So I just finished Final Fantasy XIII-2. And I must say, to my surprise, it's a whole lot fucking better than XIII.
+Worlds are bigger and exploration is required (no more hallway simulator)
+Noel and Serah are way more likable characters than the entire FF XIII cast put together.
+Caius is a fantastic villain with a voice that just oozes sex.
+Actual character development
+A shit load of side content
+Amazingly catchy music (TIME AND SPACE TIME AND SPACE)
+Pokemon-like gameplay thrown into the mix
-Story is batshit insanely retarded and the ending is even more fucking stupid and made the entire game pretty much pointless
-The Time puzzle things are GOD FUCKING AWFUL. They were so tedious and really broke the momentum of the game. (Reminded me way too much of the Cloister of Trails in FF X)
-DLC out the ass (I know it's not necessary and you can play the game without it but if you want the FULL EXPERIENCE it's way too much shit to buy)
Overall, I give it a 7.5/10. A great improvement over XIII. Going to play Lightning Returns shortly. Hopefully it's just as good (I see Sup Forums circlejerks Lightning Returns a lot)