private twitter to complain about Patrick Klepek?

this one was my favorite

Reminder that he made this and then deleted it years later

This is cringeworthy and pathetic.

hugboxes are horrifying places

The only thing that really gives me hope for that is that damn near everyone gave them shit for flipping out over some fucking fruit.

>the 5 people buying Color Splash being this desperate
see faggots, not memegate.

>This window will close in 3 seconds...

woah really

>It's like the files you see here that are named and look like something as a thumbnail but its completely different when you expand it.
Reminded me of "Hagrid on a doily"

I feel like this was meant to be a jab at GamerGate but then Zoe got pissed off about it.
Either way I maintain my opinion on that a Gamergate reference doesn't belong in a Nintendo game regardless who it's poking fun at.
Fuck off, a nice cover for Nintendo put up and shift the blame.