Zero Time Dilemma

You know the drill, BLACKED box general. Be wary of unmarked spoilers.

Delta worst Zero.

I've hit a point where I don't know where to go in the timeline, the only places I can go are places where I need to know something that I don't know yet, like the passwords or Q's name. And that roll all 1's on the dice thing. Anyone know if I'm missing something?

If you're stuck on the dice rolls, just keep rolling the dice.

>tfw just finished the game
It lived up to the hype,fucked you guys i liked it

>Junpei beating up Carlos for trying to rape Akane
>the AB game
>The whole VLR route
>Delta being there the whole time
>Sigma and Diana giving birth to Phi and Delta
>no more suffering in the happy end
>It did reuse the plot point of creating the decision game to create Phi and Delta from 999 but i kind of liked that

I still have a question though...
Why the hell did Delta shoot Gab at the end of the game? What was the point?

Keep rolling

Just finished the pantry.
Who killed Junpei?
Is there an actual correct answer that I'm supposed to find later? Do I just put in whatever for the moment and come back later with a correct answer?

The textures in the 3DS version were absolute fucking garbage. It made solving the cards puzzle in the REC room way harder than it should have been.

Because Delta is a cunt.

Well then, I assumed it was actually a 0.something chance to get the 1's but I'll keep rolling then. I thought there would be some way to influence the dice later

You will find out the answer way later on, but you don't go back to use it. For now, you can only guess either Akane or Carlos

>Why the hell did Delta shoot Gab at the end of the game? What was the point?

You have no way of knowing, so you can't answer with the 'right' answer.
You will find out though, but it's pretty big spoilers if you find out early.

Maybe it was a "fuck you, you can't SHIFT with gab because he's fucking dead so don't worry about it" kind of thing?

I'm also stuck in progression.

I know to shoot Delta because spoilers but I haven't encountered him in-game beyond the D-END2 so would it still work if I input his name? I'd be confused as to why it would even.
Also, I don't know the password for Q-Team's Force Quit Box as the code that Zero gave Q didn't work as I assume it was ONLY for his helmet, and I don't know the password for the Door of Truth. I expect the few other locked areas will become open after I finish these maybe.

I have a major spoiler-filled question: What the fuck happened to Junpei's jacket?

Once you roll all 1s, Akane will begin to infodump on why it happened.

The H in SHIFT stands for Human, so I don't think Gab is able to SHIFT.

The game makes it very clear when you know the correct answers for those. If you don't know them, it means you still have other stuff to do.

I can't tell you anymore with out it being spoilers, so please look forward to the 4th game. :^)

Obviously Kyle is in Gab, so he could SHIFT

Okay then. I'm assuming I'll run into different password codes then at some point in time. Unless the password for the Door of Truth is the babies' birthdays then I don't remember it. And I have no clue what the Q-Team's FCB code would be.

Could you also answer my first question? Maybe I'm being stubborn as I don't understand how it would work even though I could try it within a couple of minutes and find out for myself but still.

Yes, you can shoot Delta. But that's a completely unnecessary bonus scene. It won't help you progress.

Are ,we the player, Delta's "Mind Hack"?


You're actually correct about the Door to Truth.

What cards do I use in the transporter room for the 3 birds, flower, and person puzzle and in what order?

I'm not doing any BS alien math so just tell me the answer.

what should i do with this new password to input in the chair at the library? j-05-03

*raises paw*

Why were there only 3 radical-6 syringes in the biolab, if team Q had 4 members?

Why did no one point out that there was a missing portrait in the secret room in ward Q?

How did Delta know what was going to happen in advance if he had no SHIFT powers?

Alien technology:^)

it's not working. so i need to round it down but how.

Well alright. Does it at least explain why I'm able to do so, considering Q doesn't know who/what Delta is or if he's even in that room, as far as the player knows?

Oh boy. Guess I gotta go through that one path again and write down the dang-ol' birthday. Thanks.

Shift everything down by 7 based on the figurine clues. Think about what it means to shift down though.

It'll all make sense eventually.

All these threads have sparked my interest, so I'll go ahead and ask: are the previous games worth playing or should I just start with this one?

Please look forward to it.

Because fuck you that's why

____________________GIT GUD ASSHOLE________________
IN that order.

Absolutely play the previous games first.

>should I start with the third game in a trilogy?
Lurk the fuck more, newfag.

Don't know what to do now. I've done Force Quit C and D. I just assumed Vive Hodie was the correct password for the box after hearing it, and was validated. But I don't know the password for Force Quit Q. For uncleared fragments, I think it's only that and 3-Way-Standoff which has two paths I haven't seen yet, though I could be missing something.

Probably hard to model so they just got rid of it

It's not a matter of whether to start with this one or not. You play the previous games regardless.
They're still good though so no worries.

Wait, is Payoff 2 the true ending? What a load of horseshit. Looks like I was stupid for expecting anything decent from Uchi.

God damnit Uchi

Yes they definitely are. They're way better than ZTD, easily.

Check the flow chart for any ! you can jump to.

I 100%'d the game and I don't think I ever figured these out. I remember seeing the "shift three things by 7" dolls, and I had the hint cards but I don't think I used them. What were they for again?

Give me the answer jackass


Fucking hell
The lack of 999 characters besides Junpei and Akane is what upsets me the most

First Question:
Q didn't put his hand on the pricker that did/did not infect you with radical 6

Second Question:
I don't know what you mean by this question, do you mean the room that "connects" the wards?

Third Question:
He reads the minds of SHIFTers. Therefore he knows what happens in other timelines despite not SHIFTing

For the first one, probably because Q is a robot

What, you don't enjoy sequel bait? :^)

How the fuck do i connect the numbers in the control room, following the poster isnt helping.

No1curr. Only 999 fags gave a shit.

The fact of no Kyle, no Santa, and no Left really kills the ending.
Which game ending did you like more?
I prefer VLR

More like I didn't enjoy the mother of all deus ex machinas, nor the fact that they broke the fourth wall in the second game but didn't follow up on it.

I can't find any. Last thing I did was C-Team Ending 1, where should I be looking?

It was for the codex you needed to solve which had 4 letters as a password. The given clue was HGFY or something like that and the figurines. You're supposed to shift them down accordingly to the figurine clues to get MIND

Reminder that the 3DS DRM thing is just a meme.

Did you execute all the teams with the voting game? On the side of the the Flow chart, there should be four circles. Are they all lit up?

is the one where they shift out of the place and talk to delta the last scene or are is there other hidden ones?

What? There were no deus ex machinas.

(You)'re watching the events from Delta's perspective.

Alright, thanks. I have a lot of spare time at work, so I'll get started on them.

I've only seen the last movie in the Lord of the Rings trilogy, how does that make you feel?

How the fuck is ALIEN TELERPORTER MACHINE, LOL I DON'T HAVE TO EXPLAIN SHIT not a deus ex machina?

The 2nd question, they mean why didn't Delta have a portrait on the wall and why did no-one notice?

I think it can easily be cleared up though by assuming it wasn't stated that every participant would be shown there, and they didn't know the portraits HAD to show every participant.

That's it. Such a letdown
Epilogue is in files however

>>I don't know what you mean by this question, do you mean the room that "connects" the wards?
I mean the room with the three way stand-off. The one that had caricatures of everyone as dolls.

>>He reads the minds of SHIFTers. Therefore he knows what happens in other timelines despite not SHIFTing
No one except the Phi, Sigma and possibly Akane from the VLR timeline Shifted back to a point before the Decision game, though. How comes he knows about what happens in the other timelines?

>phi is actually red head

quick, someone post that magazine edit with her hair colored orange like her eyebrows!

What if the let down of an ending is in fact the "anti piracy" they were talking about.
Jokes aside I'm seeing a lot of people saying the ending is a bit naff which bums me out.

Would you listen to Phi's album?

still, the fact he wasnt mentioned even in he slightest is retarded, youd think they would have at least asked why he wasnt included in the decision game etc etc

I just realized why there's the Roman numeral for 4 where 6 should be in the logo.

Delta is the true Participant 4
Akane is Participant 6 and Zero in the first game
Delta is Zero

>How comes he knows about what happens in the other timelines?
Sounds like a question that can only be answered by Uchi himself really.

They weren't, even though I did every vote. Thanks.

Where do you think we are?

Ok this fucking Rec Room is getting to my nerves. I have the Wooden Box/Fire Place coin, the Heart Puzzle coin, The Roulette coin and the Cards/Dice coin. Which am I missing? It has to do with the chess box, right? How do I interact with the chess box?

People compare this room to the Transporter Room, but the hieroglyphs were much more fun to decypher.

Also, do NOT go to Sup Forums. (I am very sad)

How the hell did you pass all the hard puzzles and get stuck on the fucking chess box.

Because I click it and nothing happens, that's how.

>(You)'re watching the events from Delta's perspective.

Then you would have known what Carlos planned when he cucked Junpei, as Delta clearly stated he knew all along.

So you're asking about How he knows that humanity will go extinct due to one fanatic?

Ask Uchi :^)

Didn't you shift those with the dolls that were on the desk though? What were the dolls behind the reinforced glass for?

27951. Use the machine to translate it to 4 card ayylmao runes. The symbols on the dial on the left are just digits. Wind = 0, Sun = 1, Moon = 2, etc.

what logo do you speak of, all the ones im looking of have 4 properly

I don't remember the solution, but this is the hard part of the room. You should easily be able to solve it yourself with this info. Moons are fucking hard, don't judge me.

Stop tunnel visioning and continue with the room. It'll make sense later.

Fuck you, Uchi.

AAAAH, of course. I had to use the Fire Hook a second time. No wonder it didn't leave the inventory.

He was mentioned several times actually. And Delta was a part of the decision game, under the guise of Q. No one from the other teams knew Sean was participating. Remember how Sigma didn't recognize him when he found Sean in the pod

But he still injects it into himself. Did no one stop to think "oh shit, we may have infected the cripple with this highly contagious virus with 10 minutes incubation time"?

Find a wooden hammer, use hammer to hit part of chessboard with a c on it. Solve ensuing puzzle.

In the safe you blow up with the grenade launcher, you get a note with a code for the chair. Inside the safe are three figurines indicating to shift down by 7. You're supposed to shift the code down by 7. This gets you a diagram for combining the different key parts that were really easy to figure out by yourself

Actually, he's mentioned quite a lot. You just don't realise that it's not Sean they're talking about.
Replaying the game with English VAs this time, so I'm picking up on a lot of those subtle hints.

I think I'm nearing the end of the game. Need to know what to do to continue.

Haven't done Q's force quit box, have no idea how. Have done the other two. Only have two open questions marks on my map. One is where Eric, Mila, Q are all pointing guns at each other. The other is me supposed to put in Zero's name...? I have no clue? I tried Brother... that didn't work. Am I supposed to be able to reason that out?

so many people seem to be having trouble because they don't realize they actually have to play through the voting multiple times and see all the results scenes. Just so everyone knows, do the following consecutively, and be sure to watch the scene detailing the aftermath:

1st (Team C Executed):
Play Team Q and vote for Team C
Play Team D and vote for Team C

2nd (Team Q Executed):
Play Team C and vote for Team Q
Play Team D and vote for Team Q

3rd (Team D Executed):
Play Team C and vote for Team D
Play Team Q and vote for Team D

4th (No One Executed):
Play Team C and vote for Team Q
Play Team Q and vote for Team D
Play Team D and vote for Team C

I liked it. It's wraps up more stuff than people are letting on.

I told you already here Although I made a type, Delta/Q/Zero did not touch the thing that injected you with FBR, a fourth needle was not needed.

I've done damn near everything, I have the entire flowchart filled except for the boxes. I don't remember the codes for any of them. Help a nigga out?

At the top left of your flowchart. Do you have all of three colored skulls lit up?

>I think it can easily be cleared up though by assuming it wasn't stated that every participant would be shown there, and they didn't know the portraits HAD to show every participant.

That's bullshit. A single passing comment of "wait, didn't they forget someone" would have been way more organic and would have actually hinted at the existence of a 10th member so it wouldn't come across as such a big asspull. They knew he was a participant. Fuck, he was the leader of their team, why didn't they find it suspicious?

Also, did they ever clarify what rule was broken that made Sean go apeshit in that other timeline?

Yeah, got it and holy shit, THIS is where they explain the order of the SPIN?

Yeah. I'm near the end of the game. Have all endings but two.