What does Sup Forums Thinks about this game?

What does Sup Forums Thinks about this game?

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medicore, shitty beth memes, not worth it on sale
poor multiplayer
fuck todd howard

Best FPS in years.

It's fun. I like playing it.

this desu

Best thing that happened to genre since bulletstorm.
Multiplayer is shit though but SP is godly, especially when you get stuff like siege mode railgun or turret minigun.

It's a tedious and repetitious Glory Killing fest in endless lock-down combat arena rooms, that are there to hide the very limited max enemy count on screen.

D4 is full of modern crap, the most annyoing being not only one, but THREE upgrade trees & level-up systems.

Plot and exposition isn't crammed down your throat, except when the game literally sit you down to watch a legit fucking cutscenes.

Enemies are totally not a threat thanks to the GKs, and Chainsaw being a 1-hit insta-kill tool that fully refills your ammo and HP.

It's a schizophrenic mess with severe identity crisises, which people now only THINK means "oldschool". Especially the MP is a prime example of this shit, and you're just delusional, low-standard moron to think that the SP would be either perfect, or ANYTHING like Doom.

Does regular Nightmare mode force you to start every chapter over on death or are the normal checkpoints working as on the easier diffuculties?

Multiplayer is pretty underwhelming but Single Player is fucking 10/10.

Except when I got stuck in a classic level (locked in the automap screen), had to Alt+F4 my way out, and lost all my fucking collectible progress.

lmao sit down nu Sup Forums

they work just like before.
The only thing it changes is the enemies' damage input, as in you die in a few hits now.

>ha ha time to parrot lies on Sup Forums :D

It's pretty fun, but I don't like single player FPS. I'll probably get it when it goes on sale for like $10

Best FPS campaign of the past decade

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Fun, but forgettable due to boring level design.

I think it's a great game that I would love to buy. But I can't stand the idea of having Denuvo on my computer so I don't want to install it.

I'm at the final boss, and got a bug where it's in dev mode now. Achievements are blocked, and it refuses to load the game, so I can't beat it. I've also had more crashes than when I played New Vegas and saints row 2 combined. I like it, but it gets repetitive

Overrated, most enemies in are in the shitty lockdown sequences and there is a point of no return every 3 minutes. Glory kills are fucking gay but people defend them by saying they leave you open or they're fast and blend into the gameplay, well which one is it jackass.

you've either never played the game, or you're a literal Zenimax shill.

Either way, I thought you fags had already left the net

Did you play Wolfenstein? If so, what are your thoughts on it? I really want a good arcadey FPS and since they are both on sale I'm trying to decide which one I want.

Go suck Marty's dick

Make a thread about it.

It's a pretty good shooter. That's about it. It's not the GLORIOUS RETURN TO 90s SHOOTERS everyone hypes it up to be, it's not THE BEST SHOOTER CAMPAIGN OF THE LAST DECADE, it's not any of that. Glory kills are a shitty mechanic, the level design is pretty good, but the path through them is very linear since you just go from combat room to combat room. The upgrade system is stupid and should not exist, because it slows the game down and encourages you to look for secrets to get upgrade points, which is fucking boring since combat only happens in a few designated areas and you end up just wandering around an empty map for 15 minutes.

All that said though, the actual combat itself is very fun, it's fast paced, it looks good, runs good, sounds great, and is overall a very enjoyable fps.

So yeah, it's pretty good.

>Except when I got stuck in a classic level (locked in the automap screen), had to Alt+F4 my way out, and lost all my fucking collectible progress.

Press Enter

Wolf:TNO is a good game but it's faaaar from arcadey.

In fact there's a LOT of plot and cutscenes and just walking around talking to people. There's even a safehouse you go to in between missions where you do nothing but wander around chatting people up.

If you just want to shoot shit get Doom.

it's even worse.
It's slow, tries to be serious, and has tons of cinematics.

Literally no reason to play it over classic Doom

It's okay.

I like the idea of pinata enemies but killing an easy imp/zombie when you're at low health to get half your life back takes the piss out of the challenge though. They need to tweak the risk/reward system a bit. Upgrades make the game pretty easy although weapon mods are fun.

>I really want a good arcadey FPS
get Serious Sam 3:BFE + its DLC then.

Enjoy fighting kazillion enemies at once, with short cutscenes only between levels at best. It also started as a pure PC exclusive, so it's very mustard-race packed.

it's also total blast in co-op.

>the level design is pretty good, but the path through them is very linear since you just go from combat room to combat room.

I don't think you played the game. From the Foundry (Level 3 I think?) onwards the game opens up and even allows you to tackle objectives in the order you so choose for a couple of maps. Once 3 keycards/skull keys are introduced, pretty much every level has interesting detours and even hidden fights you'd otherwise miss if you just rushed to the end of the level. The only really linear post-Foundry level are VEGA processing and Titan's Realm

it gives me nausea and headaches

the way the camera moves about so rapidly when you melee attack is so jarring and enemies seemingly teleport to different parts of the shitty little arenas

Bullshit. Even in foundry, you have to find the keycards in order because they're lcoked behind doors of other colors sequentially. Even the levels you can do the objectives in any order still have one very clear developer intended path, and you'd have to go out of your way for no reason just to backtrack later to do it another way.

What you you consider to be the "best shooter campaign of the decade" then?

>Plot and exposition isn't crammed down your throat, except when the game literally sit you down to watch a legit fucking cutscenes.

That only happens TWICE in the game - when Samuel gives you the first upgrade thingy and later at his office. Both considered together are MAYBE 2 minutes long - Out of a 10+ hours campaign. Not much of a problem there

Everything else you can walk away from

>Enemies are totally not a threat thanks to the GKs, and Chainsaw being a 1-hit insta-kill tool that fully refills your ammo and HP.

GKs only work on enemies very nearly dead, not sure what you mean by them removing their threat. Chainsaw is heavily limited and anything from a Pinky onwards will cost 4 fuel to saw (out of a max 6 you can carry) so it's basically a last ditch weapon (or to refill ammo once or twice a level)

>Even in foundry, you have to find the keycards in order because they're lcoked behind doors of other colors sequentially. Even the levels you can do the objectives in any order still have one very clear developer intended path, and you'd have to go out of your way for no reason just to backtrack later to do it another way.

Well, what were you expecting? Classic Doom levels also have an "intended way" to the exit. The side roads are mostly to find secrets, ammo, and more enemies to kill. Always been like that

Daily betheshill thread. It is fucking terrible, it is dogshit, it is excrement. Fuck off, no one will buy your shit console game trash.

It's too popular to like. I just hope people forget about it in about ten years so I can enjoy it.

>mad cuz can't pirate
>pretend to have played it to shit on it on Sup Forums

Sure whatever.

Epic deflection my good friend

>this is his only defense
lol so mad

>poster count doesn't go up

Fuck off, shill.

>le goldman shitposter

>game is universally well-received
>already had over 500k sales on Steam alone and at fullprice (before the sale)

There's nothing to "defend" here. People who claim it's shit are a very very small minority and have very obviously failed to negatively impact its positive reception

holy fuck what

So Fallout 4 and Skyrim are better than Doom 4?

Not even the same genre. I'm guessing they're at least competent modern CRPGs if they're as well-received

>I'm guessing they're at least competent modern CRPGs if they're as well-received
Oh boy, can't wait for you to play Fallout 4 and discover the truth.

This Bakelite designer semper.

t. Betheshill

Greetings, Todd.

Bulletstorm was a great fps m8


shit level design
stupid fucking upgrade system
press x to kill cinematics

put it in the garbage

Everything cliffy b touches is gold

Rip and Tear/10

its shit

can't pirate it

>press x to kill cinematics
R3 2bh

Its good potential was ruined by consoles holding it back. The locked rooms, the enemy counts, vanishing bodies, and way the game handles is all a product of the limitations of console hardware. If this game was actually made with PC in mind it wouldn't be so limited. It's basically a console kiddies doom.

Not to mention regardless of upgrades, at no point should you EVER BE RELIANT ON MELEE KILLS for health or ammo. Nor should your guns be balanced around upgrades, the guns themselves should be balanced. The game is balanced around the upgrades, that is NOT doom.

incoming ayzenberg marketing agency damage control.

Speaking of which, is the PC version different as in bash, meme kill, and interact aren't the same fucking button?

Its been fun so far but I got to the argent tower level and when It starts I have 0 health, I'm in third person, I have no head, I can't move but I can melee things for some stupid reason. So I can't continue I heard people say that you have to make a new save which bums me out, I was planning on replaying levels anyways but I hate being forced to do it as the only way to progress.

Such incredible horseshit from a bitter little cunt.

Bash and meme kill are the same, but I used F for interact.

Hello developer, are you mad that I can point out factual problems in your consolized crap pile? You shouldn't be catering to console children first in a series that started on a PC.

>achievement for killing cyberdemon is called shoot it until it dies
>the last thing you do to kill it isn't shoot it

It's a good looking game.
It's a fun, quick-fix game.
It's a game that I like the lore of.

>It's basically a console kiddies doom.

Doom 64 turned out amazing and that's N64-only

My initial reaction is "not very good." I was expecting arcade gameplay like the original doom, instead I got Doom 3 but with faster gameplay. Also I hate the open world and Metroid Prime map system. I was expecting tight corridors or bullrings like the original doom. It looks like I'll probably beat it and then never play it again. The ammo/chainsaw system is pretty dumb too.

>Also I hate the open world and Metroid Prime map system. I was expecting tight corridors or bullrings like the original doom.

Keep playing. There are MANY techbase levels

Alright I look forward to that then. Can't wait to see some pinkies too

You'll probably be surprised at how powerful they are in this (if you're playing on UV or higher). They are more dangerous thank Hellknights and NOT cannon fodder

way to easy who ever decide to make pistols have unlimited ammo should be shot it made it so easy.

>dat OST


Good job playing on "Don't Hurt Me!", dweeb.

Fuck meant to paste this one:


>Also I hate the open world and Metroid Prime map system
It's nice to know few people think like this while the rest of the world sees how linear this shit game really is.

>Doom 3 but with faster gameplay
You haven't played Doom 3 recently, have you?

I meant in regards to how fucking dark it is. Maybe I fucked up the gamma in the beginning. Oh and the environments are almost identical to Doom 3's. At least in the beginning, I need to play some more.

Sounds pretty forgettable desu

>tfw the hardest part of Hell is seeing the enemies blending into the environment

>there's an entire room full of monsters
>charge siege mode of railgun
>there's no monsters in the room at all anymore

God father of edgy games, worst fan base. Why is everything Doom so shit?

>Gauss Cannon with maxed Rich Get Richer rune

Shit b8 senpai

>Baaawww i want the same game they released in 93!!!!
>Innovation and trying something new is baaad!!!!
>Give me back my Cawadoodie tacticool hand-holdy shooter!!

Pretty good actually.

I liked it. One of the better FPS's in recent times.

Fucking love it, know the multiplayer is shit but I don't play Doom for that, save good multiplayer for a decent Quake reboot, hope that one announced isn't a class-based shooter.

>lets take the wheel and add a bunch of useless shit to it! look how innovative we are!

It's great. Multiplayer is mediocre but the single player is the best a shooter has had in over a decade. Snap Map is weak but should be much better once the add-ons release. Still the best goty so far. It's not quite as good as the first two games or 64, but it's much better than 3 and especially the shitshow that was Final.

>Lets take the wheel and make it look fancy and reinforce it with steel so it's more solid than that rickety old moldy wooden wheel we have all used for 25 years.

Believe it or not, the devs would have probably got shit on if they hadn't done this. If not by the press than by their own management.
Yes, Doom doesn't need unlockable/tiered perks, talents and weapon upgrades, but this is what is considered industry standard for a video game today. It's sad but true and plenty of consumers eat that shit up like candy.

>Doom 3 comes out
>Not quite Doom, a lot of complaints, nonetheless most people feel it's an alright game despite the constant darkness/trying too hard to be a horror game
>Doom 2016 comes out
>Blows Doom 3 out of the water in every aspect, revives the pace of Doom shootouts and exploration, even reloading was taken out
>"It's fucking shit :^)"

There's just no pleasing these fags

What did Doom add in terms of gameplay that is useless?

The original "wheel" was solid as fuck and still works perfectly. I'm all for most of the additions the new game made but let's not pretend the old games are suddenly bad.

>meme kills, muh upgrades, and points of no return = reinforcing the wheel and making it more solid

>I hate fun

Yes, yes you do

No YOU do, s-stupid!

It's fun. Playing through it on the highest difficulty right now and it's appropriately challenging, with enemies actually being threats. One of my favourite things about the game is how Imps and Hell Knights are actually lightning fast, with Imps darting about and lobbing fireballs on the run.
Between Doomguy's speed and the supplies given to you in each level, there's little reason to actually use Glory Kills at all, especially since they only seem to give back health. Good for me because I don't like the concept of glory kills at all.

It's funny that you happen to post the picture of why DOOM and id became shit in the first place. Carmack ruined everything and now new people came and made a fucking GAME that was actually FUN

>they only seem to give back health
You can get the rune which gives armor from glory kills, the one which decreases the damage you have to deal to "stagger" enemies and finally the glory kill range rune,

Have fun being unstoppable.