Who else here is actually learning/trying to make a game...

Who else here is actually learning/trying to make a game, but suck at art and music and are too poor to afford to hire anyone who's good at either?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm sure the are forums where you can find amateur musicians and drawfags who are willing to help

There are various resources online that will help you learn anything you need to learn.

I know that feel bro.

My game was going along well until I had to let go of programmer art.

It's much easier to be an artist without knowing how to program than the opposite. You can just copy paste shit from stack-overflow.

I'm trying to improve on my art skills lately but I would have no idea where to start with making a game.

My friend has tossed out the idea that we make a fighting game using Mugen. Could be fun honestly but there's a lot that goes into it.

You're a faggot. Don't post again.


I remember this thread!


Artfag here. I MIGHT do a few things for you depending on the project.

who's the faggot who keeps posting this shit?

oh boy are we doing this?

it's the designated OP picture for pixel art threads now

but mods don't like the newest incarnations of the top row so the thread is probably gonna die soon

Just post more edits of this. That's what we're all here for, anyway.



I'm in the reverse situation


>Both of my fetishes
user please, this is too much

I know a bit about making videogames. Atleast I am good/decent at art though.


Learn 3D modeling, OP. Assuming you're a programmer, you're probably better at math than you are at art, and 3D modeling is a much more mathematically-inclined art form.

last one is legitimately cool. looks like something out of shantae

This is the best one

at the end of the year there's gonna be like 500 different rows of this shit collected in one image

There is a thread for this already you dumb faggot.

Finding a programmer, and good leader, are the two most difficult things. If you can build a decent prototype, and aren't a complete autismo with a lot of drive, then it's butt-easy to find artists. You just have to give them the promise that a project won't fail, and they'll come flocking to you. In order to do that, you only need to build a functional prototype.

Hell, if you could build a simple arrow key moving mechanic, then artists are ready to hop on.

These threads prove one thing, and that's literally anyone can make shitty pixel art with no effort. Fuck western indie games who still use that shit as a crutch.

I can't wait.

wait is this the pixel art bread or not cause i'm not seeing a whole lot of pixel art here

Nah, I'm bored of it already.
The cowgirl version sounded nice. So maybe. But not likely. Everyone else stopped drawing them.


I'm the opposite
I want to help indie game companies by drawing for them
but no one really is looking for artists on my end
they all cry for it in some of these threads, but when confronted, get scared and say they'd rather work for themselves, so there'd be less complications
also because there are shitty artists out there who have better connections but are actually terrible artists that don't do their job correctly which leads programmers to believe that artists aren't even worth looking for to try and work with at all


How do I game as an artfag?

every time people review my game, they praise everything but shit on the art.

I don't have enough money to comission my friend to do everything, but hopefully a full fledged and complete game with good gameplay can raise some KS bucks to finish it


go to pixeljoint. They have a job offering section.


Nobody wants to have to PAY an artist or treat them as a person at all. They say all that thinking that they're sparing your feelings when it's clear that they're afraid you'll ask to be treated like a human being instead of a work mule.

The battle sprites look fine, but a little... I don't want to say Flash Game-y but, it looks flash gamey.
The UI could use a ton of work, especially the font for the HP/MP numbers. And the spell icons look like shit but I'm guessing they're placeholders.

Not a fan of the overworld graphics either.

Hopefully you get a successful kickstarter, your game looks like fun. Once it's up I'll at least spread it around on my social media.

You could fix it up a lot just by making sure all your outlines are the same (or at least a standardized) width. You might need to do this with shaders or something.

>indie game companies

Why do these threads always lose the harsh tone of criticism of Sup Forums?

It's like you all are a little bunch of fragile fairies that can't handle it, but are fine dishing it out.

Despite all memes and shitposting you are not a little girl, talk to him like you normally would.

Your game looks like absolute dogshit. I draw like that when I was a child. Bright stupidly saturated colors everywhere. I would never play this, I don't care if it plays well. It looks like regurgitated ass. Game is so bad it looks like a joke, learn how to draw or get somebody who can.

Here's a classic

dumb thickposter

there's threads for edge and there's a threads for hugboxing

sadly for you, this is the latter

Didn't know I was on fucking Reddit. Your game looks like shit, by the way. Hispter retro pixel art indie shit is better than this trash.

Nice he kept my recoloring and learned from it!

I'd like to get treated like a real human bean anytime
the issue with this is that there are two things a project manager can ask you for
your vision, or your effort
vision would mean that an artist would have complete freedom over the project's design, and that everything would be laid out to look like so, while the latter would mean that the manager would want to have nothing to do with you other than your labor.
its a big grey area that really just slips into madness when neither the manager nor the artist really knows what the other one wants

I'd work for free because I'm alone and want to know how all of this works before I move on to paid work

you can tell I'm already blind to this kind of business

I can program a little, I don't know how to make sprite art too well, but it will come in time.

the cape definitely makes it a lot better
it looks really generic and boring without it

>Why do these threads always lose the harsh tone of criticism of Sup Forums?

making games is hard

but I agree hugboxes are bad

If I thought it looked like shit I'd say it looks like shit.
I think it could use some work, so I'm saying it could use some work.

Then why aren't you cashing in?

>went from shitty indie art garbage to castlevania


I'm trying to learn to draw, so that I can do art for myself, but it takes a lot of time to work on code, scenario, maps and graphics. And all I'm doing is a small RPG Maker game.

If it makes you feel better, I'd like you to hang yourself

Hot damn, user you've improved a hundredfold


It's probably true for some people but I feel from browsing agdg a lot games are just products of neckbeards in their basements.

Fuck being edgy for the sake of edgy. And fuck the hugboxing too. These threads are about being constructive. And in doing so, you should reinforce the good, while highlighting the bad,k so it can be fixed.

Reinforcement is a part of the critical process, because often time, people will ruin the good parts, in their attempts to fix the bad parts. You have to make sure people know what not to fuck with.

Sir, are you aware of how mad you're going right now?
worthless faggot

Because shitting on someone over their objectively inferior opinions is different from trying to give someone else legitimate criticism?
He's right, though, the game looks like ass. And the trailer is poorly designed. And I think I saw a fucking exposition dump at the start. I wish you well, but I can't offer any advice. Its aesthetic is just awful.

>Want to make a game
>Can't draw
>Can't program
>Can't fund
>Can only write
>Probably can't write either

Looks traced.

>Want to make a game
>The market is oversaturated and can't think on how to improve a genre

writing bros are always appreciated

you can always learn the rest except funding

I want to make a 2.5D FPS like doom that is filled with tits.

I don't even know whether I should learn C# or C++, and no idea what game engine I should learn to make it.


>2.5D FPS
What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

just make a text game
the guy who made CoC is making $20 000 per month on patreon

I got the art skills, gonna learn Gamemaker (RPGMaker VX Ace is shit) I just need a composer.

My real problem is I cant get criticism on any of my plots. What I want most is a compelling story. But I cant fix shit unless people tell me whats wrong, and they dont want to offend me. And my places to ask for help are limited without having the story stolen.

What do you guys use for background noise while working on your game?

3d world 2d characters and the opposite.
Since he wants something doom styled, he wants the former.

Just make a doom wad.

>like doom

anyone need eurobeat for their game

I'm not sure whether I should take it as a compliment or not. Also, I'm not sure as to what makes it look traced.

But that's 3d with 2d sprites?

/lit/ has crit threads.

You can
>make Doom wads
>make a raycaster
>make a Doom-like engine
>make an actual 3D game
Kind of ordered by difficulty.

How the fuck do I draw, I failed art twice, I took acting instead to get my credit in high school.

Ahh. Hrm.

I actually tried to work with my roommate once on making a webcomic once and we really couldn't come to a decent middle ground on vision vs. effort... it wasn't so much that I disliked his art or anything, it just seemed like the wrong fit for what I'd been writing, and he felt my writing wasn't a fit for his art, so we both lost motivation and quit rather quickly.

I cant get up the motivation to learn that stuff.

being an nonconstructive hostile fuck is just as bad as being a hugbox faggot

you both contribute nothing.

There's an odd sense of flatness that generally wouldn't be there if you knew what you were doing.

If it's not it's still pretty good, though.

That user Who Made This here

i'm working on a walking animation based on that of Alucard, since the castlevania style sort of stuck. It's basically done but the cape is still a bit janky

it's strangely fun to make this shit

I'm terrible at writing and making music but atleast I'm good at the two necessary things. I wish I was a competent writer, user. It's never too late on learning programming and art!

It's been so long since i linked to another board
Now go my son

>can't draw

didn't stop this guy
that was all in the span of like 2 week

Yeah, I get it all the time. First priority would be to get a good colorist, then backgrounds, hen finally better tilesets.

I'm making better spell icons right now, though, and I won't change the font anymore.

I was unfortunate with that screenshot, it showcases the most forcibly stretched out characters in both ways due to detail/size requirements.

in-game it doesn't look that jarring.

I take harsh criticism all the time, and I have no problems with it, but if it's just shitposting or telling me stuff I already know I simply disregard it.

You get better with criticism, and you get more motivated with hugboxes, we devs need these both and must learn how to deal with them accordingly.

i agree, I hate doing trailers, but I'll hold onto it until I get farther into development, maybe hire someone else to do it.

As a programmer who can't draw for shit, I would love an artist to take interest and help me with my project.

But the ones I talked too either wants me to tell them what to draw or they go do their own thing (which is similar to shit you find in the horrible corners of Deviant Art). Since I don't really have an idea of what I what I always let them design their own thing and it just turns out so awful I have to cut ties with them after telling them its not what I had in mind (to spare their feelings on how their ideas are garbage).

I'm just trying to make a SRPG in the style of Final Fantasy Tactics, but the last 2 artists I got into contact with, it didn't work out. One of them drew the stereotypical tumblr outlook (red swollen noses, multiple colored people without any consistency etc), and another basically drew a bunch of shitty sonic OC (granted the person knew their shit when it came to line-art and structure), when I asked if they could draw something else (I was okay with furry if it didn't look like fetish pandering), they refused.

I really don't know how to get artists, but it doesn't help that I provide little guidance other than what my game is. I think I need a writefag as well to make a setting

I'm glad you took my palette teachings to heart man. Good luck with what you're doing.


Holy shit, I remember when you posted that very first sprite in one of these threads weeks ago. That level of improvement is insane.

Fuck, maybe I should be practicing my pixel art too.

looks like garbage

I'm attempting to become a Jack of all trades. I am currently bad at everything.


>I don't really have an idea of what I what
>its not what I had in mind
R u stuped user?

this anons basically telling you that you need more shading and depth. Try more of a cel shading look.

I'm guessing a part of that is because I don't know anything about coloring and shading and mostly just rely on a ton reference images.
I also lazied out on parts of the body and mostly tried to put detail into the torso area.
For reference a.pomf.cat/mmaakc.png

I stated that it was a lie in my post, it was what I said to spare their feelings because while its true I don't know what I want, I know what don't want.

Where does an amateur musician go to work on projects? Ideally for free since I'm not good enough to charge money.