How's it looking Sup Forums?

How's it looking Sup Forums?

also steam cart thread if you guys are stalling like me.

You should just buy Putt putt, the rest is shit in comparaison

I'm in the mood for an arena-style multiplayer game. One where you can just jump in and have fun and doesn't rely heavily on teamwork. I've been playing on some M&B napoleonic mod servers but it gets old quick. So far rocket league looks to be what I want but I'd appreciate some other recs. Thanks in advance. I already own l4d and all the half-life games.


Damn, look at those terrible prices. Why is this summer sale so disappointing?

I'm thinking of picking up MGRising can anyone justify its purchase?

>implying tf3 is better than quake


Seems decent. Metal Gear Rising is a great game. Now you made me put Putt-Putt Goes to the Moon in my cart.

are you brain damaged

I bought pic related.
I've only played Transformers. It's a linear smashum up game. If you are a fan of the G1 Transformers, you'll like it. Otherwise you probably won't care for it.

I refunded Payday. My friends told me to buy it because they play it, but it turns out none of them actually play it.

Also bought some DLC for Civ V and Surgeon simulator.

Sales have been pretty disappointing since refunds and daily/flash deals were gone

I miss picking up tons of games for like £1-5. Lots of stuff is now only 10%-50% off whereas before we would get 75%, 90% off.

If you buy PuttPutt then you must also buy the Panzermadels tank dating sim.

To tell the truth, I pirated games before, cause I was more of a campaign player, but recently I had tried to seek the benefits of multiplayer in games that are not already dead (and actually I had never played MP before!). What games can you recommend from the sale?

Only real shit game there is Life is Strange, no idea why the hell you'd want that melodramatic braindead Telltale wannabe.

>One Piece Pirate Warriors 3
>Renowned Explorers
>Project Zomboid
>Way of the Samurai 4

I can only get one, I refunded another game so I got like 15 available to me

I've gotten to much strategy and city building already this sale, thinking One Piece for a bit of mindless play

I recommend WOTS 4. Fun combat, a lot of fucking about, small map but what can you do.

Here's my cart.

Recently got the game from a humble bundle, played it with the gf, she dug it and wanted to play the rest.
The more time I spend with her, the more sex I have.
So, yeah, it's staying unless you're gonna have sex with me instead.

Do it.
>tfw waited three years for a DA PC port
>my computer is so shit it can't run it better than my PSfucking3
Enjoy my RPGOTG as it should've been enjoyed, user.

The PS3 version is like $5 down at Gamestop, but 60 FPS sounds really nice.

Avoid the console versions. They are technical disasters.

life is strange is great

Yeah the PS3 version is atrocious. Played it for a couple hours before dropping it, constant 20fps.. black bars.. ps2 textures, borderline unplayable

Was hyped when it got announced for PC and put 200+ hours into the PC version. Its really fun to replay aswell

Also forgot, the ps3 version runs at like 540p or some shit, a fucking Vita resolution

UnderRail is pretty great, although it has a steep learning curve and can be unbalanced at times. I actually had to start over in Depot A once I realized my crossbow/trapper build wasn't viable.

£10 left to spend, dont know what to get. Already have bf4 but its the polish edition which they blocked you from translating into english earlier this year, and im really itching to play an online fps. Played/completed W3 on brothers PS4 but I want to play it again on PC maxed out

Recommend me something under £10? Anything thats good, I have not really played any indie games so is there any good indie games for cheapo?

I hear it's like Fallout 1 and 2, which sounds pretty great.

How would you guys describe Dragons Dogma to someone who literally knows nothing about it?

Skyrim x Dark Souls.

wolves travel in packs

aRPG with emphasis on character building/customization and party management. Each class is a different playstyle. To an extent, anyway.

Suffers from a lack of dungeons and bosses but luckily Matt Daemon's funtime area makes up for that.

> Expect great sales. Put $40 in steam wallet
> Sales arrived
> Barely spend $10.. no good deals to get :(
> Hit the market for some cards
Was this their plan from the start?

Devil May Cry + Shadow of the Colossus + RPG elements + Open world

I really want DOOM because I really need a mindless fun shooting game amongst all this strategy stuff but I just don't know if I can bring myself to do it because I am strapped for cash kind of. Also Its a game I most likely will not refund so I don't mind not buying it on Steam but still.

Anyone here care to share experiences with Darkest Dungeon? I am pretty set on Stasis and Tharsis, I want to Underrail despite having Satelite Reign AND Invisible Inc from last big sale and still havn't played either... I just wish it was still popular on Sup Forums and those daily threads were happening, really should have got it then but fuck me I love getting a good deal.

I also try to buy based on if I think it's a good deal or if it will come around again soon, you start pick up trends after a couple of sales under your belt, and if you aren't using IsThereAnyDeal dot com then you are really fucking up, love that site.

Also want The Culling but it's been on sale for the same price before and the recent Mixed reviews don't help.

I wouldn't suggest AvP, it's okay but honestly it wasn't worth buying. Not thats its bad at all but it's past its prime and is dated compared to other games that do similar stuff. Unless you're a die hard fan which in that case you should be getting Isolation, I wouldn't bother.

Darkest Dungeon is a piece of shit. You can mitigate the RNG, but it very deliberately wastes your fucking time with the grindwalls - party members refuse to go into dungeons they're overlevelled for which means a lot of raising different teams.

There's no fail state either, so you just do that until either boredom gets you or the game ends. It's really not worth it at all, don't even bother. Fucking grindwalls.

And yeah, devs fucked over The Culling's combat so keep clear of that.

I might be able to get past grindwalls, I am really in it just for the lore and shit, considering that is it still worth it?

Also care to elaborate on The Culling, Steam reviews are no help in explaining HOW or WHY the combat became suddenly fucked.

is a decent combat system enough to carry you through a game where everything else is anywhere from trash to mediocre? That's dragons dogma.

WOTS4 is fucking excellent.

They added a bunch of overpowered shit and broke existing weapons so combat became rock/paper/scissors over the player skill it had.

As for Darkest Dungeon lore... eh. I wouldn't call the lore that impressive. If you don't mind playing a 4 hour games for 20 hours then yeah, I suppose it's worth it.

Nice pic tho