do your best, Sup Forums
Do your best, Sup Forums
We're done here.
Pretty much desu OP delete your gay ass thread right now
Is it 2007 again?
Too accurate
>the game
If only it actually was the mid 00's again.
You bastard
the only good one
how the hell can I use legacy?
I ticked the box, what gives?
Newfag go back to Ribbit
sorry forgot to save
judging you
Careful, here lies the secret behind this picture, click at your own risk.
That was a massive waste of my time fuck you
>make thread about a game I'd like to discuss
>straight to page 10
>someone makes a shitposting /consolewar thread
>475 posts and 179 images click here to reply
I hate you all
>see thread on vidya you wanna discuss
>200 replies
>second reply is some roll shit
>goodbye vidya
>make a serious thread with a replygenerating picture
>generate 200 posts
>pic gets deleted
>soon after that the thread dies
Guess a thread about todd is more important
>Sheldon with THAT caption.jpg has been posted
>Almost 5,000 entrants for SFV at EVO
>Still no "1k Club" for GGXrd
Melee just barely hit 2k at EVO, while SFV is probably close to 5k.
yeah pretty much
t-thanks Sup Forums
I'd definitely pick a random user's mom over Sasha Grey to be honest.
>5000 copies sold
Took long enough.
why do i feel nostalgia over this
Every time
Is dark souls 2 really the worst of the series?
>Implying this same thread isn't doing this
Damn, why didnt I notice this earlier?
And why isnt this the standard option?
Too slow.
Nice double loss tho.
Not really. It's just that the fans are extremely divided on since it does so many things different than the other games.
III is looking to be the worst, imo. It plays it way too safe, there's far less build variety, least amount of replayability out of all the souls games, etc.
Wow I wish I saw this earlier
This came out pretty cringe but I'll share anyways.
Someone make zelda vs others games in e3
I prefer the new Captcha desu
Works most of the time and is faster.
Seriously? Wheres the pro skub anti skub edit? what the fuck is wrong with you guys?
One of the most reliable ways to spot idiots on this site besides discussing millennials.
i only have one skub related image
thats the joke faggot